"The Briefcase" の一場面です。
Ms. Ishino would be shut up in the art prep room, and when the aroma of coffee drifted out to the classroom, the art students knocked on her door.
"What is it?" Ms. Ishino would answer in her husky voice.
"Please, Ms. Ishino, let us have a coffee klatch," one of the art students would say through the door. He spoke in a deliverately bewildered tone.
"coffee klatch" の "klatch" は外来語のような気がします。 勘では "coffee break" ではないかと思いますがどうでしょうか?・Cambridge English Dictionary: an occasion when people meet socially to talk and drink coffee
・Macmillan Dictionary: or coffee klatsch: a social occasion where people have conversations about unimportant things
・Dictionary.com: a social gathering for informal conversation at which coffee is served.
Origin: German Kaffeeklatsch, equivalent to Kaffee coffee + Klatsch noise (e.g., of conversation)
"klatch" は外来語というのは当たっていましたが、 "break" ではなく、"noise (e.g., of conversation)" の意味でした。 "coffee break" で当たらずとも遠からず。
Ms. Ishino would be shut up in the art prep room, and when the aroma of coffee drifted out to the classroom, the art students knocked on her door.
"What is it?" Ms. Ishino would answer in her husky voice.
"Please, Ms. Ishino, let us have a coffee klatch," one of the art students would say through the door. He spoke in a deliverately bewildered tone.
"coffee klatch" の "klatch" は外来語のような気がします。 勘では "coffee break" ではないかと思いますがどうでしょうか?・Cambridge English Dictionary: an occasion when people meet socially to talk and drink coffee
・Macmillan Dictionary: or coffee klatsch: a social occasion where people have conversations about unimportant things
・Dictionary.com: a social gathering for informal conversation at which coffee is served.
Origin: German Kaffeeklatsch, equivalent to Kaffee coffee + Klatsch noise (e.g., of conversation)
"klatch" は外来語というのは当たっていましたが、 "break" ではなく、"noise (e.g., of conversation)" の意味でした。 "coffee break" で当たらずとも遠からず。