English Collection


into another flap

2018年04月19日 | 英単語
何かで宮部みゆきの小説を褒める記事を見たので、読むことにしました。地元の図書館に英訳本が4作品あったので、そのリストの最初にあったAll She Was Worthをまず読みます。この作品の日本語の題名は「火車」で、Wikipediaによると英訳版は登場人物名も何人かは変えられているとありました。
怪我の為に休職中の刑事Honmaは亡くなった妻の親戚で銀行員のJun Kurisakaから失踪した婚約者Shoko Sekineを探し出すことを頼まれ、捜査を開始します。
When she went to work for Imai Office Machines, she'd have shown it to Imai. Then he or, more likely, Shoko herself would have taken it down to the New Application window at the Shinjku Public Employment office.
Honma rose again, went back to the phone, and dialed. Mitchie answered. Honma explained the situation, sending, her straight into another flap. She had a few quick, muffled exchanges with her boss, then reported back. "Hello? I found her registration form."
"sending, her straight into another flap"の個所の "flap" の意味を調べます。
・Oxford English Dictionary: A state of agitation; a panic.: they're in a flap over who's going to take Henry's lectures
・Collins Dictionary: Someone who is in a flap is in a state of great excitement, worry, or panic. : Why did people get in a flap over nuclear energy?
・Cambridge English Dictionary: a state of nervous excitement: She's in a flap because her parents are coming to visit.
小説では "into another flap" となっていますが、単に "flap" ではなく "in a flap" で覚えるべき表現のようです。
以前、11/28/2011 に "unflappable"
(composed and able to remain calm when facing difficult situations)を取り上げたのを思い出しました。
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