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Goto Oosezaki Todai
◆2018年5月1日 長崎空港に夜8時半ごろ到着し、友人と合流してジャンボタクシーに乗って佐世保へ行く。
◆2018年5月2日 はとこが港に迎えに来てくれ、ゲストハウスカナンまで送ってくれる。荷物を置いて、ドライブ開始。
◆2018年5月3日 武家屋敷通り、五島観光歴史資料館、鬼岳、鐙瀬溶岩海岸、香珠子海水浴場、大浜海水浴場、さんさん富江、など。
◆2018年5月4日 五島最終日。朝、石田城の周りをジョギング。はとこに港まで送ってもらい、高速船で佐世保へ。佐世保到着後、
◆2018年5月5日 8時半発福岡行の高速バスで福岡へ。天神で降りて、カナルシティーまで歩く。カナルシティーの中のラーメンスタジアムでラーメンを食べる。3時15分発東京行きの飛行機で東京に戻る。
五島のゲストハウス カナン https://www.goto-guesthousecanan.com/
五島のカフェ たゆたう。http://tayutau510.blog.fc2.com/
五島のかんころ餅 真鳥餅店 http://yokamochi.com/page0103.html
カナルシティ博多のラースタ(ラーメンスタジアム) https://canalcity.co.jp/ra_sta/
I went to Goto islands.
I will write about this journy.
2018/05/01 by jet from Tokyo to Nagasaki, arrived Nagasaki airport about pm 8:30.
I met my friend at airport and we got on a jumbo taxi to Sasebo.
We slept at my mother's house, and next morning, got on the boat to Fukue port.
2018/05/02 My cousin picked us at port, and send us to Guest House Cannan.
We left our stuffs there and started to drive.
At first we took a lunch at Tayutau.
We went to Dosaki church, Hantomari church,
2018/05/03 Bukeyashiki dori, Goto kanko histry museum, Onidake, Abunze beach, Kojushi beach, Ohama beach, Sansan Tomie, Tarogashima beach, Jihongai, Arakawa onsen, Osezaki Todai
2018/05/04 Boat to Sasebo port 13:30
Walking in Sasebo city, slept at my mother's house
2018/05/05 We got on a bus for Fukuoka, ate Hakata ramen in Ramen studium at Hakata canal city.
Went back to Tokyo by jet pm 3:15.
Goto guest house canan https://www.goto-guesthousecanan.com/
※ The room is very clean, and confortable. Orner madam's handmade bread is good! We can communicate other guests in public space.
Goto cafe Tayutau. http://tayutau510.blog.fc2.com/
※Delicious meals, we can spend nice time there. There is a corner selling faire trade's clothes.
Goto Trattoria Uscita https://www.tripadvisor.jp/ShowUserReviews-g1022848-d13009934-r577861671-Trattoria_Uscita-Goto_Goto_retto_Nagasaki_Prefecture_Kyushu_Okinawa.html
※Reasonable good Italian dishes. Not only dishes are good, but also deserts are so good!
Goto Kankoro mochi shop Matori Mochi ten http://yokamochi.com/page0103.html
※I never had tasted another Kankoromochi, only my aunts's handmade one, but this shop's mochi is soooo good!
Hakata canal city Ramen studium https://canalcity.co.jp/ra_sta/