車用鋼板 海外生産倍増へ 世界シェア 日本勢4割に JFE,独大手委託 住金、印タタと提携
According to some sources, Japanese steelmakers" overseas production of steels, which are exclusively used for vehicles, is expected to double in three years.Looking into the plans by company,firstly,JFE Steel Corporation will soon begin the new-schemed production which is consigned to a German major steelmaker,and secondly, Sumitomo Metal Industries will have tie-ups with Tata Steel in India in technological and production fields within the year.And Nippon Steel also strengthens the capability of its five existing overseas production sites.It is said that these efforts will lead to the Japanese companies' global share's increasing to about 40 % in the near future.
参考:第二番目のセンテンス、looking から始まる文章は口語的な調子で、最近読んだ「データで見る日本」の影響を受けていることを感じます。また影響を受けるように身を任せているのでもあります。ところで、そこにby company が出てきますが、by は、「毎に」の場合に使える前置詞で、この場合、単数で、冠詞も何もつけないのがルールのようです。国ごとだと、by country, 地域ごとだと、by area, by region,名前ごとには by name,性別にはby gender といった具合です。
According to some sources, Japanese steelmakers" overseas production of steels, which are exclusively used for vehicles, is expected to double in three years.Looking into the plans by company,firstly,JFE Steel Corporation will soon begin the new-schemed production which is consigned to a German major steelmaker,and secondly, Sumitomo Metal Industries will have tie-ups with Tata Steel in India in technological and production fields within the year.And Nippon Steel also strengthens the capability of its five existing overseas production sites.It is said that these efforts will lead to the Japanese companies' global share's increasing to about 40 % in the near future.
参考:第二番目のセンテンス、looking から始まる文章は口語的な調子で、最近読んだ「データで見る日本」の影響を受けていることを感じます。また影響を受けるように身を任せているのでもあります。ところで、そこにby company が出てきますが、by は、「毎に」の場合に使える前置詞で、この場合、単数で、冠詞も何もつけないのがルールのようです。国ごとだと、by country, 地域ごとだと、by area, by region,名前ごとには by name,性別にはby gender といった具合です。