The article #8. About this blog (1)

2016-08-15 11:47:58 | About this blog
Hi, this is Kohanbito (Lake Man).

In this blog,
I would like to write mainly about life, religion, argument against anti-Japan opinions, but besides that, I also would like to write casually and freely about anything that I felt those were interesting such as any news, infrastructure of society, foods, convenience stores, cars, music, TVCM, fashion, beautiful things, international relationship, international politics and so on.

And since this is a personal blog, I would not show all the comments that I received but I will select those comments that I want to show or communicate.
Any articles that I felt it is necessary to translate into English, I will do so. But not all of them.

Also, you may feel inconvenient for my my poor grammatical mistakes, but please excuse me for that since I am still in the process of learning English.

Kohanbito (Lake Man).

