角田光代の "Woman on the Other Shore" を読んでいます。
Yeah, it was fun, Aoi agreed, but she could no longer find the strength to open her mouth. It feels weird sleeping in a strange house, doesn't it? You know what, Nanako, we'll probably have to bust our tails again tomorrow, but I don't mind a bit because I'm with you.
慣用句の様な表現 "bust our tails" を辞書で調べましたが、どの辞書にも見当たりません。
しかしながら、辞書に下記の説明のある "bust one's ass" が関係あると推測できます。
・American Heritage Dictionary: bust (one's) ass/balls/butt Vulgar Slang; To make a strenuous effort; work very hard.
・Your Dictionary: SLANG to make great efforts; try very hard, also bust one's ass (a somewhat vulgar variant): To work really hard on something.: Dude, you'd better bust ass if you wanna finish that on time!
・Farlex Dictionary of Idioms: rude slang To exert a significant amount of energy or work very hard to do, accomplish, or complete something.: I've been busting my ass all night long to get this presentation ready for tomorrow's meeting.
下品な表現なので "ass" を "tail" に置き換えて若干下品さを減らしたのだと思います。
Yeah, it was fun, Aoi agreed, but she could no longer find the strength to open her mouth. It feels weird sleeping in a strange house, doesn't it? You know what, Nanako, we'll probably have to bust our tails again tomorrow, but I don't mind a bit because I'm with you.
慣用句の様な表現 "bust our tails" を辞書で調べましたが、どの辞書にも見当たりません。
しかしながら、辞書に下記の説明のある "bust one's ass" が関係あると推測できます。
・American Heritage Dictionary: bust (one's) ass/balls/butt Vulgar Slang; To make a strenuous effort; work very hard.
・Your Dictionary: SLANG to make great efforts; try very hard, also bust one's ass (a somewhat vulgar variant): To work really hard on something.: Dude, you'd better bust ass if you wanna finish that on time!
・Farlex Dictionary of Idioms: rude slang To exert a significant amount of energy or work very hard to do, accomplish, or complete something.: I've been busting my ass all night long to get this presentation ready for tomorrow's meeting.
下品な表現なので "ass" を "tail" に置き換えて若干下品さを減らしたのだと思います。