角田光代の "Woman on the Other Shore" を読んでいます。
A road runs along the banks of a river. Summer grasses grow tall and thick beside it. Two teenage girls are walking on the far bank, skirts rippling in the breeze, hair flickering in the sun, something funny making them double over with laughter. Suddenly they look across the water and spy the teenage Sayoko standing on the opposite shore.
"double over" の意味を辞書で調べます。
・Macmillan Dictionary: OFTEN PASSIVE to bend forward because you are in pain or because you are laughing a lot: be doubled over with something: She was doubled over with pain.
・Free Dictionary: bend over or curl up, usually with laughter or pain: "He doubled and vomited violently"
・Farlex Dictionary of Idioms: To bend over at the waist, often due to pain or laughter.: I doubled over laughing when Jeff told that Joke at the meeting.
"doubled" も色々な意味に使われるのですね。
A road runs along the banks of a river. Summer grasses grow tall and thick beside it. Two teenage girls are walking on the far bank, skirts rippling in the breeze, hair flickering in the sun, something funny making them double over with laughter. Suddenly they look across the water and spy the teenage Sayoko standing on the opposite shore.
"double over" の意味を辞書で調べます。
・Macmillan Dictionary: OFTEN PASSIVE to bend forward because you are in pain or because you are laughing a lot: be doubled over with something: She was doubled over with pain.
・Free Dictionary: bend over or curl up, usually with laughter or pain: "He doubled and vomited violently"
・Farlex Dictionary of Idioms: To bend over at the waist, often due to pain or laughter.: I doubled over laughing when Jeff told that Joke at the meeting.
"doubled" も色々な意味に使われるのですね。