文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

Was sie mit dem Mund sagen und was sie tun, sind zwei verschiedene Dinge

2020年08月21日 17時16分21秒 | 全般

Alexis Dudden, ein südkoreanischer Agent und unglaublich mieser Lowlife, dominiert die American Historical Society und überträgt das Kapitel, das ich am 11.09.2019 mit dem Titel gesendet habe.
Das Folgende stammt aus einem Artikel von Koji Matsumoto mit dem Titel "Konfrontation mit Koreas Lügen, warum Korea" anti-japanisch "bleibt." Konfrontiere die Wahrheit der Geschichte und decke Koreas Lügen auf! " veröffentlicht in der September-Ausgabe des WiLL-Magazins.
Es ist ein Muss für die Menschen in Japan und den Rest der Welt.
Ohne dieses Papier zu lesen, werden Sie die Geschichte des Fernen Ostens der Nachkriegszeit nie verstehen.
Der koreanische Agent und unglaublich miese Heuchler Alexis Dudden kontrolliert die American Historical Society.
Gleiches gilt für die UNO.
Es ist an der Zeit, dass sich die internationale Gemeinschaft für ihre Unwissenheit und Inkompetenz schämt.
Vor allem ist es der Nationalsozialismus im Namen der antijapanischen Bildung, den Südkorea, eine Nation von abgründigen bösen und plausiblen Lügen, seit 74 Jahren seit dem Ende des Zweiten Weltkriegs betreibt.
China wurde von Jiang Zemin ins Leben gerufen, um die Öffentlichkeit vom Vorfall auf dem Platz des Himmlischen Friedens abzulenken. Nationalsozialismus im Namen der antijapanischen Bildung, der bis heute andauert.
Die Tatsache, dass die internationale Gemeinschaft den Nationalsozialismus im Namen der antijapanischen Bildung übersehen hat, hat die äußerst instabile und gefährliche Welt geschaffen, in der wir heute leben.
Chinas wachsende Unverschämtheit, Südkoreas Wahnsinn (koreanischer Wahnsinn) und Putins wachsende Unverschämtheit sind alle Ergebnisse der Vernachlässigung des Nationalsozialismus durch die internationale Gemeinschaft, den China und die koreanische Halbinsel weiterhin verüben.
Taiwan ist pro-japanisch, Südkorea ist anti-japanisch?
The Origins of Koreas Anti-Japanisches Prinzip (Sosha), das im März dieses Jahres veröffentlicht wurde, ist ein 650-seitiges Magnum-Opus voller Notizen, Zitate und Referenzen, die den Hintergrund und die Realität von Koreas anti-japanischer Stimmung überzeugend vermitteln.
Können Sie uns zunächst sagen, was Sie motiviert hat, dieses Buch zu schreiben?
Anmerkung des Herausgebers: Der kühne Text im Buch stammt aus The Origins of the Korean Anti-Japanese Principle.
Ich war ungefähr drei Jahre in Korea, als ich 1982 vom Ministerium für internationalen Handel und Industrie (jetzt METI) zur japanischen Botschaft in Korea versetzt wurde, und während dieser Zeit hatte ich immer das Gefühl, dass etwas nicht stimmte.
Zum Beispiel gab es zu dieser Zeit Beschränkungen für die japanische Populärkultur, die den Import japanischer Filme und Schallplatten praktisch untersagten.
In Bezug auf die Musik waren die Ziele vor allem die Lieder und Enka mit einem starken japanischen Kulturgeschmack.
Als ich nach dem Grund dafür fragte, war die Antwort, dass wir Koreaner während der japanischen Besatzung so sehr gelitten hatten, dass wir eine Abneigung und Abneigung gegen alles hatten, was eindeutig japanisch war.
Nachdenklich frage ich mich jedoch, ob dies nicht ein bisschen seltsam ist.
Wenn Sie die japanische Kultur so sehr hassen, muss die Regierung sie nicht regulieren.
Niemand würde einen japanischen Film sehen oder Musik hören.
Tatsächlich gibt es in Taiwan ein interessantes Beispiel.
Nach der Niederlage Japans kam die Kuomintang-Regierung von Chiang Kai-shek nach Taiwan, und sie verfolgte auch die Politik, die japanische Kultur auszuschließen.
Eine Zeitlang erlaubte es jedoch den Import japanischer Filme.
So wurde New Tohos Der Meiji-Kaiser und der Große Russisch-Japanische Krieg (veröffentlicht 1957 in Japan) gezeigt, und als die Szene mit Kaiser Meiji, gespielt von Arashi Kanjuro, auftauchte, stand das Publikum massenhaft auf, heißt es. Das wurde zu einem großen Problem und der Import japanischer Filme wurde erneut verboten (lacht).
Ich denke, die koreanische Regierung hatte wahrscheinlich Angst vor etwas Ähnlichem.
Es wird oft gesagt, Taiwan sei pro-japanisch und Korea anti-japanisch, obwohl beide unter japanischer Herrschaft standen.
Ich fragte mich jedoch, ob die Haltung gegenüber Japan, die in ihren Wurzeln verwurzelt war, der von Taiwan überraschend ähnlich war.
Vor mehr als 30 Jahren habe ich mich gefragt, ob Koreaner entgegen der landläufigen Meinung die Ära der japanischen Herrschaft, der japanischen Kultur und der japanischen Denkweise tief im Inneren akzeptieren.
Mir wurde die Frage bewusst, worum es ging.
Es geht nicht nur um Kultur im engeren Sinne.
Wenn wir durch die Stadt gehen, ist die Atmosphäre der Japans sehr ähnlich.
Es ist klein, aber die unterirdischen Einkaufszentren sind denen in Japan sehr ähnlich.
Auch die Regierungsbüros sind die gleichen wie in Japan.
Ich wurde dem für Wirtschaft zuständigen Büro zugewiesen, daher war mein Gegenüber die koreanische Handels- und Industrieabteilung, die dem japanischen Ministerium für internationalen Handel und Industrie entspricht, und vom Bürolayout bis zur Anordnung der Schreibtische war es fast identisch mit dem des Ministeriums für internationalen Handel und Industrie (lacht).
Wenn ich darüber nachdenke, ist das kein Wunder!
Die koreanische Regierung übernahm die japanische Annexionszeit vom Büro des japanischen Gouverneurs in Korea. Obwohl die Beamten aus dem Landesinneren abreisten, blieb etwa die Hälfte der koreanischen Beamten dort.

