リーダーズダイジェストの1月号に年の始まりらしく "10 POPULAR RESOLUTIONS" と題した記事があり、その6番目はSMELL THE ROSESと書かれていて、以下はその説明文です。
Lost your mojo? The easiest way to kick-start your joie de vivre is to do something outside the box.
Handy Hint: Remember too that small is beautiful and focus on life's minutiae, like a great song on the radio, a tasty peach, your friends' thoughtfulness or an unexpected invitation.
"mojo" と "joie de vivre" は外来語(?)の様で、意味が分かりません。まず "mojo" を辞書で引きます。
・OneLook Quick Definitions: a magic power or magic spell
・Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions:
1.magic or spells. (Assumed to originate with African slaves. Very old.) : The old lady was said to possess powerful “mojo” which the others feared her for.
2. power; charisma. : She seemed to radiate a penetrating mojo that made her easy to deal with.
3. sex appeal; sex drive. : Man, does he have mojo to spare!
4. heroin; morphine; cannabis. (Drugs. See also on the mojo.) : Why don't you try to kick the mojo?
5. a narcotics addict. (Drugs.) : These mojos will rob you blind if you don't keep an eye on them.
次ぎの "joie de vivre" は英語ではなくフランス語の様ですが英英辞書に載っているか見てみます。
・OneLook Quick Definitions: a keen enjoyment of living
・Dictionary.com: French. a delight in being alive; keen, carefree enjoyment of living. Origin: lit., joy of living
ほとんどの辞書に意味が載っている事からして英米人にも "joie de vivre" は常識の言葉のようです。
Lost your mojo? The easiest way to kick-start your joie de vivre is to do something outside the box.
Handy Hint: Remember too that small is beautiful and focus on life's minutiae, like a great song on the radio, a tasty peach, your friends' thoughtfulness or an unexpected invitation.
"mojo" と "joie de vivre" は外来語(?)の様で、意味が分かりません。まず "mojo" を辞書で引きます。
・OneLook Quick Definitions: a magic power or magic spell
・Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions:
1.magic or spells. (Assumed to originate with African slaves. Very old.) : The old lady was said to possess powerful “mojo” which the others feared her for.
2. power; charisma. : She seemed to radiate a penetrating mojo that made her easy to deal with.
3. sex appeal; sex drive. : Man, does he have mojo to spare!
4. heroin; morphine; cannabis. (Drugs. See also on the mojo.) : Why don't you try to kick the mojo?
5. a narcotics addict. (Drugs.) : These mojos will rob you blind if you don't keep an eye on them.
次ぎの "joie de vivre" は英語ではなくフランス語の様ですが英英辞書に載っているか見てみます。
・OneLook Quick Definitions: a keen enjoyment of living
・Dictionary.com: French. a delight in being alive; keen, carefree enjoyment of living. Origin: lit., joy of living
ほとんどの辞書に意味が載っている事からして英米人にも "joie de vivre" は常識の言葉のようです。