Iha, who majored in linguistics at Tokyo Imperial University, argues that Okinawa and the mainland are in the same lineage in terms of language, ethnicity, culture, and customs, and reiterates the chapter I sent out 2019-07-09 titled.
At the same time, it is a retransmission of the chapter initially published on 2018-07-25 entitled: "It is appalling how ungrateful the Koreans are to keep returning evil for this much good.
The South Korean government, just like the Chinese government, has not informed the people of this undeniable fact, so almost none of the people should know about it. As I, a Japanese citizen, did not know about it until I found this article on the Internet, most Japanese people must not know about it either.
In such a situation, how dare they talk about "Japan-China friendship" or "Japan-Korea future-oriented"...
The politicians and the mass media, led by the Asahi Shimbun, have been saying for a long time.
I have read and subscribed to the Asahi Shimbun for a long time until August of four years ago. I can assure you that I have never read the article in the Asahi paper, let alone watch it on NHK, let alone its subsidiary commercial broadcasters.
I've watched the Japanese bad guy theory and the Japanese military bad guy theory more than I admit.
We are disgusted by this fact.
We are also amazed at the stupidity of the Japanese politicians who have continued to give such a tremendous amount of aid to China and South Korea and
It is against the Asahi Shimbun and others, the so-called human rights lawyers, and the so-called academics who made them do that.
There must be countless Japanese who would like to throw the words of one of their leading players, Jiro Yamaguchi, "I will hack off."
At the same time, it is appalling how ungrateful the Koreans are to keep returning evil for this much good,
In a recent message I sent out to the public about the words of a great man that Okinawa produced in the Meiji era, I wrote.
The point that Okinawans are "ungrateful" as a flaw in the
I believe that Mr. Iha's great pioneer pointed out this point.
In an essay by Iha Fuyu, the father of Okinawan studies, there is an essay titled "The Greatest Flaw of Okinawans" (in "Old Ryukyu" (1909), Iwanami Bunko, 2000).
In which Iha pointed out that "it is easy to forget a debt of gratitude," and that "this is the situation that has existed for several hundred years.
The term "forgetfulness of gratitude" is an apt description of the ease with which one follows the most influential person of the moment and betrays those who have followed him or her before.
Iha, who majored in linguistics at Tokyo Imperial University, argued that Okinawa and the mainland are homogeneous in terms of language, ethnicity, culture, and customs, which are the basis of Okinawan studies today.
It is the basis of Okinawan studies today.
Okinawans should never become the equivalent of Koreans, who are
After all, Okinawa has been receiving an enormous amount of local subsidies over the 47 prefectures.
If these astronomical amounts of aid to China and South Korea had been used to strengthen Japan's land, we would have seen the same thing.
A Japanese citizen could have been spared from the disaster.
The same can be said for the people of Okinawa.
The people of Okinawa should ponder and learn.
Japan's ODA to South Korea *Excluding the $500 million Japan paid to South Korea under the 1965 Japan-Korea Basic Treaty.
This article continues.