from Sunday's Nikkei

2007年10月15日 11時44分42秒 | 新聞記事から
談合自主申告 課徴金減免制度を拡充 独禁法改正公取委方針 5社程度まで対象 系列企業は1社扱い

The Fair Trade Commission has started to proceed in the direction of revising the current system of the so-called "voluntary declaration" of illegal activities against the Antimonoploly Law, such as bid-rigings.The scope adapted to "the fine-reducing system "where if companies voluntarily confess their unfair activities,the fine should be reduced will likely be expanded.A the same time ,the number of companies which are allowed to reduce their fines will be changed from the current three from the first to five or so from the first.Affiliated comapnies will be counted as one even if such ones are plurally included.
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from Saturday's Nikkei

2007年10月15日 11時02分46秒 | 新聞記事から
日鉱・三井金属 銅鉱山開発2000億円投資 ペルー チリ 国内消費の3割確保 世界で争奪 電機・車に安定供給

According to sources,Nikko Mining & Metals Co.,Ltd. and Mitsui Mining & Smelting Co.,Ltd. likely will jointly develop copper mines in the two coutries of Peru and Chile in South America.By 2011 they will invest a total amount of some 200 billion yen in two mines there,expecting an annual production of some 250,000 metric tons of ore, which would be one of the largest ever projects exploited by domestic companies of non-ferrous resources.Copper is the key material for electronics products and competition for securing it has been increasingly intense in the global market. The deal of the two companies will lead to securing some 30 % of domestic consumption and providing a stable supply of copper for the electric machinery and car industries.
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