Reader's Digest 8月号のSmart Animalsの記事に出てきた表現です。
My cockatiel, Dachi, was one of a kind. I taught him to sing "For He's a Jolly Good Fellow" and "Happy Birthday", but his favourite was the opening bars of Mozart's Clarinet Concerto.
"opening bars" の表現ですが、多分最初の小節のことであろうと推測しました。辞書で確認します。
・ musical notation for a repeating pattern of musical beats: “the orchestra omitted the last twelve bars of the song”
・Cambridge English Dictionary: one of the small equal parts into which a piece of music is divided, containing a fixed number of beats: Waltzes have three beats in/to the bar (= in each bar ).
音楽用語で私の知っているその他の単語は "score" と "note" 位でしょうか。
My cockatiel, Dachi, was one of a kind. I taught him to sing "For He's a Jolly Good Fellow" and "Happy Birthday", but his favourite was the opening bars of Mozart's Clarinet Concerto.
"opening bars" の表現ですが、多分最初の小節のことであろうと推測しました。辞書で確認します。
・ musical notation for a repeating pattern of musical beats: “the orchestra omitted the last twelve bars of the song”
・Cambridge English Dictionary: one of the small equal parts into which a piece of music is divided, containing a fixed number of beats: Waltzes have three beats in/to the bar (= in each bar ).
音楽用語で私の知っているその他の単語は "score" と "note" 位でしょうか。