English Collection



2016年02月03日 | 英語の本を読む

I'm on road, at least, she reminded herself. I'm on a road. But now, with the light of another day slipping out of the sky, not even that seemed to help. Road, shmoad, she thought.
この "shmoad" は辞書には出ていない単語ですが、"road" を意味していることは直ぐに分かります。頭に "shm" あるいは "schm" が付く単語として以前(10/1/2011)"schmooze"(この単語は辞書にある)を取り上げていますが、接頭辞"shm" / "schm" の説明を辞書で見ます。
・Dictionary.com: prefix (used to form jocular, usually derisive reduplications): our rich aunt in her fancy-schmancy clothes.
・Wikipedia: Shm-reduplication is a form of reduplication in which the original word or its first syllable (the base) is repeated with the copy (the reduplicant) beginning with shm- (sometimes schm-). The construction is generally used to indicate irony, derision, skepticism, or disinterest with respect to comments about the discussed object...
・Urban Dictionary: Dismissive prefix added to the second iteration of the noun being dismissed. A pseudo-Yiddish-ization.: "Rights, schmights"
・Wiktionary: Used to form a reduplicated rhyming compound of any word in order to express disparagement, dismissal or derision

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