English Collection


Is This Pronoun Choice out to Lunch?

2011年12月22日 | 英語学習
12月3日のArcaMax Vocabulary(メルマガ)の記事も興味のある内容でした。
Q: What's your opinion of the commonplace use of "they" to mean "he or she," "them" to mean "him or her," and "their" to mean "his or her?" Here is an example of part of a note that might be sent home by my child's school: "If your child wishes to purchase a lunch, they should bring their money in an envelope."
Technically, of course, the singular antecedent "child" requires a singular pronoun. The old-fashioned solution was to use the masculine pronouns "he," "him" and "his" to refer to both genders, i.e., "He should bring his money in an envelope."

Another option is to use double-barreled pronouns, e.g., "he or she," "him or her," "he/she" and "him/her." But such constructions are cumbersome and awkward and, when used more than a few times, become tedious and annoying to readers or listeners.
* Use a plural subject with "they": If your children want to purchase a lunch, they ...
* Rewrite the sentence to eliminate pronouns entirely: Your child can purchase a lunch by bringing money in an envelope.
* Change the pronoun to an article, such as "the" or "a": A child wishing to purchase lunch should bring the money in an envelope.
納得です。 英文を書くことはほとんどありませんが、ネイティブでも手本にならない英語を使う事があるので要注意という例でした。
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