Diese Organisation wurde durch die US-Militärverwaltung zur koreanischen Regierung.
Mit anderen Worten, die Struktur und die Menschen sind seit der Zeit des Generalgouverneurs von Korea kontinuierlich.
Die Organisationskultur, der allgemeine Rahmen der Organisation und die Aufteilung der japanischen Regierung wurden vererbt, daher ist es nur natürlich, dass die Ähnlichkeiten vorhanden sind.
"Die japanische Gesellschaft, die durch ein einziges Meer getrennt ist, war schon immer wie ein vorbildliches Antwortblatt, das die Koreaner wütend transkribierten" (Kim Si-bok; 1981).
"Die allgemeine Form der koreanischen Politik, Gesellschaft und Kultur verläuft so, dass sie den japanischen Praktiken nachempfunden ist" (Choi Il-nam., 1994).
Genauer gesagt hatten das Ministerium für Handel und Industrie (MITI) und das Ministerium für Handel und Industrie in Korea zum Zeitpunkt meines Auftrags mehrere interne Organisationen mit ähnlichen Namen.
Zum Beispiel gab es zwei Büros innerhalb des Ministeriums für Handel und Industrie, das Büro für Grundstoffindustrie und das Büro für Verbraucherindustrie.
In den frühen 80er Jahren unterzog sich MITI einer Organisationsreform. Obwohl die Wörter "Grundstoffindustrie" und "Existenzlohnindustrie" überhaupt nicht existierten, unternahmen sie große Anstrengungen, um diese Büros zu schaffen, und bald darauf wurden sie "Bureau of Basic Industries" und "Bureau of" genannt Konsumgüter und Dienstleistungen.
Kurz danach wurde das Ministerium für Handel und Industrie neu organisiert und Büros mit ähnlichen Namen wie das Basic Industries Bureau und das Consumer Industries Bureau eingerichtet.
Es gibt auch überall spezialisierte Unternehmen mit Funktionen, die denen Japans sehr ähnlich sind.
Immer wenn es eine neue administrative Nachfrage nach etwas gibt, prüft Korea zuerst, was es in Japan tut, und gründet dann ein spezialisiertes Unternehmen.
Als Leute von diesen Unternehmen in Korea kamen, konnten wir, die Regierungsbeamten, herausfinden, welche Art von Institution sie tun, indem wir nur den Namen hörten.
Als wir hörten, dass sie von der Small and Medium Enterprise Bank stammten, gingen wir davon aus, dass es sich im Wesentlichen um die Small and Medium Enterprise Finance Corporation handelt, und wir waren uns fast sicher, dass sie Recht hatten.
"Haben sie keine japanischen Dokumente?"
Ich weiß nicht wenig darüber, was es jetzt ist, aber soweit ich aus meinen Forschungen in den 1980er und 1990er Jahren ersehen kann, war der Text der Artikel des Gesetzes sehr ähnlich.
Vergleichen wir zum Beispiel Japans Gewerkschaftsgesetz, das 1949 geändert wurde, mit dem koreanischen Gewerkschaftsgesetz, das vier Jahre später im Jahr 1953 geschaffen wurde.
Der in diesem Gesetz verwendete Begriff "Gewerkschaft" bezeichnet eine Organisation oder einen Verband von Organisationen, die von den Arbeitnehmern organisiert werden, um ihre Arbeitsbedingungen und einen anderen wirtschaftlichen Status auf eigene Initiative aufrechtzuerhalten und zu verbessern. (3) Der in diesem Gesetz verwendete Begriff "Arbeitnehmer" bezeichnet diejenigen, die von Löhnen, Gehältern oder anderen gleichwertigen Einkünften leben, unabhängig von ihrem Niveau oder ihrer Art des Berufs. (Japan)
(2) Der in diesem Gesetz verwendete Begriff "Gewerkschaften" bezeichnet Organisationen oder Verbände von Organisationen, die von Arbeitnehmern auf ihre Initiative hin organisiert werden, um die Arbeitsbedingungen aufrechtzuerhalten und zu verbessern, das Wohl der Arbeitnehmer zu fördern und auf andere Weise ihren wirtschaftlichen und sozialen Status zu verbessern.
In diesem Gesetz bedeutet der Begriff "Arbeitnehmer" jemanden, der unabhängig von seinem Beruf von Löhnen, Gehältern oder anderen gleichwertigen Einkünften lebt. (Korea)
Die koreanische Version ist etwas länger, aber sie sind sehr ähnlich.
Außerdem enthalten Artikel 1 des 1957 erlassenen Gesetzes über vorübergehende Maßnahmen zur Förderung der Elektronikindustrie in Japan und das 1969 verabschiedete Gesetz zur Förderung der Elektronikindustrie in Korea in Artikel 1 "Zweck" fast identische Sätze.
Ziel dieses Gesetzes ist es, durch die Förderung der Elektronikindustrie zur Modernisierung von Industrieanlagen und -technologien und zur soliden Entwicklung der Volkswirtschaft beizutragen. (Japan)
Ziel dieses Gesetzes ist es, durch die Förderung der Elektronikindustrie zur Modernisierung von Industrieanlagen und -technologien sowie zur Entwicklung der Volkswirtschaft beizutragen. (Korea)
Ich kann nicht jeden Artikel zitieren, aber kurz gesagt, ein Großteil des koreanischen Rechts ist wie eine Übersetzung des japanischen Rechts.
Diese Ähnlichkeit kann nicht zufällig passieren.
Eine Art von Praxis war der Begriff "japanische Materialien", der zu dieser Zeit in Korea häufig verwendet wurde.
Wenn eine Politik im Regierungsbüro erwogen wurde und ein Vorschlag von unten kam, sagte der Direktor: "Ich verstehe das, aber haben Sie keine japanischen Dokumente? Also fragen Sie.
Wenn eine neue Richtlinie oder ein neues Gesetz ausgearbeitet und erlassen wird, fragen Vorgesetzte immer nach japanischen Dokumenten.

Solange es befolgt wird, fühlen sie sich damit wohl.
Es ist für sie üblich geworden, ein Forschungsteam nach Japan zu schicken, um die Situation zu untersuchen, in der sie etwas Neues schaffen, und die Ergebnisse werden dann in neue koreanische Richtlinien und Gesetze umgewandelt.
Ein Grund dafür ist, dass die japanischen Besatzungsgesetze in Korea von Ende der 1950er bis Anfang der 1960er Jahre umgesetzt wurden.
Der Begriff "Umsetzung" ist ein juristischer Begriff, der im Wesentlichen bedeutet, ausländisches Recht so anzuwenden, als wäre es das eigene.
Natürlich konnten einige der jüngeren Anwälte kein Japanisch, deshalb wurden sie auch übersetzt.
Da grundlegende Gesetze wie das Strafgesetzbuch, das Zivilgesetzbuch und das Handelsgesetzbuch aus der japanischen Annexionszeit übernommen wurden, passt die neue japanische Nachkriegsgesetzgebung gut zur koreanischen Gesellschaft.
In koreanischen Geschichtsbüchern steht geschrieben, dass "die japanische Politik die Modernisierung und Entwicklung Koreas enorm behindert und für unser Volk nicht von Nutzen war", aber dies ist eine Wahrnehmung, die nicht mit der Realität in Verbindung steht.
Präsident Park Chung-hee setzte der "Umsetzung" ein Ende und ersetzte sie durch Koreas Gesetze, aber die japanischen Gesetze wurden seitdem übernommen.
Obwohl es einige Bestimmungen gab, die nur in Korea gelten, wie zum Beispiel das Ehebruchverbrechen, hat sich die rechtliche Struktur der japanischen Herrschaft verändert.
Ich denke, das hat sich bis heute nicht viel geändert.
Die Struktur der Straßen und unterirdischen Einkaufszentren kann wahrscheinlich von Experten auf dem Gebiet der Architektur und des Städtebaus analysiert werden. Sie können erklären, dass die Struktur der Straßen und unterirdischen Einkaufszentren diesen Teil Japans auf diese Weise einbezieht.
Warum ähnelt es Japan so sehr, obwohl es ein antijapanisches Land ist?
Es geht nicht nur um "aus der Vergangenheit vererbte Institutionen" und das intakte Relikt, sondern vielmehr um die Tatsache, dass Korea nach dem Krieg gierig versucht hat, Japan einzubeziehen.
Was sie mit dem Mund sagen und was sie tun, sind zwei verschiedene Dinge.
Irgendwas stimmt nicht.
Ich hatte das Gefühl, dass es etwas Wichtigeres gab, das nicht erwähnt wurde.
Dieser Artikel wird fortgesetzt.

