from today's Nikkei

2008年10月23日 09時20分12秒 | 新聞記事から
追加経済対策 中小企業支援へ時限減税 直接的な財政負担 5兆円軸に調整 きょう与党原案 財源は「埋蔵金」活用

The ruling parties have been discussing the additional economic measures to cope with the depressed economy. And its outline was made clear Wednesday.They include a temporary reduction of the corporate tax rates in order to support the small and mid-sized companies facing difficulty in their business operation due to the aftermath of the worldwide financial crisis.In terms of the direct budgetary burden of the government,they are discussing the level,which is centerting around 5 trillion yen.As to the source,they are thinking of " buried treasure" like the reserve in the special accounting for fiscal investment and loan program.
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from today's Nikkei

2008年10月22日 09時36分38秒 | 新聞記事から
新銀行東京 都の追加出資棄損へ 金融庁検査 結果を通知 引き当て不足100億円 顧客情報遺漏で処分も

It is likely that some of 40 billion yen additionally invested in April this year by the Tokyo metropolitan government to Shinginko Tokyo,Limited( based on Shinjyuku Ward,Tokyo),which is now facing difficulty in its business operation,would be in vain,in the business term through March,2009. The Financial Services Agency likey pointed out in its October 21st notification to the Tokyo metropolitan government that there is shortage of allowance of the about 10 billion yen level for bad loans.

Amnother problem is leakage of the customers' information from the bank.The Financial Services Agency also is aware of this fact and has got the evidences.If it is recognized that the bank significantly lacks in its customers'inforomation security management,administrative sanction like administrative improvement order may be issued to the bank.

注:「棄損」というのがどういう意味かよくわからないので、in vain でごまかした。in vain でまちがいはないのでしょうが、どのようにin vain なのかがわからない。これは特殊な会計用語のようである。
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from today's Nikkei

2008年10月21日 08時34分29秒 | 新聞記事から
JEF、東南アジアに高炉 長期成長見込み 12年稼動目標 5000億円を投資 ベトナムなど候補地

JFE Steel Corporation has decided to build a blast furnace where they will make the blister steel from the iron ore in a Southeast Asian country.The candidate countries are now Vietnam, Thailand and the Philippines. Among them,one is finally chosen and the construction site is decided.The expected amount of investment is around 500 bilion yen.The operation start is in 2012 in the earliest case.While there is a concern that the world's steel demand will be declining due to the U.S. financial crisis, it is expected that the demand in Asia will expand in the mi-term and long-term prespectives.The decision of JFE this time was likely to be done after taking these circumstances into consideration.

注:名詞の内容をofで修飾するかthat で修飾するかの問題がよくあるわけです。今日の例で言えば、「世界の鉄鋼需要が減る懸念がある」という表現で、a concern をthat 節で修飾しています。of で修飾するなら、of the world's steel demand's declining due to the U.S. financial crisis 等といえますが、とにかくof 以下が長いので、こうした場合はthatのほうがいい。簡単に言える場合はofで、複雑な場合はthat節で主語、述語を使って完全な文章であらわす、ということになるでしょう。間違い、正しいの問題ではありません。どちらも、まともな英語です。ただ、どちらが、more natural かの問題である。
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from today's Nikkei

2008年10月20日 14時11分43秒 | 新聞記事から
大卒内定5年ぶり減 来春1.4%マイナス 銀行・電機は強気 本社調査 2010年春の採用 7.6%が「減らす」

According to a survey by The Nihon Keizai Shimbun on the employment condition in fiscal 2009,the number of college graduates unofficially decided to be empolyed by major companies,who are to enter the company next spring, was down 1.4% from the number of college graduates who took a job this spring,which marked a minus after a five-year interval.But,in the industries of electrical machinery and automobile, positive attitudes are kept. In terms of manufacturing industries combined,the number of employment of college graduates has been on the increase for five years in a row.Affected by the current financial crisis, 7.6% of all respondents relpyed they will reduce the number of employment of the young who join the company in the spring of 2010.
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from today's Nikkei

2008年10月18日 09時46分10秒 | 新聞記事から
新興国 外貨準備が一転減少 金融危機でマネー流出 通貨防衛ドル売り 日本、ユーロで微減

According to sources, in developing coutries and others foreign currency resreves have turned to decrease from the increase trend which was seen until the end of the first half of this year. Among the top ten countries and areas in the world in terms of the balance of foreign curency reserves,Russia's balance decreased by 11% comapred to the August,2008 peak,which is the largest decrease.In the eight countries and areas like South Korea,Brazil,and Japan also,there was some decrease. The main reason is that investment fund money flowed out of developing countries and areas due to the financial crisis which baegan in the U.S., and such developing coutries and areas had to intervene in their own foreign exchange markets by selling the dollar and buyin their own currencies in order to protect their own currencies against the turbulence.Japan's balance of foreign currency reserves also decreased slightly because of the recent weaker euro.
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