文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

또한 일본인이라는 자부심과 정신을 잃지 않았습니다.

2020年08月31日 14時19分41秒 | 全般

오늘 아침 제가 뭔가를 찾고있을 때 발견 한 신문이있었습니다.
이 논문과 저자는 나에게 완전히 새로운 것이었다.
저자는 그의 논문의 우수성과 더불어 도쿄 대학 경제학 부를 졸업하고 ITOCHU Corporation의 정회원으로 활동하고 있다는 사실을 알게되어 안심이되었습니다.
직장에 입사 한 후 평생 가장 친한 친구 두 명을 만났습니다.
둘 다 ITOCHU Corporation의 직원이었습니다.
그들은 둘 다 매우 재능있는 사업가 였기 때문에 둘 다 회사에서 중요한 직책을 맡았습니다.
최근 몇 년간 회사 이름이 니와 우 이치로의 친 중국 성명과 함께 담론에 등장하여 불편 함을 느꼈습니다.
나는 무역 회사의 강점은 모든 직원이 어떤 의미에서는 소규모 기업의 관리자라는 사실에 있다고 느꼈습니다.
고객의 대차 대조표를보고 회사의 상태를 즉시 파악하는 능력은 놀랍습니다.
그는 또한 대규모 시공 견적의 모든 세부 사항을 확인하고 가격의 적합성을 결정할 수 있습니다. 이는 일본의 주요 도급업자조차도 깜짝 놀라게 할 것입니다.
나는 그들의 힘이 일본의 힘을 구성하는 지성, 힘, 에너지의 삼위 일체라고 느꼈다.
야쿠르트의 고향 인 진구 경기장 뒷망에는 ITOCHU Corporation의 기업 메시지 인 "하나의 상인, 무수한 임무"가 걸려 있는데, 나는 항상 그것을 볼 때마다 옳다고 생각했습니다.
서두의 저자 인 아오야기 타케히코 씨는 간략한 전기를 가지고 있습니다.
그는 이전에 일본 국제 대학의 교수였습니다.
1934 년 군마현 기류시 출생. 기류 현립 기류 고등학교를 졸업.
1958 년 도쿄 대학 경제학 부를 졸업하고 주식회사 이토츄에 입사했습니다.
그는 ITOCHU Corporation 시드니 지점의 식품 부서 총괄 책임자, ITOCHU Corporation 본사 농산물 부서 총괄 책임자를 역임했습니다. ITOCHU 시스템 개발 공사 이사.
1985 년부터 1997 년까지 그는 ITOCHU와 NTT의 합작 회사 인 Nippon Telematique의 사장 겸 회장이었습니다.
1995 년부터 2006 년까지는 일본 국제 대학 GLOBECOM 부소장 겸 교수였으며, 2006 년부터 2016 년까지는 동 대학 객원 교수였습니다.
그의 연구 분야는 경제학, 경영학, 금융, 정보 사회, 법학, 국제 정치 및 보안 이론을 포함하며 그는 사회 과학 분야에서 자칭 제너럴리스트입니다.
그는 "Videtex Strategy"(정보 과학), "Cyber ​​Surveillance Society"(통신 진흥 협회), "Personal Information Overprotection Destroys Japan"(Softbank Shinsho), "정보화 시대의 개인 정보 연구"(NTT 출판)의 저자입니다. , "미국인을 배신한 루즈 벨트가 일본을 전쟁으로 끌고 갔다"(하트 출판), "미국이 일본인을 심리적으로 무장 해제하기 위해 뒤틀린 일본의 역사"(하트 출판) 등.
나는 APA 그룹의 제 7 회 연례 "현대사 참관"경연 에세이에서 우수상을 수상한 Aoyanagi의 논문을 우연히 발견했습니다.
일본 국민과 세계인이 꼭 읽어야 할 책입니다.
오늘 그의 오프닝 챕터에서 어젯밤에 아리마의 뇌 구조와 NHK / Watch9를 통제하는 다른 NHK 직원들을 완벽하게 요약 한 정말 받아 들일 수없는 구절을 발견했습니다.
먼저 부품을 소개하겠습니다.
그의 기사 제목 자체는 Arima와 나머지 NHK 직원의 뇌 구조를 설명합니다.
일본의 가장 큰 적은 '역사에 대한 마조히즘 적 견해'입니다.
~ WGIP의 마법을 피해
제 1 장 : 역사에 대한 마조히즘 적 관점의 뿌리
미국 세뇌 정책 : 마조히즘 적 역사관의 기원
전쟁 후 미국은 대동 아시아 전쟁에 대해 죄책감을 느끼도록 일본인을 세뇌하기 위해 마인드 컨트롤 정책을 시행했습니다.
이 정책의 목적은 일본 군국주의 자들이 침략 전쟁을 시작하기 위해 자신들의 국민을 속이고 속 였기 때문에 연합군의 공습을 당했고 심지어 속임수에 대한 처벌로 그들에게 원자 폭탄을 떨어 뜨렸다는 개념을 각인시키는 것이었다.
극동의 군사 재판소가 국제적으로 합법적이고 도덕적으로 정당하다는 것은 선전이었습니다.
따라서 일본인이 그들의 행동에 대해 중대한 책임이 있다는 허구가 만들어졌습니다.
이 소설에서 나온 속죄 감은 우아한 후회의 정신을 가진 일본인들 사이에서 역사에 대한 마조히즘 적 견해가되었다.
그것은 오늘날까지 계속해서 증폭되고 재생산되었습니다.
일본인이 사과했을 때 그들은 정의를 행하고 있고 그것이 너무 고귀하다고 생각했습니다.
그것은 비극적 인 느낌과 함께 일종의 달콤한 즐거움을 동반하기도했다.