Lo que dicen con la boca y lo que hacen son dos cosas diferentes

2020年08月21日 17時12分44秒 | 全般

Retransmitiendo el capítulo que envié el 2019-09-11 titulado, Alexis Dudden, un agente surcoreano e increíblemente pésimo, domina la Sociedad Histórica Estadounidense.
Lo siguiente es de un artículo de Koji Matsumoto, titulado "Enfrentando las mentiras de Corea, por qué Corea sigue siendo" antijaponesa "," ¡Enfrenta la verdad de la historia y expone las falsedades de Corea! " publicado en la edición de septiembre de la revista WiLL.
Es una lectura obligada para la gente de Japón y el resto del mundo.
Sin leer este artículo, nunca comprenderá la historia del Lejano Oriente de la posguerra.
El agente coreano y el hipócrita increíblemente pésimo Alexis Dudden controla la Sociedad Histórica Estadounidense.
Lo mismo ocurre con la ONU.
Ha llegado el momento de que la comunidad internacional se avergüence de sí misma por su ignorancia e incompetencia.
Sobre todo, es el nazismo en nombre de la educación antijaponesa lo que Corea del Sur, una nación de abismal maldad y mentiras plausibles, ha estado llevando a cabo durante 74 años desde el final de la Segunda Guerra Mundial.
China fue iniciada por Jiang Zemin para distraer al público del incidente de la Plaza de Tiananmen. Nazismo en nombre de la educación antijaponesa, que aún continúa.
El hecho de que la comunidad internacional haya pasado por alto el nazismo en nombre de la educación antijaponesa ha creado el mundo extremadamente inestable y peligroso en el que vivimos hoy.
China se vuelve impúdica, la locura de Corea del Sur (locura coreana) y la imprudencia de Putin son todos el resultado del descuido de la comunidad internacional del nazismo que China y la península de Corea continúan perpetrando.
¿Taiwán es projaponés, Corea del Sur es antijaponesa?
The Origins of Korea's Anti-Japanese Principle (Sosha), publicado en marzo de este año, es una obra magna de 650 páginas, llena de notas, citas y referencias que transmiten de manera persuasiva el trasfondo y la realidad del sentimiento antijaponés de Corea.
¿Podría empezar por decirnos qué le motivó a escribir este libro?
Nota del editor: el texto en negrita del libro es de Los orígenes del principio coreano antijaponés.
Estuve en Corea durante unos tres años cuando me transfirieron del Ministerio de Industria y Comercio Internacional (ahora METI) a la Embajada de Japón en Corea en 1982, y durante ese tiempo, siempre sentí que algo andaba mal.
Por ejemplo, en esa época existían restricciones a la cultura popular japonesa, que prácticamente prohibían la importación de películas y discos japoneses.
En cuanto a la música, los objetivos fueron especialmente las canciones y los enka con un fuerte sabor cultural japonés.
Cuando pregunté la razón de esto, la respuesta fue que los coreanos habíamos sufrido tanto durante la ocupación japonesa que teníamos aversión y repulsión a todo lo que fuera claramente japonés.
Sin embargo, pensándolo bien, me pregunto si esto no es un poco extraño.
Si odias tanto la cultura japonesa, el gobierno no necesita regularla.
Nadie iría a ver una película japonesa ni a escuchar música.
De hecho, hay un ejemplo interesante en Taiwán.
Después de la derrota de Japón, el gobierno del Kuomintang de Chiang Kai-shek llegó a Taiwán y también tenía una política de exclusión de la cultura japonesa.
Sin embargo, durante un tiempo permitió la importación de películas japonesas.
Así que se mostró El emperador Meiji y la gran guerra ruso-japonesa de New Toho (estrenada en Japón en 1957), y cuando se produjo la escena con el emperador Meiji, interpretado por Arashi Kanjuro, el público se puso de pie en masa, se dice. Eso se convirtió en un gran problema, y ​​la importación de películas japonesas fue prohibida nuevamente (risas).
Creo que el gobierno coreano probablemente temía que sucediera algo similar.
A menudo se dice que Taiwán es projaponesa y Corea es antijaponesa, a pesar de que ambos estaban bajo el dominio japonés.
Sin embargo, me preguntaba si la actitud hacia Japón, arraigada en sus raíces, era sorprendentemente similar a la de Taiwán.
Hace más de 30 años, me preguntaba si, contrariamente a la percepción popular, los coreanos aceptan en el fondo la era del dominio japonés, la cultura japonesa y la forma de pensar japonesa.
Me di cuenta de la pregunta de qué se trataba todo esto.
No se trata solo de cultura en un sentido estricto.
Cuando caminamos por la ciudad, el ambiente es muy similar al de Japón.
Es de pequeña escala, pero los centros comerciales subterráneos son muy similares a los de Japón.
Además, las oficinas gubernamentales son las mismas que en Japón.
Me asignaron a la oficina a cargo de la economía, por lo que mi contraparte era el Departamento de Industria y Comercio de Corea, el equivalente al Ministerio de Industria y Comercio Internacional de Japón, y desde el diseño de la oficina hasta la disposición de los escritorios, era casi idéntico a eso. del Ministerio de Industria y Comercio Internacional (risas).
Cuando lo pienso, ¡no es de extrañar!
El gobierno coreano asumió la era de la anexión japonesa de la oficina del gobernador japonés de Corea. Aunque los funcionarios del interior del país se fueron, aproximadamente la mitad de los funcionarios coreanos permanecieron allí.

Esa organización se convirtió en el gobierno coreano a través de la Administración Militar de Estados Unidos.
En otras palabras, la estructura y las personas han sido continuas desde la época del Gobernador General de Corea.
La cultura organizacional, el marco general de la organización y el arreglo divisional del gobierno japonés se han heredado, por lo que es natural que existan similitudes.
"La sociedad japonesa, separada por un solo mar, siempre ha sido como un modelo de hoja de respuestas, que los coreanos transcribieron furiosamente" (Kim Si-bok; 1981).
'La forma general de la política, la sociedad y la cultura coreanas avanza de una manera que emula las prácticas japonesas' (Choi Il-nam., 1994)
Para ser más específico, en el momento de mi asignación, el Ministerio de Comercio e Industria (MITI) y el Ministerio de Comercio e Industria de Corea tenían varias organizaciones internas con nombres similares.
Por ejemplo, había dos oficinas dentro del Ministerio de Comercio e Industria, la Oficina de Industrias Básicas y la Oficina de Industrias del Consumidor.
A principios de los 80, el MITI experimentó una reforma organizativa. Aunque las palabras "industria básica" e "industria de salario digno" no existían en primer lugar, hicieron todo lo posible para crear estas oficinas, y poco después, se llamaron Oficina de Industrias Básicas y Oficina de Productos y servicios de consumo.
Poco después, se reorganizó el Ministerio de Comercio e Industria y se establecieron oficinas con nombres similares, como la Oficina de Industrias Básicas y la Oficina de Industrias del Consumidor.
También hay corporaciones especializadas en todas partes, con funciones muy similares a las de Japón.
Siempre que hay una nueva demanda administrativa de algo, Corea primero mira lo que están haciendo en Japón y luego crea una corporación especializada.
Cuando la gente vino de estas corporaciones en Corea, nosotros, los funcionarios del gobierno, pudimos averiguar qué tipo de institución hacen con solo escuchar el nombre.
Cuando supimos que eran del Banco de Pequeñas y Medianas Empresas, asumimos que eran, en esencia, la Corporación Financiera de Pequeñas y Medianas Empresas, y estábamos casi seguros de que tenían razón.
¿No tienen documentos japoneses?
No sé un poco sobre lo que es ahora, pero por lo que puedo deducir de mi investigación en los años 80 y 90, el texto de los artículos de la ley era muy similar.
Por ejemplo, comparemos la Ley de Sindicatos de Japón, que fue enmendada en 1949, con la Ley de Sindicatos de Corea, creada cuatro años más tarde en 1953.
El término "sindicato", tal como se utiliza en esta ley, significa una organización o federación de organizaciones organizadas por los trabajadores con el propósito principal de mantener y mejorar sus condiciones de trabajo y otro estatus económico por iniciativa propia. (3) El término "trabajadores" según se usa en esta Ley significará aquellos que viven de sueldos, salarios u otros ingresos equivalentes, sin importar su nivel o tipo de ocupación. (Japón)
(2) El término "sindicatos" utilizado en esta ley significa organizaciones o federaciones de organizaciones organizadas por trabajadores por iniciativa de ellos para mantener y mejorar las condiciones de trabajo, promover el bienestar de los trabajadores y mejorar de otra manera su condición económica y social.
En esta Ley, el término "trabajador" significa aquél que vive de sueldo, salario u otro ingreso equivalente, independientemente de su ocupación. (Corea)
La versión coreana es un poco más larga, pero son muy similares.
Además, el artículo 1 de la Ley de medidas temporales para promover la industria electrónica en Japón, promulgada en 1957, y la Ley de promoción de la industria electrónica en Corea, aprobada en 1969, tienen frases casi idénticas en el artículo 1, "Propósito".
Esta Ley tiene por objeto contribuir a la modernización de los equipos y tecnologías industriales y al sólido desarrollo de la economía nacional mediante la promoción de la industria electrónica. (Japón)
Esta Ley tiene por objeto contribuir a la modernización de los equipos y tecnologías industriales y al desarrollo de la economía nacional mediante la promoción de la industria electrónica. (Corea)
No puedo citar todos los artículos, pero en resumen, gran parte de la ley coreana es como una traducción de la ley japonesa.
Esta similitud no puede ocurrir por casualidad.
Un tipo de práctica fue el término "materiales japoneses" que se usaba a menudo en Corea en ese momento.
Cuando se estaba considerando una política en la oficina del gobierno, cuando surgía una propuesta desde abajo, el director decía: "Lo entiendo, pero ¿no tiene ningún documento japonés?
Siempre que se redacta y promulga una nueva política o ley, los superiores siempre piden documentos japoneses.

