Reader's Digest 7/8月号 "This is Your Brain on Stress" からの引用です。
Performing in a crisis is becoming more important for all of us, for two reasons. Back in the good old days, the reliability of most anything we used or did was far less than it is today. Engines conking out after takeoff? Pilots used to call that Tuesday. Today, it's a rarity.
この引用文に出て来る "call that Tuesday" が分かりません。
・Some call it Valentine's Day, I call it Tuesday
・To you it may be the hardest thing you’ve ever done and someone else may do it and call it “Tuesday”.
しつこく調べると、この表現はネイティブでも分からない人がいる様で、 UsingEnglish.comのサイトに質問と回答が出ていました。
質問: Hey guys, I was watching a movie last night and in the first part a doctor had a successful surgery and when he was coming out of his room, he kept saying: "You know what I call what I did in there? I call it Tuesday. I do, I call it Tuesday."
I don't understand the meaning of "Tuesday" here. Would you help me out guys?
回答: He was bragging. He had finished doing surgery and was basically saying that the amazing work that he just did was routine, everyday work. For other people it might be the highlight of their life. For him it was just "Tuesday."
Reader's Digest 7/8月号 "This is Your Brain on Stress" からの引用です。
Performing in a crisis is becoming more important for all of us, for two reasons. Back in the good old days, the reliability of most anything we used or did was far less than it is today. Engines conking out after takeoff? Pilots used to call that Tuesday. Today, it's a rarity.
この引用文に出て来る "call that Tuesday" が分かりません。
・Some call it Valentine's Day, I call it Tuesday
・To you it may be the hardest thing you’ve ever done and someone else may do it and call it “Tuesday”.
しつこく調べると、この表現はネイティブでも分からない人がいる様で、 UsingEnglish.comのサイトに質問と回答が出ていました。
質問: Hey guys, I was watching a movie last night and in the first part a doctor had a successful surgery and when he was coming out of his room, he kept saying: "You know what I call what I did in there? I call it Tuesday. I do, I call it Tuesday."
I don't understand the meaning of "Tuesday" here. Would you help me out guys?
回答: He was bragging. He had finished doing surgery and was basically saying that the amazing work that he just did was routine, everyday work. For other people it might be the highlight of their life. For him it was just "Tuesday."