English Collection


cold case

2008年04月27日 | 英語学習
April 16のThe Japan Timesの見出しです。
LAPD detective in Miura probe a cold case expert
例のロス事件の記事なので "a cold case" は冷たい箱ではなく未解決の事件を意味していると推測ができます。記事を読むとその推測が正しい事が分かります。
The LAPD's Cold Case Special Section was established in 2001 to re-examine nearly 9,000 cases from the 1960s to the late 1990s that remain unsolved.
日本では裁判が終わったのですが、ロス警察はまだ未解決の事件として扱っているのですね。念の為にWebで"a cold case" の説明を調べました。enote.comにforensic-scienceなる項目があり次ぎの様な説明がありました。
A cold case is any criminal investigation by a law enforcement agency that has not been solved for (generally) at least one year and, as a result, has been closed from further regular investigations. A cold case may be closed for various reasons such as: previously available technology was not able to adequately analyze the evidence in order to form a conclusion; witnesses were hostile and uncooperative; various time constraints hindered the investigation; the originally assigned detectives had a heavy workload; a lack of worthwhile leads stalled the case.
1年以上未解決の事件あるいは迷宮入りも "a cold case" ですね。
Almost assuredly, every law enforcement agency in the United States and in foreign countries has cold cases on their books that could be reopened and solved. However, since agencies have limited amounts of manpower and resources, usually only the most terrible cold cases such as violent crime are reopened.
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