English Collection



2013年09月27日 | 英語学習
Reader's Digest 8月号の記事The Hunger Gamesは、兄弟(姉妹)のある人は子供の頃に誰でも経験したはずです。
Nothing triggers sibling rivalry like the dinner table. It took only four decades for my family to get over it
Of the countless fist fights between Joe Kennedy Jr and his kid brother Jack, one of the most memorable was triggered when Jack snatched Joe's slice of chocolate pie - his brother's favourite dessert - from under Joe's nose at the dinner table. Gobbling it up, Jack ran outside and down the beach, his apoplectic brother giving chase.
"apoplectic" の意味を辞書で調べます。
・Merriam-Webster's Online Dictionary: greatly excited or angered: was apoplectic over the news
・Cambridge English Dictionary: extremely and obviously angry: He was apoplectic with rage/ fury
. 良く考えたら "apoplexy" から出た言葉ですね。・WordNet: pertaining to or characteristic of apoplexy ("Apoplectic seizure")
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