English Collection


eye candy

2018年04月02日 | 英単語
Reader's Digest三月号の記事 'WHO KNEW 13 Things Mall Cops Won't Tell You' からの引用です。
12 Some of us are hired just to be eye candy. Having a uniformed person on the property deters crime and makes shoppers feel safer. But it might also give the mall owner a break on insurance costs.
ところで引用文に出てくる "eye candy" は文脈からすると見かけの良い(ガードマン/ガードウーマン)の意味の様ですが、警備員に使うには合わない言葉に思えますが、辞書で意味、使用例を確認します。
・Oxford English Dictionary: Visual images that are superficially attractive and entertaining but intellectually undemanding.: the film's success rested on a promotional campaign showcasing its relentless eye candy
・Collins Dictionary: Eye candy is used to refer to people or things that are attractive to look at but are not interesting in other ways.: Back then, women on TV were mostly seen as eye candy.
・Cambridge English Dictionary: someone or something that is attractive but not very interesting or useful: Most of the images on the website are not more than eye candy.
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