from today's Nikkei

2007年10月02日 11時42分17秒 | 新聞記事から
KDDI 携帯電話通話料3割下げ 新体系を来月追加 端末は2万円高 利用者の不公平感是正 ドコモも追随
According to souces, KDDI Corporation has decided to introduce a new charge system where communication fee will be reduced while instead handset prices will be raised,from November.Specifically, in a general standard-typed charge plan, while they raise the handset selling price by about 20,000 yen, they reduce the current communication fee of 14 yen per 30 seconds by about 30%. Mobile communication operators have conventionally hold the policy that they reduce their hanset selling prices by pouring incentive money for their sales agents.Then they afterward collect the amonut of the money,which would be equal to the reduction,by setting higher the commnication fee,which might have been cheaper. But this method means disadvantage for long-time users of a handset,as pointed out by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications. So this deal by KDDI is aimed to dissolve the sense of disparity among mobile phone users. And NTT DoCoMo will the suit.

参考:単数、複数の議論で言うなら、for long-time users of a handset という場合、long-time userは複数でもいいわけです。しかし各人は普通1個の携帯端末を持つので handestは単数と考えたわけです。long-time userをa long-time userと単数で表現してかつ全体を意味する表現の手もある。
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