先週のJT Online に "Fukuda, Ozawa hold first Diet faceoff" と題したニュースがありました。記事の最初の文は, "Prime Minister Yasuo Fukuda maintains a humble tone in his first one-on-one debate with Democratic Party of Japan President Ichiro Ozawa." "faceoff" は "face-off" とも綴られ、私の電子辞書、ジーニアス英和には「対決」、「対抗」の意味が出ていますが、もともとホッケーから来た言葉のようで、次のような文脈では "After a brief face-off, the youth dropped his weapon and surrendered peacefully." 「にらみ合い」がぴったりの気がします。
Th Japan Timse Jan 11 の記事に
Billing Catch-22 traps patients(副題 Public insurance stops if they get noncovered therapy)と題した記事がありました。Catch-22は元々は第二次世界大戦中の出来事を扱ったジョセフ・ケラーの小説の題名ですが、主人公が軍規22項(狂気に陥った者は自ら請願すれば除隊できる。ただし、自分の狂気を意識できるのであれば狂気に陥ってはいない)で悩む問題からCatch-22なる言葉は板ばさみ状態やジレンマに陥った場合などを示す一般用語になりました。(詳しくはWikipedia等Web上に解説があります)もちろん普通の辞書にもCatch-22の意味は載っています。例えばMerriam-Websterを見ると:
1: a problematic situation for which the only solution is denied by a circumstance inherent in the problem or by a rule ; also : the circumstance or rule that denies a solution
2 a: an illogical, unreasonable, or senseless situation
b: a measure or policy whose effect is the opposite of what was intended
c: a situation presenting two equally undesirable alternatives
3: a hidden difficulty or means of entrapment : catch
ニュージャージーに住んでいた頃家の近くに幹線道路(多分州道)のルート22が通っていました。その道路沿いにCatch-22と言うシーフードレストランを見つけた時にはその名付け方に非常に関心しました。何故なら、米国人にとっては一般的な上記で触れたCatch-22の意味とルート22を掛けただけではなく、シーフードレストランで必ずと言って良いほど目にする文句、Today's Catch(今日お薦めの魚)も惹起させるからです。
When my dad asked my son what he'd like for his birthday, the boy said, "A Wii console would be nice, please, Granddad."
"Oh, come on, son," my father replied. "You can have a big one."
朝日新聞の土曜版に「いわせてもらおう」と言う読者からの投書のコラムがあり毎週笑わせてもらっているのですが、それと似た "Life's Like That" と題した読書の投書によるコラムがReader's Digestにあります。
Unfortunately, getting a new passport required a new photo. As I handed my ten-year-old passport and the new picture to the clerk, I sighed. "I like the original better," I told her.
"Trust me," she said. "Ten years from now, you'll like this one.""
epiphany: a moment of sudden very strong emotions, when someone suddenly understands something
I had an epiphany while taking a stroll on the beach.
突然のひらめき・悟りの意味で使われ、私には全くと言って良いほど縁がないのですが、それだけに憶えて何時か使って見たい。縁が無いのは "epiphany" と若干関係がありそうな "serendipity"(natural ability to make interesting or valuable discoveries by accident) もそうだし、もちろん円にもあまり縁はありません。(朝からオヤジギャグでスミマセン)
bungling: unsuccessful as a result of making stupid mistakes
bungle: to be unsuccessful, because you have made stupid mistake
Unrest continues to grow in southern Thailand. Long-standing grievances are being compounded by government bungling insensitivity and negligence.
Gardian Unlimited
But a new report, based on interviews with young people across Britain, suggests that more and more white youths now see black street culture as their only credible influence in the UK. And, what's more, the predominance of black culture has even led to the formation of a fledgling hybrid language - 'Blinglish'.
The Independent News
English slang is now changing so fast that an estimated five new expressions are coined every day. Before you get to the bottom of this page, another one will almost certainly have been born. Teachers and parents won't like it; they won't even understand it - but it will be fresh, young, and out there.
Urban Dictionary
Blinglish is the vocabulary of corrupted English words created and used in hip hop by bejeweled celebrities, particularly gangsta (witness!) rappers, to identify themselves and to tell their stories. It is a product of ignorance and poor schooling masquerading as independent thought.
Everything gon be alright; bottle poppin; u betta run wit it; conversate with some chicks; clowned Before we end up fightin; Ludacris (song title), etc., ad nauseam.
The rapper might have a story to tell or a lesson to teach, but, since he's using Blinglish, he's keeping his message a secret from everyone except those who already know it.
私は日本語でも若者言葉は余り理解できないので "Blinglish" は "It's all Blinglish to me." で当然ですよね。
Japan Times June 17, 2006の見出しに "World Cup spirit runneth over" とありました。 この "runneth" は知らない単語なので辞書で調べたがどの辞書にも載っていない。それもそのはずで "runneth" は "runs" の古語で、Bibleにある "My cup runneth over. (runs over)"(幸福が身に余る)を下敷きにした表現だという事が分かりました。
つまり、Japan Timesの見出しは、ワールドカップで幸せな気持ちになっているファンが世の中に溢れている事を示していることが分かります。日本のスポーツ新聞もそうですが、新聞の見出しは洒落ている表現(駄洒落?)が多いのが特徴ですね。
せっかく調べたのでBibleの記述個所(Psalm Chapter 23)を次に紹介します。
Psalm Chapter 23
The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want.
He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters.
He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake.
Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.
Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over.
Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the
ところで、 "Her cups runneth over." となると、同じく聖書の表現を下敷きにしているのは確かですが聖書の意味とは大いに変わってきます。 この "cups" は女性のカップのことで、つまり、「彼女の胸はあふれるほど大きい/彼女は巨乳だ」となります。
この表現は最初は1989年に放映された "Married... with Children" と言うsitcom(ホームコメディ)の6番目のエピソードのタイトルから来たそうです。 以下にインターネットに掲載されていたそのいわれを示します。
Her Cups Runneth Over is the 6th episode of season three of the television sitcom Married... with Children. First Aired: Sunday January 15, 1989 on FOX.
Synopsis: To cheer up Peggy on her birthday, Al and Steve travel to Wisconsin and "Francine's of Hollywood" (whose motto is "If you've got the boulders, we've got the holders"), where lies the solution to Peggy's clothing crisis - a missing bra.
Al and Steve head off to a fancy boutique to get Peggy a new bra for her birthday.
This episode was found offensive by homemaker Terry Rakolta who began a letter writing campaign to boycott the show. However it had the opposite effect and ratings for the show grew which help put the Fox network on the television map.
Doctors say they have never seen anything like it: A window washer who fell 47 stories from the roof of a Manhattan skyscraper is now awake, talking to his family and expected to walk again.
Alcides Moreno, 37, plummeted almost 500 feet in a December 7 scaffolding collapse that killed his brother.