from today's Nikkei

2007年10月23日 09時59分04秒 | 新聞記事から
日立、パソコン生産撤退 家庭用も開発停止 採算性確保難しく 寡占化、国内再編迫る

Hitachi,Ltd. has decided to completely draw back from the production of PCs.Already it has consigned U.S. Hewlett-Packard Company to manufacture its industrial-use Pcs. And this time it is to stop manufacturing and developing household-use PCs.In the midst that oligopoly has been proceeding in the IT(information technology) market bythe influence of the majors in the West and Asia,domestic makers,which have been continueing their excessive competition, have come to the situation where most of them can no longer secure the profitability.With Hitachi's withdrawal of its PCs business following the Sanyo's withdrawal of its cellular phone business,it is likely that business alignment among domestic major electronics makers will surely get momentum.
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