Reader's Digest 3月号の食材に関する記事Everyday Kitchenから引用します。
Think about what you're eating earlier in the day. If you're having a light lunch then trying to last until dinner, you may be doing yourself a disservice. By leaving it too long between food stops, you're getting too hungry and are then over-eating to compensate. Instead, try having a slice of toast or a piece of fruit and a tub of yoghurt at about 3:30pm.
"disservice" の正確な意味は分かりませんが、軽い昼食と夕食の間でお腹が空いた時に何も食べないのは夕食で食べ過ぎるので良くないと言っている事は分かります。成長期はともかく、三時のおやつを食べる事は太るもとだと思っていたので意外です。もっとも食べる物が何であるかが重要なようですが。
"disservice" の意味を確認します。
・ an act intended to help that turns out badly: And as technology has improved - from elevators to email - we've only done ourselves a greater disservice by becoming more sedentary
・Collins English Dictionary: an ill turn; wrong; injury, esp when trying to help: `I never loved Arthur, so I suppose I did him a disservice marrying him, though I never lied and told him I did.
・Merriam-Webster's Online Dictionary: ill service : harm; also: an unhelpful, unkind, or harmful act: misinformation that does a disservice to readers; Her comments were a disservice to those volunteers.
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