English Collection


stoner culture

2018年04月03日 | 英単語
March 22のThe Japan Times Online Culture面の記事 "‘Smokin’ on the Moon’: A stoner buddy flick takes a serious turn" のタイトルと記事冒頭の文に出てきた単語 "stoner" が気になりました。
Marijuana was a subject for comedy back when I was taking my first clumsy steps into stoner culture: The comedy routines of Cheech and Chong, ...

"stoner" は辞書に次の説明がありました。
・Oxford English Dictionary: informal A person who regularly takes drugs, especially marijuana.: I was a real stoner when I was a teenager.
・Merriam-Webster's Online Dictionary: a person who habitually uses drugs or alcohol: The movie's a comedy about a couple of stoners.
"stoner culture" の項目は辞書には見つかりませんでしたが、Wikipediaに "stoner film" の項があり、Stoner film is a subgenre of comedy films that revolve around the use of cannabis. 中略 The series of movies in the 1970s starring Cheech & Chong are archetypal "stoner movies." とあり、記事の"stoner culture" は "stoner film" と同義と考えてよさそうです。
"stoner culture" をGoogleで検索した 'http://cannabis.wikia.com/wiki/Stoner_Culture' に"stoner culture" について次の説明がありました。
Stoner Culture is a broad term used to group together behaviors, observances and artistic works and movements practiced or created by cannabis users. Anyone who smokes cannabis on at least a semi-regular basis can be classified as belonging to the culture, though many users decide to immerse themselves more within the culture or take a more active role in shaping its future.
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