English Collection



2013年09月12日 | 英語学習
Zero handed down a box of cereal. Stanley carefully poured some cereal into his mouth. He didn't want to put his dirty hands inside the box. He nearly gagged on the ultra-sweet taste. They were sugar-frosted flakes, and after eating nothing but onions for more than a week, he had trouble adjusting to the flavor.
動詞の "gag" で思い浮かべるのは「猿ぐつわをする」ですが、上の "gag" はそうではありません。辞書を見ます。
・Macmillan Dictionary: to be unable to swallow because you feel as if you are going to vomit (=bring food back up from your stomach): Frank gagged on his seafood.
・Cambridge English Dictionary: to experience the sudden uncomfortable feeling of tightness in the throat and stomach that makes you feel you are going to vomit: Just the smell of liver cooking makes me gag.: I tried my best to eat it but the meat was so fatty I gagged on it.
・Oxford English Dictionary: choke or retch: he gagged on the wine
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