Reader's Digest、5月号に掲載の記事 "My Brother, My Kidney"、腎臓を兄弟に移植した話からです。
And when we do see one another, we talk about anything but the operation. I'm just happy to see him hale and hearty and enjoy watching him holding court with his ribald anecdotes in the company of friends.
"holding court" は慣用句の様な気がしますがどんな意味でしょうか? 辞書を見ます。
・Merriam-Webster's Online Dictionary: to be the center of attention among friends or admirers
・ to be surrounded by one's disciples or admirers, giving advice, exchanging gossip, receiving compliments, etc.
・Cambridge Advanced Learner's English Dictionary: mainly humorous to receive a lot of attention from other people who stand or sit round you to listen, especially on a social occasion; Patrick is holding court at the end table.
"hold court" できる人は確かにいますね。 "wallflower" の正反対の人ですね。
And when we do see one another, we talk about anything but the operation. I'm just happy to see him hale and hearty and enjoy watching him holding court with his ribald anecdotes in the company of friends.
"holding court" は慣用句の様な気がしますがどんな意味でしょうか? 辞書を見ます。
・Merriam-Webster's Online Dictionary: to be the center of attention among friends or admirers
・ to be surrounded by one's disciples or admirers, giving advice, exchanging gossip, receiving compliments, etc.
・Cambridge Advanced Learner's English Dictionary: mainly humorous to receive a lot of attention from other people who stand or sit round you to listen, especially on a social occasion; Patrick is holding court at the end table.
"hold court" できる人は確かにいますね。 "wallflower" の正反対の人ですね。