今年一番の寒さとかTVで言ってましたが、東京では雪、氷、霜を見ることは年にほんの数回です。畑にも霜柱は滅多にできません。 霜で昨年読んだ "Tuesdays with Morrie" にこんな表現があったのを思い出しました。
A neat shower room stood behind a pane of frosted glass
. 日本語では曇りガラスと言うところを "frosted glass" もちろん本物の霜が付いたガラスにも使えると思いますが、一応辞書の説明を見てみます。
・Collins Dictionary: glass with a frosted appearance obtained by acid etching or sandblasting, used to create glass patterns or to make a window unable to be seen through although light still transmits through it
・Macmillan Dictionary: glass that has a rough surface so that you cannot see clearly through it
A neat shower room stood behind a pane of frosted glass
. 日本語では曇りガラスと言うところを "frosted glass" もちろん本物の霜が付いたガラスにも使えると思いますが、一応辞書の説明を見てみます。
・Collins Dictionary: glass with a frosted appearance obtained by acid etching or sandblasting, used to create glass patterns or to make a window unable to be seen through although light still transmits through it
・Macmillan Dictionary: glass that has a rough surface so that you cannot see clearly through it