English Collection


pulling in the dough

2020年10月21日 | 英単語
角田光代の "Woman on the Other Shore" を読んでいます。
"There's a lady in my building who takes in work at home. Some kind of design work, I guess, but I don't really know. She thinks nothing of sending her boy over to play and not coming to get him till six and seven in the evening. Of course, all that time, she's doing her work. Talk about brazen!"
"That's some nerve--using you as a free babysitter while she's pulling in the dough. And so blatantly."

慣用句の様な "pulling in the dough" の意味を調べましたが、どの辞書にもその様な慣用句は見当たりません。 しかし、"pull in" に次の意味があることが分かりました。
・Oxford English Dictionary: informal Earn a specified sum of money.: you could pull in $100,000’

・Collins Dictionary: If you pull in an amount of money, you earn or collect that amount.: I only pull in 15,000 a year as a social worker.

なるほど、それなら "dough" にお金の意味があるのは以前(9/30/2015)取り上げているので "pulling in the dough" は簡単に言えば "earn money" ですね。
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