English Collection



2013年07月31日 | 英語学習
Reader's Digest 6月号に Amazing Medical Mysteries... Solvedと題された、難病の診断と治療についての記事から引用します。
The mystery was finally solved with an old-fashioned microscope. When we looked at his blood, we saw some sickled red blood cells. That's how we were able to diagnose sickle cell trait. If you have sickle cell trait - which means you got the sickle cell gene from just one parent instead of two - you have no symptoms at low altitude, but high altitude can sometimes cause the red blood cells to warp into sickle shapes and dprive vital organs of oxygen. This teenager didn't know he had it, but the effect of the altitude on his blood cells was so extreme that after just a short time in the mountain, his spleen had ruptured when its blood supply had been compromised.
最後に出てきた "compromise" は一年程前に取り上げた "compromise" と似ています。前回は「情報が危険にさらされた」意味でした。今回は対象が "blood supply" なので、危険にさらされた点では同じですが、もう一度辞書で確認します。
・Merriam-Webster's Online Dictionary: to cause the impairment of: a compromised immune system: a seriously compromised patient
・Vocabulary.com: Compromise can also mean to erode or diminish. If you never repair your brakes, you will compromise the safety of the car. If you cheat, you compromise your integrity.
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