The Answer by Allan & Barbara Peaseを図書館から借りて読む本の間に読むことにしました。
Picking up The Answer is the first step in taking yourself down roads you may never have considered before and may not even have known about. By the time you are halfway through reading it, you will realise why you are where you are and why you have what you have at this point in your life. You will have the answers that will help take you to wherever you are capable of going.
Also, we will answer your questions about anything you have ever read or heard about goal setting, visualisation, affirmations, prayer, alpha thinking and the Laws of Attraction.
"alpha thinking" は聞いたことがないので辞書を見ましたがどこにも見当たりません。
Googleで調べると 'The Power of Alpha Thinking' by Jess Stearnと題された本があり、副題に ' Practice the positive meditation of alpha and biofeedback and reprogram your life.'と書かれていました。これが 'The Answer' に書かれている "alpha thinking" と同じ事を指しているのであれば、"alpha" は脳波の一種の "alpha wave" を意味しているはずです。
Alpha waves (8 to 12 Hz) are present when your brain is in an idling default-state typically created when you're daydreaming or consciously practicing mindfulness or meditation. Alpha waves can also be created by doing aerobic exercise.
When alpha oscillations are prominent, your sensory inputs tend to be minimized and your mind is generally clear of unwanted thoughts. When your brain shifts gears to focus on a specific thought―in either a positive or negative way―alpha oscillations tend to disappear and higher frequency oscillations begin running the show.
Alpha wave biofeedback has been shown to be a useful tool for treating anxiety and depression. Because alpha waves are linked with relaxed mental states, an increase in alpha wave activity is the goal of most biofeedback training. EEG can be used to provide moment-to-moment feedback when alpha waves increase or decrease.
'from Psychology Today ('
Picking up The Answer is the first step in taking yourself down roads you may never have considered before and may not even have known about. By the time you are halfway through reading it, you will realise why you are where you are and why you have what you have at this point in your life. You will have the answers that will help take you to wherever you are capable of going.
Also, we will answer your questions about anything you have ever read or heard about goal setting, visualisation, affirmations, prayer, alpha thinking and the Laws of Attraction.
"alpha thinking" は聞いたことがないので辞書を見ましたがどこにも見当たりません。
Googleで調べると 'The Power of Alpha Thinking' by Jess Stearnと題された本があり、副題に ' Practice the positive meditation of alpha and biofeedback and reprogram your life.'と書かれていました。これが 'The Answer' に書かれている "alpha thinking" と同じ事を指しているのであれば、"alpha" は脳波の一種の "alpha wave" を意味しているはずです。
Alpha waves (8 to 12 Hz) are present when your brain is in an idling default-state typically created when you're daydreaming or consciously practicing mindfulness or meditation. Alpha waves can also be created by doing aerobic exercise.
When alpha oscillations are prominent, your sensory inputs tend to be minimized and your mind is generally clear of unwanted thoughts. When your brain shifts gears to focus on a specific thought―in either a positive or negative way―alpha oscillations tend to disappear and higher frequency oscillations begin running the show.
Alpha wave biofeedback has been shown to be a useful tool for treating anxiety and depression. Because alpha waves are linked with relaxed mental states, an increase in alpha wave activity is the goal of most biofeedback training. EEG can be used to provide moment-to-moment feedback when alpha waves increase or decrease.
'from Psychology Today ('