Siempre que se siga, se sentirán cómodos con él.
Se ha convertido en una costumbre para ellos enviar un equipo de investigación a Japón para estudiar la situación cuando crean algo nuevo, y los resultados luego se convierten en nuevas políticas y leyes coreanas.
Una razón de esto es que las leyes de ocupación japonesas se transpusieron en Corea desde finales de la década de 1950 hasta principios de la de 1960.
El término "transposición" es un término jurisprudencial que significa, en esencia, aplicar la ley extranjera como si fuera la propia.
Por supuesto, algunos de los abogados más jóvenes no podían hablar japonés, por lo que también fueron traducidos.
Dado que las leyes básicas como el Código Penal, el Código Civil y el Código de Comercio han sido reemplazadas por la era de la anexión japonesa, la nueva legislación japonesa de la posguerra se adapta bien a la sociedad coreana.
En los libros de texto de historia de Corea, está escrito que "las políticas japonesas han causado un enorme obstáculo a la modernización y el desarrollo de Corea y no han sido de utilidad para nuestro pueblo", pero esta es una percepción que está fuera de contacto con la realidad.
El presidente Park Chung-hee puso fin a la "transposición" y la reemplazó con las leyes de Corea, pero las leyes japonesas se han hecho cargo desde entonces.
Aunque había algunas disposiciones exclusivas de Corea, como el delito de adulterio, la estructura legal de la era del dominio japonés se ha asentado.
No creo que eso haya cambiado mucho incluso hoy.
La estructura de las calles y los centros comerciales subterráneos probablemente pueda ser analizada por expertos en el campo de la arquitectura y la ingeniería urbana. Pueden explicar que la estructura de las calles y los centros comerciales subterráneos incorporan esta parte de Japón de esta manera.
¿Por qué se parece tanto a Japón, aunque es un país antijaponés?
No se trata solo de que las 'instituciones heredadas del pasado' y la reliquia permanezcan intactas, sino más bien del hecho de que Corea ha estado tratando codiciosamente de incorporar a Japón después de la guerra.
Lo que dicen con la boca y lo que hacen son dos cosas diferentes.
Algo está mal.
Sentí que había algo más importante que no se mencionó.
Este artículo continúa.


2020年08月21日 17時11分20秒 | 全般

ハングルが 貴重な文化遺産として重んじられるような時代になっていたからこそ、日の目を見たのです。 

Quello che dicono con la bocca e quello che stanno facendo sono due cose diverse

2020年08月21日 17時05分27秒 | 全般

Ritrasmettendo il capitolo che ho inviato l'11 settembre 2019, Alexis Dudden, un agente sudcoreano e incredibilmente pessimo malvivente, domina l'American Historical Society.
Quanto segue è tratto da un articolo di Koji Matsumoto, intitolato "Affrontare le bugie della Corea, perché la Corea rimane" anti-giapponese "." Affronta la verità della storia ed esponi le falsità della Corea! " pubblicato nel numero di settembre della rivista WiLL.
È una lettura obbligata per il popolo del Giappone e del resto del mondo.
Senza leggere questo articolo, non capirete mai la storia dell'Estremo Oriente del dopoguerra.
L'agente coreano e incredibilmente schifoso ipocrita Alexis Dudden controlla l'American Historical Society.
Lo stesso vale per le Nazioni Unite.
È giunto il momento che la comunità internazionale si vergogni di se stessa per la sua ignoranza e incompetenza.
Soprattutto, è il nazismo in nome dell'educazione anti-giapponese che la Corea del Sud, una nazione di malvagità abissale e bugie plausibili, porta avanti da 74 anni dalla fine della seconda guerra mondiale.
La Cina è stata avviata da Jiang Zemin per distrarre il pubblico dall'incidente di piazza Tiananmen. Il nazismo in nome dell'educazione anti-giapponese, che continua ancora oggi.
Il fatto che la comunità internazionale abbia trascurato il nazismo in nome dell'educazione anti-giapponese ha creato il mondo estremamente instabile e pericoloso in cui viviamo oggi.
La crescita impudente della Cina, la follia della Corea del Sud (follia coreana) e l'impudenza di Putin sono tutti i risultati della negligenza della comunità internazionale del nazismo che la Cina e la penisola coreana continuano a perpetrare.
Taiwan è filo-giapponese, la Corea del Sud è anti-giapponese?
The Origins of Korea's Anti-Japanese Principle (Sosha), pubblicato a marzo di quest'anno, è un magnum opus di 650 pagine, pieno di note, citazioni e riferimenti che trasmettono in modo persuasivo lo sfondo e la realtà del sentimento anti-giapponese della Corea.
Potresti iniziare raccontandoci cosa ti ha spinto a scrivere questo libro?
Nota del redattore: il testo in grassetto nel libro è tratto da Le origini del principio anti-giapponese coreano.
Sono stato in Corea per circa tre anni quando sono stato trasferito dal Ministero del Commercio Internazionale e dell'Industria (ora METI) all'Ambasciata giapponese in Corea nel 1982, e durante quel periodo ho sempre sentito che qualcosa non andava.
Ad esempio, all'epoca c'erano restrizioni sulla cultura popolare giapponese, che praticamente proibivano l'importazione di film e dischi giapponesi.
Per quanto riguarda la musica, gli obiettivi erano soprattutto le canzoni e l'enka dal forte sapore culturale giapponese.
Quando ho chiesto il motivo di ciò, la risposta è stata che noi coreani avevamo sofferto così tanto durante l'occupazione giapponese che provavamo avversione e repulsione per tutto ciò che era distintamente giapponese.
Riflettendoci, però, mi chiedo se questo non sia un po 'strano.
Se odi così tanto la cultura giapponese, il governo non ha bisogno di regolarla.
Nessuno andrebbe a vedere un film giapponese o ad ascoltare musica.
In realtà, c'è un esempio interessante a Taiwan.
Dopo la sconfitta del Giappone, il governo del Kuomintang di Chiang Kai-shek arrivò a Taiwan, e aveva anche una politica di esclusione della cultura giapponese.
Per un certo periodo, tuttavia, ha consentito l'importazione di film giapponesi.
Così è stato proiettato The Meiji Emperor and the Great Russo-Japanese War di New Toho (pubblicato in Giappone nel 1957), e quando è iniziata la scena con l'Imperatore Meiji, interpretato da Arashi Kanjuro, il pubblico si è alzato in massa, si dice. Questo è diventato un grosso problema e l'importazione di film giapponesi è stata nuovamente vietata (ride).
Penso che il governo coreano avesse probabilmente paura che accadesse qualcosa di simile.
Si dice spesso che Taiwan sia filo-giapponese e che la Corea sia anti-giapponese, anche se entrambi erano sotto il dominio giapponese.
Tuttavia, mi chiedevo se l'atteggiamento nei confronti del Giappone, radicato nelle loro radici, fosse sorprendentemente simile a quello di Taiwan.
Più di 30 anni fa, mi chiedevo se, contrariamente alla percezione popolare, i coreani accettassero l'era del dominio giapponese, della cultura giapponese e del modo di pensare giapponese nel profondo.
Mi resi conto della questione di cosa si trattasse.
Non si tratta solo di cultura in senso stretto.
Quando camminiamo per la città, l'atmosfera è molto simile a quella del Giappone.
È di piccole dimensioni, ma i centri commerciali sotterranei sono molto simili a quelli del Giappone.
Inoltre, gli uffici governativi sono gli stessi del Giappone.
Sono stato assegnato all'ufficio responsabile dell'economia, quindi la mia controparte era il Dipartimento del commercio e dell'industria coreano, l'equivalente del Ministero del commercio internazionale e dell'industria giapponese, e dalla disposizione dell'ufficio alla disposizione delle scrivanie, era quasi identica a quella del Ministero del commercio internazionale e dell'industria (ride).
Quando ci penso, non c'è da meravigliarsi!
Il governo coreano ha rilevato l'era dell'annessione giapponese dall'ufficio del governatore giapponese della Corea. Sebbene i funzionari dell'interno del paese se ne siano andati, circa la metà dei funzionari coreani è rimasta lì.

