from today's Nikkei

2007年10月22日 12時07分33秒 | 新聞記事から
道路財源の揮発油税 全額一般財源化先送り 政府・与党方針 暫定税率を維持 安部政権の方針から後退

The government and ruling parties have decided on Sunday to postpone making all the volatile oil tax included in to the revenue of general budget, which is expected to be implemented from next fiscal year,regarding the revision of the road-related specific tax revenues, which has been the focal point in the next fiscal year's budget.This is because strong oppositions came from local governments and some business circles.So,they decided that only surplus amount of tax exceeding the expenses for road maintenance and repairs will be included into the revenue in the general budget, and also,the current interim tax rate is not changed.Since the former prime minister Shinzo Abe instructed the government satff late last year to radically revise such kind tax system, therefore it can't be helped people have an impression that the government has significantly drawed back from the policy at the Abe administration.
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from Sunday's Nikkei

2007年10月22日 11時46分53秒 | 新聞記事から
「景気拡大」なお8割 前回比8ポイント低下 サブプライムなど警戒も 業界再編、9割が「評価」

Accrding to the results of the survey conducted and compiled by The Nihon Keizai Shimbun, titled "Questionnaire to Presidents,a Hundred presons," 79% of respondents say "economy is now expanding."The figure is down 8 percentage points from the previous survey done in August, and declined below the 80 % level for the first time in two and a half years.The survey shows also that there are many respondents who concerns about U.S. economy's setback due to the subprime loan problems. Nevertheless, most respondents, more than 90 %,evaluate the current business situation where business realignments,such as recenr Kirin Holdings' bid to absorb Kyowa Hakkou,has been going on.
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from Saturday's Nikkei

2007年10月22日 11時00分09秒 | 新聞記事から
新興国開拓で収益拡大 トラック・建機・商社 業績上方修正へ 需要活発、日米市場補う
Companies capitalizing on growing demand in the developing countries have been expanding their earnings. For example,in the truck vehicle selling sector, Hino Motors and Isuzu Motors are likely to record more incomes than those projected at the beginning of the business term in this business term through the end of next March, because their brisk sales results in the markets of the Latin America and Asia are making for sluggish sales in Japanese and U.S. In major trading companies and some construction machinery companies also,strong demand in developing countries is boosting their incomes.Amidst concern about U.S. economy, only compnies that are able to enhance their overseas sales ratio to the total centering in developing coutries are expected to get a high growth.
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