昨日は久し振りに卓球の試合があり朝早くから出かけたのでブログを休みました。畑にも、といっても猫の額 (No room to swing a cat)の区民農園ですが、行かなかったのでこれからキュウリとトマトを取りに行きます。 さて本題の英語の話題です。
My sister, a teacher, was telling us about two children at her school who had been fighting.
"They were really going at it hammer and tongs," she said.
Her young daughter, who had been listening intently, asked, "Did the one with the hammer win?"
"hammer and tongs": with great force, vigor, or violence: went at it hammer and tongs (Merriam-Webster)
My sister, a teacher, was telling us about two children at her school who had been fighting.
"They were really going at it hammer and tongs," she said.
Her young daughter, who had been listening intently, asked, "Did the one with the hammer win?"
"hammer and tongs": with great force, vigor, or violence: went at it hammer and tongs (Merriam-Webster)