English Collection



2025年01月14日 | 英単語
山中伸弥先生の半生記 "Discovering iPS Cells" を読んでいます。My Visionの章から引用します。

In April 2000, the opportunity arrived to promote my laboratory to the new students, and I spoke eloquently about my vision. However, I did not say anything negative such as "it will take decades to realize this vision." I enthusiastically described what a wonderful achievement it would be if we could only pull it off. In the end, three students surprisingly opted to join my laboratory (maybe I hoodwinked them, I don't know): Takahashi Kazutoshi, Tokuzawa Yoshimi, and Kaiho Eiko.

"hoodwink" を辞書で見ます。

・Oxford English Dictionary: to trick somebody: She had been hoodwinked into buying a worthless necklace.
・Collins Dictionary: If someone hoodwinks you, they trick or deceive you.: Many people are hoodwinked by the so-called beauty industry.
・Vocabulary.com: To hoodwink someone means to trick or mislead them. Beware of fake ATMs that try to hoodwink you into giving over your bank card and your code, only to keep them both and steal all your money.
An excellent, old-fashioned word is hoodwink, and you’ll be happy you know it when you have to read Victorian novels in which characters are repeatedly hoodwinked. It is an Old English compound which meant "to blindfold" 600 years ago but quickly began to be used figuratively. Think about the expression, to pull the wool over someone's eyes, as having the same image and meaning. Has your big sister ever hoodwinked you into doing her chores for her?

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