さて、日本は百円札はなくコインですが、米国では1ドルコインも記念硬貨などで存在しますが、実際に流通しているのは1ドル紙幣です。 今日はその1ドル紙幣と20ドル紙幣の会話。
A one dollar bill met a twenty dollar bill and said,
"Hey, where've you been? I haven't seen you around here much."
The twenty answered, "I've been hanging out at the casinos went on a cruise and did the rounds of the ship, back to the United States for a while, went to a couple of baseball games, to the mall, that kind of stuff. How about you?"
The one dollar bill said, "You know, same old stuff church, church, church."
さて、日本は百円札はなくコインですが、米国では1ドルコインも記念硬貨などで存在しますが、実際に流通しているのは1ドル紙幣です。 今日はその1ドル紙幣と20ドル紙幣の会話。
A one dollar bill met a twenty dollar bill and said,
"Hey, where've you been? I haven't seen you around here much."
The twenty answered, "I've been hanging out at the casinos went on a cruise and did the rounds of the ship, back to the United States for a while, went to a couple of baseball games, to the mall, that kind of stuff. How about you?"
The one dollar bill said, "You know, same old stuff church, church, church."