English Collection



2018年04月05日 | 英単語
The God Delusion written by Richard Dawkins の論旨は明快ですが、使われている単語は難しいのが多く読むのに意外と時間がかかりました。
Binker - what I call him - is a secret of my own, And Binker is the reason why I never feel alone. Playing in the nursery, sitting on the stair, Whatever I am busy at, Binker will be there. Oh, Daddy is clever, he's a clever sort of man, And Mummy is the best since the world began, And Nanny is Nanny, and I call her Nan - But they can't See Binker. Binker's always talking, 'cos I'm teaching him to speak He sometimes likes to do it in a funny sort of squeak, . And he sometimes likes to do it in a hoodling sort of roar . . And I have to do it for him 'cos his throat is rather sore.
"hoodling" ですが、OneLookの辞書検索ではこの単語を項目として取り上げているのは次の俗語辞書たけでした。
・Urban Dictionary: A series of sounds made using vowels, wheezes and oral 'fart' sounds and set to rhythm. First popularized in Appalachian culture in the 1880's, it was an imitation of the sounds made by various farm animals and is considered the earliest predecessor of beat-boxing. Sometimes combined with hamboning.
この説明に出てきた "beat-boxing" は2/28/2014にハイフンのない "beatboxing" で取り上げていました。
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