English Collection


protection racket

2020年02月11日 | 英語の原書を読む
The Japan Times1月8日の記事を引用します。
Trump tries his protection racket on South Korea
Trump is demanding a five-fold increase in the roughly $1 billion that Seoul now pays annually in host-nation support for U.S. forces based in South Korea.
記事タイトルに使われている "protection racket" は記事内容からすると暴力団のみかじめ料を連想させます。
"protection racket" は7/12/2016にも取り上げていますが、アメリカファーストを連発するトランプ大統領の言動からして、同盟国でも "protection racket" を要求されていると感じても不思議ではないですね。
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white horse

2020年02月10日 | 英語の原書を読む
Roald Dahlの短編 "Dip in the Pool" からの引用です。
'The sun deck, please,' he said to the elevator man.
The wind caught him full in the face as he stepped out on to the open deck. He staggered and grabbed hold of the rail and held on tight with both hands, and he stood there looking out over the darkening sea where the great waves were welling up high and white horses were riding against the wind with plumes of spray behind them as they went.
上の文中に出て来た "white horses" ですが、文脈から白波を連想させます。辞書で確認します。
・Vocabulary.com: a wave that is blown by the wind so its crest is broken and appears white

・Collins Dictionary: a wave with a white broken crest

・Wiktionary: A wave that is blown by the wind such that its crest is broken up and appears white and foamy; a whitecap.
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play with rabbits

2020年02月09日 | 英語の原書を読む
Roald Dahlの短編 "My Lady Love, My Dove" からの引用です。
"Listen," she said, slapping down the magazine on her lap," you saw the sort of people they were as well as I did.
A pair of stupid climbers who think they can go anywhere just because they play good bridge."
"I'm sure you're right dear, but what I don't honestly understand is why — "
I keep telling you — so that for once we can get a decent game. I'm sick and tired of playing with rabbits. But I really can't see why I should have these awful people in the house."
カードゲームのブリッジをする話の延長なので、"playing with rabbits" は兎と遊ぶことではないのは確かです。下手な相手とブリッジするのに辟易しているので、ブリッジが上手いので呼んだが、気に入らない人達だとすると、つじつまが合います。ここでの "playing with rabbits" ブリッジの下手な人とゲームをする意味か、辞書で確認します。

・Collins Dictionary: a novice or poor performer at a game or sport

・Dictionary.com: a person who is poor at sports, esp. golf, tennis, or cricket.
"rabbit" は元々イギリス英語でイギリス発祥のスポーツが下手な人を指す意味があるのですね。
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hammer them right home

2020年02月06日 | 英語の原書を読む
Roald Dahlの短編集 "Someone Like You" を読み始めました。
その中の "Man from the South" からの引用です。
We stood there, the boy, the girl, and I, holding Martinis in our hands, watching the little man at work. We watched him hammer two nails into the table, about six inches apart. He didn't hammer them right home; he allowed a small part of each one to stick up.
一方は車を賭け、もう一方は金目の物を何も持たないで小指の切断を賭けるという、とんでもない話です。 引用文の "hammer them right home" の個所ですが、"them" は "two nails" を指しているので "hammer two nails right home" の意味が問題ですが、その後に "stick up" とあり、釘を完全に奥まで打たなかったことを意味していると推測できます。辞書で確かめます。 "home" の項に次の説明がありました。
・Collins Dictionary: to the fullest extent: hammer the nail home
・WordNet Search - 3.1: to the fullest extent; to the heart: "drove the nail home"; "drove his point home"; "his comments hit home"

・Wiktionary: to the place where it belongs; to the end of a course; to the full length: to drive a nail home; to ram a cartridge home; Eventually she managed to slide the lid of the pencil-box right home and the newt was hers.

Wiktionaryの最後の例文はRoald Dahlの作品、Matildaからの引用とありました。
10/19/2010に "nail goes home" を取り上げ、"hammer the nail home" も辞書で見ていましたね。
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2020年02月04日 | 英語の原書を読む
Reader's Digest 11月号の記事 'Words That Are Their Own Opposites' からの引用です。
A contronym is a word that is its own antonym. Sound unusual? You probablly use contronym every day ...
この後に "contronym" を使った例文が続きます。そうだなと思う例文の他に片方の意味を知らなかった例が二つありました。
- Dust can mean "to add dust" (to crops) or "to remove dust" (from furniture).
- Cleave can mean either "to cling/adhere" or "to split/sever."
私が知らなかったのは "dust" の次の用法と、
・Oxford English Dictionary: Cover lightly with a powdered substance.: Roll out on a surface dusted with flour.; Sprinkle (a powdered substance) on to something.: Orange powder was dusted over the upper body.
そして、"cleave" の次の意味でした。
・Oxford English Dictionary: Adhere strongly to (a particular pursuit or belief): Part of why we cleave to sports is that excellence is so measurable.; Become very strongly involved with or emotionally attached to (someone): It was his choice to cleave to the Brownings.
"contronym" は厄介な単語ですね。
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2020年02月03日 | 英語の原書を読む
Reader's Digest 11月号の記事 'Live Long & Prosper' からの引用です。
There's a growing amount of data linking sleep deprivation with disease and other health problems, says Scott Trappe, PhD, director of the human performance lab at Ball State University. Studies show that a lack of quality sleep zaps your energy, ups your stress level, hurts your memory, weakens your immune system, and makes you more anxious and depressed.
この "zap" の意味は文脈からだいたい分かりますが、一応辞書を見ます。
・Oxford English Dictionary: Destroy or obliterate.: Zap the enemy's artillery before it can damage your core units.

・Collins Dictionary: To zap someone or something means to kill, destroy, or hit them, for example with a gun or in a computer game.: A guard zapped him with the stun gun.

メディアザッピングに対応する意味の説明が "zap" にあるのか辞書を見ましたが、この意味での説明をしている辞書は見当たりません。(多くの辞書はTVのコマーシャル時にチャンネルを変える場合に "zap" を使う例を載せていますが)
Channel surfing (also known as channel hopping or zapping) is the practice of quickly scanning through different television channels or radio frequencies to find something interesting to watch or listen to. Modern viewers, who may have cable or satellite services beaming down dozens if not hundreds or thousands of channels, are frequently channel surfing. It is common for people to scan channels when commercial broadcasters switch from a show over to running commercials.
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