Quell'organizzazione divenne il governo coreano attraverso l'amministrazione militare degli Stati Uniti.
In altre parole, la struttura e le persone sono state continue sin dai tempi del Governatore Generale della Corea.
La cultura organizzativa, il quadro generale dell'organizzazione e la disposizione divisionale del governo giapponese sono stati ereditati, quindi è naturale che le somiglianze siano lì.
"La società giapponese, separata da un unico mare, è sempre stata come un modello di foglio delle risposte, che i coreani hanno trascritto furiosamente" (Kim Si-bok; 1981).
"La forma generale della politica, della società e della cultura coreana sta procedendo in un modo che emula le pratiche giapponesi" (Choi Il-nam., 1994)
Per essere più precisi, al momento del mio incarico, il Ministero del Commercio e dell'Industria (MITI) e il Ministero del Commercio e dell'Industria in Corea avevano diverse organizzazioni interne con nomi simili.
Ad esempio, c'erano due uffici all'interno del Ministero del Commercio e dell'Industria, il Basic Industries Bureau e il Consumer Industries Bureau.
All'inizio degli anni '80, il MITI ha subito una riforma organizzativa. Anche se le parole "industria di base" e "industria del salario dignitoso" non esistevano in primo luogo, fecero di tutto per creare questi uffici, e subito dopo furono chiamati Bureau of Basic Industries e Bureau of Prodotti e servizi di consumo.
Poco dopo, il Ministero del Commercio e dell'Industria fu riorganizzato e vennero istituiti uffici con nomi simili, come il Basic Industries Bureau e il Consumer Industries Bureau.
Ci sono anche società specializzate ovunque, con funzioni molto simili a quelle del Giappone.
Ogni volta che c'è una nuova domanda amministrativa per qualcosa, la Corea guarda prima a quello che stanno facendo in Giappone e poi crea una società specializzata.
Quando le persone provenivano da queste società in Corea, noi, i funzionari del governo, siamo stati in grado di capire che tipo di istituzione fanno solo ascoltando il nome.
Quando abbiamo saputo che provenivano dalla Small and Medium Enterprise Bank, abbiamo pensato che fossero, in sostanza, la Small and Medium Enterprise Finance Corporation, ed eravamo quasi sicuri che avessero ragione.
"Non hanno documenti giapponesi?"
Non so cosa sia adesso, ma per quanto posso dedurre dalla mia ricerca negli anni '80 e '90, il testo degli articoli della legge era molto simile.
Ad esempio, confrontiamo il diritto sindacale giapponese, modificato nel 1949, con il diritto sindacale coreano, creato quattro anni dopo nel 1953.
Il termine "sindacato" usato in questa legge significa un'organizzazione o una federazione di organizzazioni organizzate dai lavoratori allo scopo principale di mantenere e migliorare le loro condizioni di lavoro e un altro status economico su loro iniziativa. (3) Il termine "lavoratori" come utilizzato nella presente legge indica coloro che vivono con salario, stipendio o altro reddito equivalente, indipendentemente dal loro livello o tipo di occupazione. (Giappone)
(2) Il termine "sindacati" utilizzato nella presente legge significa organizzazioni o federazioni di organizzazioni organizzate dai lavoratori su loro iniziativa per mantenere e migliorare le condizioni di lavoro, promuovere il benessere dei lavoratori e migliorare in altro modo il loro status economico e sociale.
In questa legge, il termine "lavoratore" significa colui che vive di salario, stipendio o altro reddito equivalente, indipendentemente dall'occupazione. (Corea)
La versione coreana è un po 'più lunga, ma sono molto simili.
Inoltre, l'articolo 1 della legge sulle misure temporanee per promuovere l'industria elettronica in Giappone, emanata nel 1957, e la legge sulla promozione dell'industria elettronica in Corea, approvata nel 1969, hanno frasi quasi identiche nell'articolo 1, "Scopo".
Lo scopo di questa legge è di contribuire alla modernizzazione delle apparecchiature e della tecnologia industriale e al solido sviluppo dell'economia nazionale promuovendo l'industria elettronica. (Giappone)
Lo scopo della presente legge è di contribuire alla modernizzazione delle apparecchiature e della tecnologia industriale e allo sviluppo dell'economia nazionale promuovendo l'industria elettronica. (Corea)
Non posso citare tutti gli articoli, ma in breve, gran parte della legge coreana è come una traduzione della legge giapponese.
Questa somiglianza non può accadere per caso.
Un tipo di pratica era il termine "materiali giapponesi" spesso usato in Corea all'epoca.
Quando una politica veniva considerata presso l'ufficio governativo, quando una proposta veniva fuori dal basso, il direttore diceva: "Lo capisco, ma non hai documenti giapponesi? Quindi chiedi.
Ogni volta che viene redatta e promulgata una nuova politica o legge, i superiori chiedono sempre documenti giapponesi.

Finché è seguito, sono a loro agio.
È diventata consuetudine per loro inviare un gruppo di ricerca in Giappone per studiare la situazione quando creano qualcosa di nuovo, ei risultati vengono poi trasformati in nuove politiche e leggi coreane.
Uno dei motivi è che le leggi giapponesi sull'occupazione furono trasposte in Corea dalla fine degli anni '50 all'inizio degli anni '60.
Il termine "trasposizione" è un termine giurisprudenziale che significa, in sostanza, applicare la legge straniera come se fosse la propria.
Naturalmente, alcuni degli avvocati più giovani non sapevano parlare giapponese, quindi sono stati anche tradotti.
Poiché le leggi fondamentali come il codice penale, il codice civile e il codice commerciale sono state riprese dall'era dell'annessione giapponese, la nuova legislazione giapponese del dopoguerra si adatta bene alla società coreana.
Nei libri di testo coreani di storia, è scritto che "le politiche giapponesi hanno causato un enorme ostacolo alla modernizzazione e allo sviluppo della Corea e non sono state di alcuna utilità per il nostro popolo", ma questa è una percezione che è fuori dal contatto con la realtà.
Il presidente Park Chung-hee ha posto fine alla "trasposizione" e l'ha sostituita con le leggi coreane, ma da allora le leggi giapponesi sono state riprese.
Sebbene esistessero alcune disposizioni esclusive della Corea, come il crimine di adulterio, la struttura giuridica dell'era del dominio giapponese è scivolata al suo posto.
Non credo che sia cambiato molto anche oggi.
La struttura delle strade e dei centri commerciali sotterranei può probabilmente essere analizzata da esperti nel campo dell'architettura e dell'ingegneria urbana. Possono spiegare che la struttura delle strade e dei centri commerciali sotterranei incorporano questa parte del Giappone in questo modo.
Perché assomiglia così tanto al Giappone, anche se è un paese anti-giapponese?
Non è solo una questione di "istituzioni lasciate in eredità dal passato" e della reliquia che rimane intatta, ma piuttosto del fatto che la Corea ha cercato avidamente di incorporare il Giappone dopo la guerra.
Quello che dicono con la bocca e quello che stanno facendo sono due cose diverse.
Qualcosa è sbagliato.
Sentivo che c'era qualcosa di più importante che non veniva menzionato.
Questo articolo continua.

