ASJの6月例会は都合が悪く欠席しましたが、送られてきた会報でDr. Robert Eldridgeによる講演 "The Okinawa Reversion Agreement and the Handling of the Senkaku Islands Issue" の要約を読みましたが、その中に幾つか覚えたい表現、単語がありました。
Inoue argued that the Senkakus belonged to China, and was taken to task by Okuhara; nevertheless his view that the islands belong to China, where they are called the Diaoyutai, is still held, particularly by Chinese writers and government leaders, and even by some international scholars.
"was taken to task" は受動態ですが、原形は "take to task" と言う慣用句がある様な気がするので辞書で調べます。
・ censure severely or angrily: I have been taken to task for these words.
・Oxford English Dictionary: take someone to task: reprimand or criticize someone severely for a fault or mistake: He took some military experts to task for their optimistic predictions.
・Infoplease: to call to account; blame; censure: The teacher took them to task for not doing their homework.
推測通り "take someone to task" と言う慣用句ですね。
Inoue argued that the Senkakus belonged to China, and was taken to task by Okuhara; nevertheless his view that the islands belong to China, where they are called the Diaoyutai, is still held, particularly by Chinese writers and government leaders, and even by some international scholars.
"was taken to task" は受動態ですが、原形は "take to task" と言う慣用句がある様な気がするので辞書で調べます。
・ censure severely or angrily: I have been taken to task for these words.
・Oxford English Dictionary: take someone to task: reprimand or criticize someone severely for a fault or mistake: He took some military experts to task for their optimistic predictions.
・Infoplease: to call to account; blame; censure: The teacher took them to task for not doing their homework.
推測通り "take someone to task" と言う慣用句ですね。