今日取り上げるのは "How To Win Friends and Influence People" に書かれていた逸話に使われていた表現です。
For example: one day Ralph Waldo Emerson and his son tried to get a calf into the barn But they made the common mistake of thinking only on what they wanted: Emerson pushed and his son pulled. But the calf was doing just what they were doing; he was thinking only of what he wanted; so he stiffened his legs and stubbornly refused to leave the pasture. The Irish housemaid saw their predicament. She couldn't write essays and books; but, on this occasion at least, she had more horse sense, or calf sense, than Emerson had. She thought of what the calf wanted; so she put her maternal finger in the calf's mouth and let the calf suck her finger as she gently let him into the barn.
上記に出てきた "horse sense" を辞書で調べます。
・Collins Dictionary: another term for common sense: The ailing widow still has the horse sense not to part with everything.
・Vocabulary.com: sound practical judgment: If your teacher tells you that you have horse sense, consider it a compliment. People with horse sense are smart and practical and can be counted on to make good decisions.
Word experts aren't certain if the expression horse sense comes from the typical personality of horses themselves, calm and prudent, or from the idea that people who are very skilled in working with horses have a kind of horse sense. Either way, it's a colloquial phrase from the late 1800's that's still used fairly often today.
ちょっと前に読んだ "Japan's Cultural Code Words" に日本語の表現で「馬が合う」を取り上げていましたが、日本とは比較にならない程欧米は牧畜が盛んなので、horse にまつわる表現も多いのでしょうね。
For example: one day Ralph Waldo Emerson and his son tried to get a calf into the barn But they made the common mistake of thinking only on what they wanted: Emerson pushed and his son pulled. But the calf was doing just what they were doing; he was thinking only of what he wanted; so he stiffened his legs and stubbornly refused to leave the pasture. The Irish housemaid saw their predicament. She couldn't write essays and books; but, on this occasion at least, she had more horse sense, or calf sense, than Emerson had. She thought of what the calf wanted; so she put her maternal finger in the calf's mouth and let the calf suck her finger as she gently let him into the barn.
上記に出てきた "horse sense" を辞書で調べます。
・Collins Dictionary: another term for common sense: The ailing widow still has the horse sense not to part with everything.
・Vocabulary.com: sound practical judgment: If your teacher tells you that you have horse sense, consider it a compliment. People with horse sense are smart and practical and can be counted on to make good decisions.
Word experts aren't certain if the expression horse sense comes from the typical personality of horses themselves, calm and prudent, or from the idea that people who are very skilled in working with horses have a kind of horse sense. Either way, it's a colloquial phrase from the late 1800's that's still used fairly often today.
ちょっと前に読んだ "Japan's Cultural Code Words" に日本語の表現で「馬が合う」を取り上げていましたが、日本とは比較にならない程欧米は牧畜が盛んなので、horse にまつわる表現も多いのでしょうね。