What they say with their mouths, and what they are doing are two different things

2020年08月21日 16時52分53秒 | 全般

Re-transmitting the chapter I sent out on 2019-09-11 entitled, Alexis Dudden, a South Korean agent, and incredibly lousy lowlife, dominates the American Historical Society.
The following is from an article by Koji Matsumoto, entitled 'Confronting Korea's Lies, Why Korea Remains "Anti-Japanese.', 'Confront the truth of history and expose Korea's falsehoods!' published in the September issue of WiLL magazine.
It is a must-read for the people of Japan and the rest of the world.
Without reading this paper, you will never understand the history of the post-war Far East.
The Korean agent and incredibly lousy hypocrite Alexis Dudden controls the American Historical Society.
The same is true of the UN.
The time has come for the international community to be ashamed of itself for its ignorance and incompetence.
Above all, it is Nazism in the name of anti-Japanese education that South Korea, a nation of abysmal evil and plausible lies, has been carrying on for 74 years since the end of World War II.
China was started by Jiang Zemin to distract the public from the Tiananmen Square incident. Nazism in the name of anti-Japanese education, which is still going on today.
The fact that the international community has overlooked Nazism in the name of anti-Japanese education has created the extremely unstable and dangerous world we live in today.
China's grow impudent, South Korea's madness (Korean madness), and Putin's grow impudent are all the results of the international community's neglect of the Nazism that China and the Korean Peninsula continue to perpetrate.
Taiwan is pro-Japanese, South Korea is anti-Japanese?
The Origins of Korea's Anti-Japanese Principle (Sosha), published in March this year, is a 650-page magnum opus, full of notes, quotations, and references persuasively convey the background and reality of Korea's anti-Japanese sentiment.
Could you start by telling us what motivated you to write this book?
Editor's note: Bold text in the book is from The Origins of the Korean Anti-Japanese Principle.
I was in Korea for about three years when I was transferred from the Ministry of International Trade and Industry (now METI) to the Japanese Embassy in Korea in 1982, and during that time, I always felt that something was wrong. 
For example, there were restrictions on Japanese popular culture at that time, which practically prohibited the importation of Japanese movies and records.
As far as music is concerned, the targets were especially the songs and enka with a strong Japanese cultural flavor.
When I asked the reason for this, the answer was that we Koreans had suffered so much during the Japanese occupation that we had an aversion and revulsion to anything that was distinctly Japanese. 
On reflection, however, I wonder if this is not a bit strange.
If you hate Japanese culture so much, the government doesn't need to regulate it.
No one would go to see a Japanese movie or listen to music. 
Actually, there is an interesting example in Taiwan.
After Japan's defeat, the Kuomintang government of Chiang Kai-shek came to Taiwan, and they also had a policy of excluding Japanese culture.
For a time, however, it allowed the importation of Japanese films.
So New Toho's The Meiji Emperor and the Great Russo-Japanese War (released in Japan in 1957) was shown, and when the scene with Emperor Meiji, played by Arashi Kanjuro, came on, the audience stood up en masse, it's said. That became a big problem, and the importation of Japanese films was banned again (laughs). 
I think the Korean government was probably afraid of something similar happening.
It's often said that Taiwan is pro-Japanese, and Korea is anti-Japanese, even though they were both under Japanese rule.
However, I wondered if the attitude towards Japan, rooted in their roots, was surprisingly similar to that of Taiwan.
More than 30 years ago, I wondered if, contrary to popular perception, Koreans accept the era of Japanese rule, Japanese culture, and Japanese way of thinking deep down.
I became aware of the question of what this was all about. 
It is not only about culture in a narrow sense.
When we are walking through the city, the atmosphere is very similar to that of Japan.
It's small in scale, but the underground malls are very similar to those in Japan.
Also, government offices are the same as in Japan.
I was assigned to the office in charge of economics, so my counterpart was the Korean Commerce and Industry Department, the equivalent of Japan's Ministry of International Trade and Industry, and from the office layout to the arrangement of desks, it was almost identical to that of the Ministry of International Trade and Industry (laughs). 
When I think about it, it's no wonder!
The Korean government took over the Japanese annexation era from the Japanese Governor's Office of Korea. Although the officials from the country's interior left, about half of the Korean officials remained there.
That organization became the Korean government through the U.S. Military Administration.
In other words, the structure and people have been continuous since the time of the Governor-General of Korea. 
The organizational culture, the general framework of the organization, and the divisional arrangement of the Japanese government have been inherited, so it's only natural that the similarities are there. 
'Japanese society, separated by a single sea, has always been like a model answer sheet, which the Koreans furiously transcribed' (Kim Si-bok; 1981). 
'The general shape of Korean politics, society, and culture is proceeding in a way that emulates Japanese practices' (Choi Il-nam., 1994) 
To be more specific, at the time of my assignment, the Ministry of Trade and Industry (MITI) and the Ministry of Commerce and Industry in Korea had several internal organizations with similar names.
For example, there were two bureaus within the Ministry of Trade and Industry, the Basic Industries Bureau and the Consumer Industries Bureau.
In the early '80s, MITI underwent an organizational reform. Even though the words "basic industry" and "living wage industry" didn't exist in the first place, they went to great lengths to create these bureaus, and soon after that, they were called the Bureau of Basic Industries and the Bureau of Consumer Products and Services.
Shortly after that, the Ministry of Commerce and Industry was reorganized, and bureaus with similar names, such as the Basic Industries Bureau and the Consumer Industries Bureau, were established. 
There are also specialized corporations everywhere, with functions very similar to those of Japan.
Whenever there is a new administrative demand for something, Korea first looks at what they are doing in Japan and then creates a specialized corporation.
When people came from these corporations in Korea, we, the government officials, were able to figure out what kind of institution they do just by hearing the name.
When we heard that they were from the Small and Medium Enterprise Bank, we assumed that they were, in essence, the Small and Medium Enterprise Finance Corporation, and we were almost sure that they were right.
'Don't they have any Japanese documents?' 
I don't know a little bit about what it is now, but as far as I can tell from my research in the 1980s and 1990s, the text of the articles of the law was very similar.
For example, let's compare Japan's Trade Union Law, which was amended in 1949, with Korea's Trade Union Law, created four years later in 1953.
The term "labor union" as used in this law means an organization or a federation of organizations organized by the workers for the primary purpose of maintaining and improving their working conditions and another economic status on their initiative. (3) The term "workers" as used in this Act shall mean those who live on wages, salaries, or other equivalent income, regardless of their level or type of occupation. (Japan)
(2) The term "labor unions" used in this Act means organizations or federations of organizations organized by workers on their initiative to maintain and improve working conditions, promote the welfare of workers, and otherwise enhance their economic and social status. 
In this Act, the term "worker" means one who lives on wages, salaries, or other equivalent income, regardless of occupation. (Korea) 
The Korean version is a bit longer, but they are very similar. 
Besides, Article 1 of the Law on Temporary Measures to Promote the Electronic Industry in Japan, enacted in 1957, and the Law on Promotion of the Electronic Industry in Korea, passed in 1969, have almost identical sentences in Article 1, "Purpose."
The purpose of this Act is to contribute to the modernization of industrial equipment and technology and the sound development of the national economy by promoting the electronic industry. (Japan)
The purpose of this Act is to contribute to the modernization of industrial equipment and technology and the national economy's development by promoting the electronic industry. (Korea)
I can't cite every article, but in short, much of the Korean law is like a translation of Japanese law.
This similarity cannot happen by chance.
One kind of practice was the term "Japanese materials" often used in Korea at the time. 
When a policy was being considered at the government office, when a proposal came up from below, the director would say, "I understand that, but don't you have any Japanese documents? So you ask.
Whenever a new policy or law is being drafted and enacted, superiors always ask for Japanese documents.
As long as it is followed, they are comfortable with it.
It has become customary for them to send a research team to Japan to study the situation when they create something new, and the results are then turned into new Korean policies and laws.
One reason for this is that the Japanese occupation laws were transposed in Korea from the late 1950s to the early 1960s.
The term "transposition" is a jurisprudential term that means, in essence, to apply foreign law as if it were one's own.
Of course, some of the younger lawyers could not speak Japanese, so they were also translated.
Since basic laws such as the Criminal Code, Civil Code, and Commercial Code have been taken over from the Japanese annexation era, the new post-war Japanese legislation fits Korean society well.
In Korean history textbooks, it is written that "Japanese policies have caused enormous hindrance to the modernization and development of Korea and have been of no use to our people," but this is a perception that is out of touch with reality. 
President Park Chung-hee put an end to the "transposition" and replaced it with Korea's laws, but the Japanese laws have been taken over since then.
Although there were some provisions unique to Korea, such as the adultery crime, the legal structure of the Japanese rule era has slid into place.
I don't think that has changed much even today.
The structure of the streets and underground malls can probably be analyzed by experts in the field of architecture and urban engineering. They can explain that the structure of the streets and underground malls incorporate this part of Japan in this way. 
Why does it resemble Japan so much, even though it is an anti-Japanese country?
It's not just a matter of 'institutions bequeathed from the past' and the relic remaining intact, but rather the fact that Korea has been greedily trying to incorporate Japan after the war.
What they say with their mouths, and what they are doing are two different things.
Something is wrong.
I felt that there was something more important that wasn't mentioned.
This article continues.

