Hopes Prospects、Noam Chomsky著、のThe Torture Memoの章からの抜粋です。
Bush, of course, went beyond his predecessors in authorizing prima facie violations of international law, and several of his extremist innovations were struck down by the courts. While Obama, like Bush, eloquently affirms our unwavering commitment to international law (and differs from Bush in that he is familiar with it), he seems intent on substantially reinstating the extremist Bush measures.
上に出てきた "prima facie" の "prima" は "prima donna" の "prima" と同じく、英語の "prime/primary" の親戚だと思いますが、 "prima facie" の意味は何でしょうか?
・Collins Dictionary: at first sight; as it seems at first: Sources say that the men believe they have a prima facie case of fraud.
・Merriam-Webster's Online Dictionary:
1: true, valid, or sufficient at first impression : apparent: the theory … gives a prima facie solution ? R. J. Butler
2: self-evident
3: legally sufficient to establish a fact or a case unless disproved: prima facie evidence
Prima facie literally means “at first sight,” but it can also mean self-evident or obvious. If it’s prima facie, it appears to be true.
You’ve most likely used the expression at first sight, but now you can say it in Latin. Of course, if you’ve been to law school, you probably could have already, as prima facie is used for evidence that is accepted unless proved false. Without prima facie evidence, you probably don't have a case, or it's going to be pretty hard to make one. You can disprove information that’s prima facie, but it won't be easy.
"facie" はラテン語で "form, face" の意味だそうです。
Bush, of course, went beyond his predecessors in authorizing prima facie violations of international law, and several of his extremist innovations were struck down by the courts. While Obama, like Bush, eloquently affirms our unwavering commitment to international law (and differs from Bush in that he is familiar with it), he seems intent on substantially reinstating the extremist Bush measures.
上に出てきた "prima facie" の "prima" は "prima donna" の "prima" と同じく、英語の "prime/primary" の親戚だと思いますが、 "prima facie" の意味は何でしょうか?
・Collins Dictionary: at first sight; as it seems at first: Sources say that the men believe they have a prima facie case of fraud.
・Merriam-Webster's Online Dictionary:
1: true, valid, or sufficient at first impression : apparent: the theory … gives a prima facie solution ? R. J. Butler
2: self-evident
3: legally sufficient to establish a fact or a case unless disproved: prima facie evidence
Prima facie literally means “at first sight,” but it can also mean self-evident or obvious. If it’s prima facie, it appears to be true.
You’ve most likely used the expression at first sight, but now you can say it in Latin. Of course, if you’ve been to law school, you probably could have already, as prima facie is used for evidence that is accepted unless proved false. Without prima facie evidence, you probably don't have a case, or it's going to be pretty hard to make one. You can disprove information that’s prima facie, but it won't be easy.
"facie" はラテン語で "form, face" の意味だそうです。