English Collection



2011年01月12日 | 英語学習
How To Make Money In Japan by Domenico Laganaを図書館から借りて読み始めました。タイトルに惹かれて借りたのではありません。それにこの本を読んで金儲けができるとは全く期待していません。単にこの本の厚さが薄いので貸し出し期間内に読めると思ったからです。 How-To本の常として、余り難しい英語で書かれてはいませんがそれでも私の知らない単語や慣用句が時々出てきます。
And unless the working people of Japan, who did not even declare a protest strike when the same politicians railroaded the consumption tax, are earning salaries that would not be affected by it, it was hard to understand why they did not even try and refuse to pay it when it was imposed in a way which in the mass media was described as arogant, insolent and shameless.
日本で消費税が導入されたのは(もう忘れていましたが)ウィキペディアによると1989年だそうで、そうすると私が米国駐在から戻ったのがその前年の11月だったので、既に同様な米国での税には慣れていたので余り気にならなかったのでしょう。そんな訳で引用文の "railroaded" に、強引に押し進めたのか、それとも別の意味があるのか見当が付かないので辞書を見ます。
・Oxford English Dictionary: [with object] informal rush or coerce (someone) into doing something: she hesitated, unwilling to be railroaded into a decisioncause (a measure ) to be passed or approved quickly by applying pressure: the Bill had been railroaded through the House
・American Heritage Dictionary: To rush or push (something) through quickly in order to prevent careful consideration and possible criticism or obstruction: railroad a special-interest bill through Congress.
・Cambridge Advanced Learner's English Dictionary: to force something to happen or force someone to do something, especially quickly or unfairly; We were railroaded into signing the agreement.
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