English Collection



2016年02月12日 | 英語の本を読む

今日はその時に入手したJIU TIMES Fall 2015号の記事で見つけた単語を取り上げます。
記事のタイトルは Lecture series on social and environmental studiesで、その一部を抜粋します。
Based on this historical study of environmental theories in Europe, he further inquired how we could solve actual problems facing the world today, such as global climate change and the proliferation of new globalized environmental risks, which have major negative impacts on vulnerable ecosystems and on human health. Many of these environmental problems were shown to be anthropogenic in origin, that is to say, caused by human action.
取り上げる単語は "anthropogenic" で、"anthropo" が含まれているので人類/人間と関係していることが分かります。しかも、直ぐ後に意味を説明する表現、"caused by human action"。が続いているので意味は分かりますが、一応辞書での説明も見ます。
・Oxford English Dictionary: (Chiefly of environmental pollution and pollutants) originating in human activity: anthropogenic emissions of sulfur dioxide
・Vocabulary.com: Anthropogenic is an adjective that describes changes in nature made by people. If your town has rerouted water from the river for drinking water, that is an anthropogenic activity. Whenever you see the word root anthro, you can bet there’s a person involved, and anthropogenic is a particularly good example. From the Greek anthropogenes, meaning "born of man,” anthropogenic can refer to any changes in nature that are caused by people -- like the existence of roads or cities where once there were forests. Most often, you will hear anthropogenic as an adjective describing pollution -- such as the anthropogenic causes of the hole in the ozone layer.

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