今日はHopes Prospects、Noam Chomsky著、の最後の章 1989 and Beyondで使われていた又してもラテン語の表現を覚えたいと思います。
As the Soviet Union collapsed, Gorbachev made an astonishing concession: he permitted a unified Germany to join a hostile military alliance run by the global superpower, though Germany alone had almost destroyed Russia twice in the century. There was a quid pro quo, recently clarified. It had been thought that Bush I and his secretary of state James Baker promised not to expand NATO to the East, but in the first careful study of the original documents, Mark Kramer, apparently seeking to refute charges of U.S. duplicity, in fact shows that it went far beyond what had been assumed. It turns out that Bush-Baker promised that NATO would not even fully extend to East Germany (GDR).
早速 "quid pro quo" を調べます。
・Collins Dictionary: 1.a reciprocal exchange 2.something given in compensation, esp an advantage or object given in exchange for another: It's hard to resist a tax-free payout, but for others the quid pro quo is a reduced pension income.
・Merriam-Webster's Online Dictionary:something that is given to you or done for you in return for something you have given to or done for someone else: in politics nobody does something for nothing: there's always a quid pro quo involved
The Latin phrase quid pro quo means making a certain kind of deal: you do this for me, and I'll do that for you. Ever hear the expression, "You scratch my back, I'll scratch yours"-- That describes a quid pro quo: doing a favor you expect to be paid back, instead of doing the favor for its own sake. Politicians are often accused of doing a quid pro quo: someone donated to their campaign and is now getting favors in return. Quid pro quo definitely has a shady feel, but it just means making a deal that trades one thing for another.
なるほど、"quid pro quo" ときたら、政治家や役人を連想すれば良いのですね。
"in politics nobody does something for nothing: there's always a quid pro quo involved
" 猪瀬都知事の弁明が空々しく聞こえるのは誰もがこの事を知っているからでしょう。
As the Soviet Union collapsed, Gorbachev made an astonishing concession: he permitted a unified Germany to join a hostile military alliance run by the global superpower, though Germany alone had almost destroyed Russia twice in the century. There was a quid pro quo, recently clarified. It had been thought that Bush I and his secretary of state James Baker promised not to expand NATO to the East, but in the first careful study of the original documents, Mark Kramer, apparently seeking to refute charges of U.S. duplicity, in fact shows that it went far beyond what had been assumed. It turns out that Bush-Baker promised that NATO would not even fully extend to East Germany (GDR).
早速 "quid pro quo" を調べます。
・Collins Dictionary: 1.a reciprocal exchange 2.something given in compensation, esp an advantage or object given in exchange for another: It's hard to resist a tax-free payout, but for others the quid pro quo is a reduced pension income.
・Merriam-Webster's Online Dictionary:something that is given to you or done for you in return for something you have given to or done for someone else: in politics nobody does something for nothing: there's always a quid pro quo involved
The Latin phrase quid pro quo means making a certain kind of deal: you do this for me, and I'll do that for you. Ever hear the expression, "You scratch my back, I'll scratch yours"-- That describes a quid pro quo: doing a favor you expect to be paid back, instead of doing the favor for its own sake. Politicians are often accused of doing a quid pro quo: someone donated to their campaign and is now getting favors in return. Quid pro quo definitely has a shady feel, but it just means making a deal that trades one thing for another.
なるほど、"quid pro quo" ときたら、政治家や役人を連想すれば良いのですね。
"in politics nobody does something for nothing: there's always a quid pro quo involved
" 猪瀬都知事の弁明が空々しく聞こえるのは誰もがこの事を知っているからでしょう。