from today's Nikkei

2007年10月12日 15時35分25秒 | 新聞記事から
独立行政法人 隠れ損失6000億円 昨年3月末本社調べ 減価償却を特例処理財政負担発生の恐れも
According to a survey by The Nihon Keizai Shimbun, it is learned that as of the end of March,2006,independent administrative agencies had a total amount of some 600 billion yen of the so-called hidden losses besides deferred losses.This is because they have their own original accounting methods different from those adopted in private sector's ordinary firms.Under current method they don't regard depreciation of their equipment or buildings as expenses, although private sector's firms do so.Combined together with deferred losses,the amount of this kind of losses will be as much as 2.2 trillion yen.In the future,we cannot say,there is no possibility that the government has to shoulder the burden of them.
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