Confronting Korea's Lies, Why Korea Remains 'Anti-Japanese.'

2020年08月21日 16時02分58秒 | 全般

Re-transmitting the chapter I sent out on 2019-09-11 entitled, Alexis Dudden, a South Korean agent, and incredibly lousy lowlife, dominates the American Historical Society.
The following is from an article by Koji Matsumoto, entitled 'Confronting Korea's Lies, Why Korea Remains 'Anti-Japanese.', 'Confront the truth of history and expose Korea's falsehoods!' published in the September issue of WiLL magazine.
It is a must-read for the people of Japan and the rest of the world.
Without reading this paper, you will never understand the history of the post-war Far East.
The Korean agent and incredibly lousy hypocrite Alexis Dudden controls the American Historical Society.
The same is true of the UN.
The time has come for the international community to be ashamed of itself for its ignorance and incompetence.
Above all, it is Nazism in the name of anti-Japanese education that South Korea, a nation of abysmal evil and plausible lies, has been carrying on for 74 years since the end of World War II.
China was started by Jiang Zemin to distract the public from the Tiananmen Square incident. Nazism in the name of anti-Japanese education, which is still going on today.
The fact that the international community has overlooked Nazism in the name of anti-Japanese education has created the extremely unstable and dangerous world we live in today.
China's grow impudent, South Korea's madness (Korean madness), and Putin's grow impudent are all the results of the international community's neglect of the Nazism that China and the Korean Peninsula continue to perpetrate.
The text continues in the next chapter.

Without reading this paper, you will never understand the history of the post-war Far East

2020年08月21日 15時59分36秒 | 全般

Re-transmitting the chapter I sent out on 2019-09-11 entitled, Alexis Dudden, a South Korean agent, and incredibly lousy lowlife, dominates the American Historical Society.
The following is from an article by Koji Matsumoto, entitled 'Confronting Korea's Lies, Why Korea Remains "Anti-Japanese.', 'Confront the truth of history and expose Korea's falsehoods!' published in the September issue of WiLL magazine.
It is a must-read for the people of Japan and the rest of the world.
Without reading this paper, you will never understand the history of the post-war Far East.
The Korean agent and incredibly lousy hypocrite Alexis Dudden controls the American Historical Society.
The same is true of the UN.
The time has come for the international community to be ashamed of itself for its ignorance and incompetence.
Above all, it is Nazism in the name of anti-Japanese education that South Korea, a nation of abysmal evil and plausible lies, has been carrying on for 74 years since the end of World War II.
China was started by Jiang Zemin to distract the public from the Tiananmen Square incident. Nazism in the name of anti-Japanese education, which is still going on today.
The fact that the international community has overlooked Nazism in the name of anti-Japanese education has created the extremely unstable and dangerous world we live in today.
China's grow impudent, South Korea's madness (Korean madness), and Putin's grow impudent are all the results of the international community's neglect of the Nazism that China and the Korean Peninsula continue to perpetrate.
The text continues in the next chapter.


2020年08月21日 15時37分05秒 | 全般



2020年08月21日 15時14分31秒 | 全般


it is a popular page

2020年08月21日 09時18分01秒 | 全般




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2020-05-08 22:11:10




2020-05-13 17:13:06


Only after reading the book will you know what a data collection is and what a news report is


2020-05-13 16:51:57




2020-05-03 16:32:19




2020-05-04 14:22:00




2020-05-03 09:54:39




2020-05-02 17:19:00




2020-05-11 14:01:22




2020-04-30 23:04:01




2020-05-12 21:57:14




2020-05-03 16:39:33




2020-05-11 21:53:17




2020-05-10 16:00:56


「ピースボート」 の実質的主宰者は朝鮮総聯、 船籍は北朝鮮であることを割り出した。


2018-09-19 12:49:17




2020-05-02 17:16:39




2020-05-08 19:05:20




2020-05-16 22:27:48




2020-05-06 19:36:12




2020-05-01 17:27:26

it is a popular page yesterday

2020年08月21日 09時15分40秒 | 全般
























Alla reportrar vet att de får ljuga.


有数の読書家である友人が画家山下清の実像を教えてくれた。…昨日の私の出来事…starry starry nightを読んだ友人が、今日、以下の、とても嬉しいプレゼントをくれた。


世界は「支那」と呼んでいる…いまや国際共通語とも書える英語(米語)では、まず「中国」を指して'Central Land'とは言わない。周知のようにChina(チャイナ)である


Alle journalister ved, at de bliver lænket.


ぼくは京都はなんべんも絵にしたな 冬の金閣寺を貼絵にしたこともあるな 夏は大文字焼きをスケッチしてそれをやき物の絵にしたこともあるな 


Toți reporterii știu că sunt făcuți să mintă.


Det är så ungefär i alla saker.


Om de vill ha individuell kompensation är det den koreanska regeringen att betala för den




Se on niin suunnilleen kaikissa asioissa.






Det er så stort set i alle ting.


Jos he haluavat henkilökohtaista korvausta, Korean hallituksen on maksettava siitä


Tous les journalistes savent qu'ils sont amenés à mentir.




Varför inrättar det amerikanska demokratiska partiet Kina så mycket?




Hvis de ønsker individuel kompensation, er det op til den koreanske regering at betale for den


Those things are written on the faces of both of them, aren't they?


Hvorfor opretter det amerikanske demokratiske parti Kina så meget?


以下はリアルタイムのベスト10である。2020/8/20, pm 4:10


Not only did I not see my mother die, but she also died by violence...March 11, 2011,






Tất cả các phóng viên đều biết họ đang nói dối.






以下はリアルタイムのベスト10である。2020/8/19, pm 9:00


He doesn't have to look to the right or to the left to look at anyone


de involverede i FN, har brug for at vide det.






