Reader's Digest 6月号の記事 WHY DID THIS INNOCENT MAN PLEAD GUILTY? からの抜粋です。
On Man 16, 2013, the Essex County prosecutor's office ordered investigators to look for the missing rape kit. Just a month later, they hit pay dirt at the New Jerse State Police lab: the original kit, still sealed.
この慣用句 "hit pay dirt" は過去に2度も取り上げていますが(5/24/2016と11/7/2011)、又忘れたので復習です。
・Cambridge Idioms Dictionary: to achieve or discover something important or valuable She finally hit pay dirt with her third novel which quickly became a best seller.
・McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs: Fig. to discover something of value. (Alludes to discovering valuable ore.): Sally tried a number of different jobs until she hit pay dirt. I tried to borrow money from a lot of different people. They all said no. Then when I went to the bank, I hit pay dirt.
"hit pay dirt" を忘れる様だから宝くじもさっぱり当たらないのだな。