English Collection



2016年02月24日 | 英語の本を読む

今日取り上げるのはReader's Digest 12月号の二つの別々の記事に出てきた同じ表現です。
最初はEditor's Noteに次の様に出て来ました。
WHAT'S THE MOST DARING THING YOU'VE EVER DONE? We posed that question to a group of readers recently and expected it to be entirely stories about adventure sports, thrill rides, foreign travel going awry, horror movie marathons... Not even near. Seems none of these pre-planned white-knuckle events measure up to the heart-pumping terrors that life throws at us, often with little notice.
この "white-knuckle" は、覚えている人もいると思いますが、2014年12月28日ギリシャからイタリアに向かっていた客船が火災を起こして多くの人が亡くなった事故についての記事、HOLIDAY DISASTERの中でも使われていました。その事故の経験者でギリシャの島に住んでいる家族はその後しばらく船に乗ることを避けてきまいしたが、再び船に乗らざるを得ない時がきました。
The next month, Natasa, Nassos and their sons walked onto a ferry - Dimitri had to write exams in Ioanniana, a city on the mainland. They sat white-knuckled as two hours ticked by. The voyage went smoothly.
では "white-knuckle" の意味を辞書で見ます。
・Oxford English Dictionary: (Especially of a vehicle, boat, or airplane ride) causing excitement or tension.; Once he has entered into his position, the white-knuckle ride and nail biting begins.
Origin: 1970s: with reference to the effect caused by gripping tightly to steady oneself.
・Cambridge English Dictionary: A white-knuckle experience or activity makes you feel very frightened and often excited: a white-knuckle ride in a theme park

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