Denna artikel bevisar också att han är den enda journalisten i efterkrigstidens värld


No one would ever come out with his comments.




オバマ政権の副大統領バイデンが北京に飛び、習近平に談判した。 会談にはなぜか息子で投資会社経営のハンターも同行した。しかし結果は習近平の主張そのまま。




Tämä artikkeli todistaa myös olevansa ainoa toimittaja sodanjälkeisessä maailmassa


it is a popular page yesterday on ameba

2020年08月21日 09時10分12秒 | 全般


































































plundered and arson, this idiot newspaper said,




バイデンの行状、 クリントン夫妻やファンスタイン上院議員等の行状の対極に、トランプはいる




















but that alone is not enough.




I thought my mother was saved, but unfortunately








レストランに行ってはいけない…補償は国に求めるより、立憲民主党に求めた方がいいですね #立憲
















But it was a sad call I'd never heard before





8/17 22:13
























The episodes that tell me to make me laugh




こんどは春の絵を描くんだな 春の感じをだすんだな 柳の芽が風にふかれてるのが春らしいな




Les épisodes qui me disent de me faire





































8/3 10:55




those involved in the UN, need to know.






The U.S. is continuing to demand, the more a high degree of independence to Japan

2020年08月21日 00時10分02秒 | 全般

The following is from an article by Ms. Yoshiko Sakurai, entitled "China's manipulation of Japan, do not underestimate it," published yesterday in Weekly Shincho.
Sakurai-san is a national treasure defined by Saicho, and she keeps on writing for Japan, a hard-earned article.
Many decent Japanese people have the deepest gratitude and respect for her.
In a world situation that has changed dramatically, seventy-five years after the end of the war, what kind of country will we make of Japan in the next 10 to 20 years, and beyond it?
Now is the time to think long and hard and decide what direction we want to take. 
The battle of values between the U.S. and China will be as close as it gets.
In four significant speeches on China in July, Secretary of State Pompeo urged the nations of the world to clarify which side of the world they will take and which values they will choose. 
In both Japan and Britain and Germany, their influence on the international community is not small.
When the U.S. influence is relatively weakening, the influence of Japan and others is increasing.
Powerful nations, whether economic or military, have their share of responsibility.
To fulfill its responsibility to the world, Japan, along with the United States, Britain, and others, must consider how to deal with China. 
I then read a report released in late July by the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), a leading American think tank titled "China's Influence on Japan.
The 47-page report concludes that "China's influence on Japan is limited compared to that of other countries," is, unfortunately, lacking in perspective and analysis.
The report states that China has used a mixture of hard and soft measures to expand its influence over Japan, but has not achieved its strategic goals.
As concrete examples, he says, Japan's participation in the One Belt, One Road Project, the independence of Okinawa, the cultivation of pro-China forces within the Japanese government, and the weakening of the U.S.-Japan alliance, none of which have realized. 
What would Japan be like if these cases had realized?
For example, it is the independence of Okinawa.
Its realization would be like the outbreak of a revolution.
It would be an upheaval that would turn the world upside down for Japan.
A weakening of the U.S.-Japan alliance would fundamentally change Japan's postwar history and its security strategy for the near future.
The Purpose of the Report 
The issue Japan has faced since the Trump administration and the Obama administration is the need for a qualitative change in the Japan-US alliance.
The U.S. is continuing to demand, the more a high degree of independence to Japan.
Japan also has self-knowledge that it must do so.
But it is in any way aimed at a more substantial unity between Japan and the United States, not at weakening the alliance. 
The independence of Okinawa and the weakening of the U.S.-Japan alliance are strategies that China has been targeting for years.
To this end, they have been trying to whip up public opinion in Japan and drive the U.S. and Japan out of the alliance.
*Until August six years ago, the Asahi Shimbun, Shukan Asahi, and Aera, to which I subscribed, had occasionally published articles such as "Okinawa's Independence" as if they were for China.
Japan made a big mistake in not abolishing the Asahi Shimbun in August of six years ago*.
It would be a mistake to conclude that China's intelligence operations and influence on Japan are weaker or more limited than those of other countries simply because they have not been realized. 
The report states that its purpose is "to analyze Japan's unique circumstances and policies that can be shared by other democracies and to explain China's failure to influence Japan. 
It is precisely the view that 'China has not been able to exert much influence on Japan' and that the report is merely a collection of material to get there.
If this is the case, one can understand why the first Japanese scholar in the report is Nakano Koichi, a professor at Sophia University and a pro-China advocate. 
As proof that China's influence on Japan is limited, the report cites the Japanese government's initial laxity in dealing with the Wuhan virus and then setting aside funds to encourage companies to leave China. 
The Japanese government has set aside 243.5 billion yen.
The U.S. and Germany have provided 55 trillion yen and 72 trillion yen, respectively.
It is a small amount of money that could cast doubt on Japan's resolve to 'decouple.'
From an objective standpoint, it would be inappropriate to use this as proof that China's influence is not as strong as it could be. 
Although there is a description of the "Confucius Institute" in the report, it is too thin to be useful as a reference.
When China represses other countries and exerts influence, the most effective use is economic power.
Both trade and tourism can be spoon-fed by the Chinese government to inflict severe damage to a partner country.
When the Australian government advocated a scientific investigation by the international community into the Wuhan virus source, China imposed an 80.5% tariff on Australian barley imports.
When South Korea indicated that it might deploy High Altitude Missile Defense (THAAD) at the United States' request, it stopped Chinese tourists and clamped down on the South Korean economy. 
While we are mindful of these examples, the blind spot may be the education sector.
The university of each country is injected with a Chinese student studying abroad in quantities.
In most cases, tuition is paid in a lump sum in advance, which is hugely beneficial from an economic standpoint for the host university.
As a result, the entire university is subordinate to China, making it difficult to criticize China.
In the meantime, Chinese students acquire research and knowledge of cutting-edge technology in their laboratories, stealing it and bringing it back to China.
Huge profits for the university. 
Another pillar of China's expanding influence in the field of education is the Confucius Institute.
The Confucius Institute was started by a subordinate organization of the Ministry of Education (equivalent to MEXT), abbreviated as Hanben, to expand the Chinese sphere to the rest of the world through the teaching of the Chinese language and the promotion of Chinese culture.
More overtly, the goal is to increase the influence of the Chinese Communist Party around the world. 
Clive Hamilton, who described China's horrific aggression against Australia in The Invisible Invasion (Asuka Shinsha), points out that Li Changchun, the head of China's propaganda department, said that the Confucius Institute is an essential organization for China to develop its propaganda abroad. 
They have established 550 Confucius Institutes in 162 countries around the world since the first Confucius Institute was established in South Korea in 2004.
Ritsumeikan University founded the first one in Japan.
Is there anything good?
Ritsumeikan has also established the Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University in Oita Prefecture.
Many of the students at Ritsumeikan are Chinese students.
There are Confucius Institutes at the prestigious Waseda University.
There are Confucius Institutes at 12 other universities: Oberlin, Hokuriku, Aichi, Sapporo, Hyogo Medical School, Okayama Business School, Osaka Sangyo, Fukuyama, Kogakuin, Kansai Gaidai, Musashino and Yamanashi Gakuin.
Many international students and the establishment of the Confucius Institute created a synergistic effect and brought huge profits to the host universities.
In addition to those mentioned above, lump-sum prepaid tuition fees for international students, the Chinese side also provides various research funds funded by the Chinese Ministry of Education.
This money is purported to come from the Chinese Ministry of Education, but is it spotless money?
David Siyangbo, a prominent China researcher, has pointed out that the funds come from the Central Propaganda Department of the Chinese Communist Party (see above).
It means that the funds accepted by many Japanese universities and researchers may be nothing more than money laundered from the Central Propaganda Department of the Communist Party and spent by the Ministry of Education. 
It is Japan to such a thing that it is the most insensible in an advanced.
We want to warn strongly.