from today's Nikkei

2008年10月17日 12時42分09秒 | 新聞記事から
日米欧 時価会計一部凍結へ 金融危機封じへ非常手段 評価損見送り 証券化商品など可能

In the countries of Japan and the U.S. and in the Europe,they have simultaneously started to deliberate on freezing some of the adaptation of market-value accounting to financial instruments such as securitized instruments and bonds that financial institutions and other companies have.
This is one of the emergency maesures aimed at melting down the financial crisis.In Japan, on thursday,a private organization Accounting Standards Board of Japan decided starting the work for expanding the non-covered area by market-value accounting. Postponement of appraisal losses of securitized instruments and others would be possible.
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from today's Nikkei

2008年10月16日 09時36分13秒 | 新聞記事から
欧州中銀 域外の金融安定化支援 スイス通貨を供給 デンマーク ユーロ参加検討

The European Central Bank announced on October 15th an additional measure to help European financial markets (to) be stabilized.The measure includes supplying Swsiss-franc-based funds in the euro zone countries in order to curb the soaring of the short-term interest rates based on Swiss franc.Because economic and money confusion caused by the financial crisis has spread over to small and mid-sized countries outside the euro zone,the measure this time is aimed at stabilizing financial markets all over the European countries.In these circumstances, Denmark has expressed its wish to enter into the euro currency block.

注:最後の所は最初、its wish to join the euro currency systemとしていたが、上の通り変更しました。ところで、enter という動詞は①enter+目的語の形で使う場合と、②enter into +目的語の形で使う場合の二つがあります。①は物理的に部屋へ入るとかの場合に使う。②は抽象的な使い方で、agreement とかnegotiation とかに入る場合に使う。
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from today's Nikkei

2008年10月15日 09時05分20秒 | 新聞記事から
公的資金 米、まず大手9行に注入 大統領対策発表 年内、全体で25兆円 銀行間取引保証 当座預金を全額保護

U.S. President George W.Bush announced Teesday the plan that the government will spend as much as 250 billion dollars (25 trillion yen) of the 700 billion dollars bailout fund program recently passed by Congress, within the year, to nine major banks.The major banks include Citigroup Inc.,Morgan Stanley,and Bank of America Corp.And the plan includes the way for the government to insure the loans that banks make to each other.all of the checking account deposits also will be protected.

注目点:本日の英語で注目してもらいたい点があります。数量表現についてです。まず、as much as 250 billion dollarsはas much asをつけなくてもいいのですが、それをつけると、「・・・ほどもある」という多いという意味を付与できます。次にこの250 billion dallars は先に議会を通過した救済案の700 b illion dallars fund program で言われた700 billion dallars の中での250 billion dallars なのです。その意味を表現するためにof が使われています。
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from yesterday's Yomiuri

2008年10月14日 15時25分16秒 | 新聞記事から
This is a holiday for nationwide-published newspapers.So,I will pick up a piece of news from the yesterday's Yomiuri Shimbun.

米、北のテロ支援国指定解除 発表の30分前に通告 政府「予想外」衝撃

The United States of America on October 10 removed DPRK from its list of nations sponsoring terrorism,after it reached an agreemenmt with the country on the measures to verify Pyongyang's nuclear activities.The notification to Japan by the U.S. on the issue was implemented only half an hour before Washington's announcement.Japanese government officials are  all shocked by this action of the United States as a thing unexpected.

①nations sponsoring terrorism(複数)
②a state sponsor of terrorism(単数)
③terrorist-sponsoring nations(複数)
等がある。①は現在分詞sponsoringがnations を後置修飾している。②は名詞、名詞と並べて、名詞を作っている。③は複合語の形容詞を、目的語+現在分詞の形で作っている。
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from yesterday's Nikkei

2008年10月13日 21時50分41秒 | 新聞記事から
公的資金注入でG7協調 金融安定へ行動計画 大手銀の破綻回避「断固たる対応」

G-7 meeting of finance ministers and central bank governors from the countries in Japan,the U.S. and the Europe made an announcement of an unusual action plan involving five items such as capital reinforcement(increase,enhancement) of financial institutions by public funds on the 10th evening (on the 11th morning in Japan Standard Time),and closed its session.The document cited that current situation needs an emergency and exceptional action.All participants agreed to the opinion that they will decisively(firmly,resolutely) take all possible measures for preventing major banks from going bankrupt.
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