Japan's Cultural Code Words, 「タレント」の項の英語タイトル "People with Talent" の一部を引用します。
At first, the use of the word tarento was confined to radio and television performers, but it was soon applied to novice entertainers in other fields as well. Shintaro Ishiahra, now known as one of Japan's most hawkish post-World War II politicians, was to broaden the scope of its usage. In the 1950s, whe he was still in his twenties, Ishihara began publishing steamy novels about the sexual and other peccadilloes of Japanese youth, and became rich and famous by the time he was 30.
"peccadilloes" はロンドンのPiccadilly Circusを連想させますが、関連があるのでしょうか?
・Collins Dictionary: a petty sin or trifling fault: The Ambassador didn't seem to view the matter very seriously, called it a peccadillo.
・Cambridge English Dictionary: a small fault or a not very bad action: a youthful peccadillo: He dismissed what had happened as a mere peccadillo.
・Vocabulary.com: A peccadillo is a minor offense or sin. Parents recognize that their kids have a few peccadilloes: they don't always remember to say please and thank you, don't put their dirty clothes in the hamper, and worst of all, they keeping (sic.) finding the chocolate stash!
Peccadillo is based on the Spanish word peccado, meaning "sin," with a diminutive added, making peccadillo a small sin. How big a sin is a peccadillo? Well, that depends on who you ask. The person committing the offense is likely to try to pass off any number of transgressions and mistakes as peccadilloes. If you apologize and are forgiven, it's probably a peccadillo. If your transgression could get you fired, it's probably not!
The name Piccadilly may have arisen from a tailor named Robert Baker, who owned a shop on the Strand, in the late 16th century and early 17th century. He amassed a large fortune by making and selling piccadills (also called picadils or pickadils?stiff collars with scalloped edges and a broad lace or perforated border), that were then in fashion. With his great fortune he purchased a large tract of what was then open country to the west of London, and in about 1612 he built a large house there. The mansion soon became known as Piccadilly Hall.
ところで、前都知事の石原氏が尖閣島を都が購入すると言った事は決して "peccadillo" ではなかったと思います。選挙で政治家を選ぶのは難しい事ですが、タレント候補には特に要注意です。
At first, the use of the word tarento was confined to radio and television performers, but it was soon applied to novice entertainers in other fields as well. Shintaro Ishiahra, now known as one of Japan's most hawkish post-World War II politicians, was to broaden the scope of its usage. In the 1950s, whe he was still in his twenties, Ishihara began publishing steamy novels about the sexual and other peccadilloes of Japanese youth, and became rich and famous by the time he was 30.
"peccadilloes" はロンドンのPiccadilly Circusを連想させますが、関連があるのでしょうか?
・Collins Dictionary: a petty sin or trifling fault: The Ambassador didn't seem to view the matter very seriously, called it a peccadillo.
・Cambridge English Dictionary: a small fault or a not very bad action: a youthful peccadillo: He dismissed what had happened as a mere peccadillo.
・Vocabulary.com: A peccadillo is a minor offense or sin. Parents recognize that their kids have a few peccadilloes: they don't always remember to say please and thank you, don't put their dirty clothes in the hamper, and worst of all, they keeping (sic.) finding the chocolate stash!
Peccadillo is based on the Spanish word peccado, meaning "sin," with a diminutive added, making peccadillo a small sin. How big a sin is a peccadillo? Well, that depends on who you ask. The person committing the offense is likely to try to pass off any number of transgressions and mistakes as peccadilloes. If you apologize and are forgiven, it's probably a peccadillo. If your transgression could get you fired, it's probably not!
The name Piccadilly may have arisen from a tailor named Robert Baker, who owned a shop on the Strand, in the late 16th century and early 17th century. He amassed a large fortune by making and selling piccadills (also called picadils or pickadils?stiff collars with scalloped edges and a broad lace or perforated border), that were then in fashion. With his great fortune he purchased a large tract of what was then open country to the west of London, and in about 1612 he built a large house there. The mansion soon became known as Piccadilly Hall.
ところで、前都知事の石原氏が尖閣島を都が購入すると言った事は決して "peccadillo" ではなかったと思います。選挙で政治家を選ぶのは難しい事ですが、タレント候補には特に要注意です。