CO2排出権 必要削減量の半分取得 年9000万トン 国内企業、活用進む 目標達成なお厳しく
The carbon dioxide emission rights that domestic companies have got through the greenhouse gases reduction businesses overseas, according to souces,have come to be almost 900 milion metric tons per year.This volume is equivalent to half the amount that Japan is required to cut between 2008 through 2012 under the agreement by the Kyoto Protocol.In these circumstances,in the industrial and energy sectors is attaining the goal likely possible.But as a whole of Japan,reaching the goal of the 6% reduction could not be said to be easy yet.
The carbon dioxide emission rights that domestic companies have got through the greenhouse gases reduction businesses overseas, according to souces,have come to be almost 900 milion metric tons per year.This volume is equivalent to half the amount that Japan is required to cut between 2008 through 2012 under the agreement by the Kyoto Protocol.In these circumstances,in the industrial and energy sectors is attaining the goal likely possible.But as a whole of Japan,reaching the goal of the 6% reduction could not be said to be easy yet.