消費税最大2.5%上げ必要 名目成長2.2%に低下なら 内閣府試算、諮問会議が了承 11年度黒字化で
The government's Council on Ecomomic and Fiscal Policy met on Wednesday and discussed how to attain the surplus of the primary balance by the fiscal year 2011.There,it endorsed the estimate by the Cabinet Office that
when the presumption of nominal economic growth is changed from 3.0% to 2.2%,another tax increase of up to 6.6 trillion yen is needed.This amount of tax increase would be 2.5 % increase of consumption tax.
The government's Council on Ecomomic and Fiscal Policy met on Wednesday and discussed how to attain the surplus of the primary balance by the fiscal year 2011.There,it endorsed the estimate by the Cabinet Office that
when the presumption of nominal economic growth is changed from 3.0% to 2.2%,another tax increase of up to 6.6 trillion yen is needed.This amount of tax increase would be 2.5 % increase of consumption tax.