예리한 관찰자는 내가 검은 색으로 강조한 부분이 아리마, 오코시 등의 뇌 구조, 심지어 이케다 에리코 등의 뇌 구조라는 것을 알 수있을 것입니다.

일본의 장점을 담은 WGIP
이러한 세뇌 정책을 WGIP (War Guilt Information Program)라고 명명했습니다. 1 : WGIP의 일본어 이름 인 "War Guilt / Information Project"는 저자가 번역했습니다.
죄책감이란 "자신의 죄를 인식하는 것"을 의미합니다.
미국이“우리가 탓하지 않는다, 일본이 탓을한다”고 선포하기를 간절히 원했던 이유는 전쟁, 공습 및 공습을 초래 한 사건에 대해 많은 죄책감을 느꼈을 것입니다. 후속 원자 폭탄.
그들은 또한 일본의 힘과 저항의 강도를 상당히 두려워했을 것입니다.
WGIP를 공식화하면서 미국은 일본 연구 논문을 수집하고 몇몇 새로운 학자에게 일본 정서와 문화에 대한 연구 프로젝트를 시작하도록 의뢰했습니다.
기고자는 Chrysanthemum and the Sword의 저자 인 Ruth Benedict, 일본 신도 학자 인 D.C. Holtom, 영국의 사회 인류 학자 Jeffrey Gawler가 참여했습니다.
일본에 대한 그들의 에세이는 그 자체로 강력하고 깊이 있었지만, 요즘에는 다소 오해를 불러 일으키고 어떤면에서 이해하기 어렵습니다.
GHQ는 WGIP를 공식화 할 때 이러한 일본 연구의 결과를 많이 활용했습니다.
WGIP는 일본 국민의 준법 정신, ​​우아하게 사과하려는 성향, 겸손한 반성, 속죄의 본질, 지역 사회 관계 (우정과 평온에 초점)와 같은 장점을 매우 영리하게 통합했습니다.
그것은 양심적 인 일본인의 마음을 성공적으로 꿰뚫고 자연스럽고 마조히즘적인 역사관으로 떠올랐다.
그러나 애국심으로 이어질 수있는 '복수', '가족 부흥'등 전통적 정서를 철저히 제거했다.
일본이 다시 세계 강국으로 부상하는 것을 막기 위해 행해진 것입니다.
이 기사는 계속됩니다.

* 저의 기사에서 강조한 구절은 아리마와 그의 팀이 대표하는 NHK 직원의 뇌 구조이거나 NHK 보고서의 내용과 동일하다는 것을 기민한 관찰자라면 누구나 알아볼 것입니다.

■ WGIP 구현
WGIP는 1948 년 2 월 6 일 GHQ의 민간인 정보 및 교육부에서 일본에 대한 "일급 비밀"명령으로 발행되었습니다.
일본인들은 전쟁에서 패배하는 충격과 고난을 겪고 있었지만 '악마, 미국, 영국', '총 살살'에 대한 기억이 남아 있기 때문에 반드시 전쟁에 대한 속죄 감이 없었습니다.
또한 일본인이라는 자부심과 정신을 잃지 않았습니다.
Keio University의 Jun Eto 교수는 그의 저서 "Closed Language Space"(1989)에서 WGIP의 목표는 대동 아시아 전쟁이 일본과 미국이 주도하는 동맹국 간의 침략 전쟁이라는 허구를 이식하는 것이라고 지적했습니다. , 사실 그것은 일본의 "군국주의 자"와 "국가"사이의 갈등에서 태어난 침략 전쟁이었다.
WGIP는 일본의 전쟁 패배, 무차별 폭격에 의한 비전투원 대량 학살, 심지어 원자 폭탄 투하조차 모두 일본 군국주의 자들의 책임이며 미국이 일본 국민들에게 그림을 심어 주려고했다. 벌을 받았기 때문에 책임지지 않았습니다.
그러나 전쟁이 시작된 상황은 허버트 후버 31 대 대통령의 회고록에 기술되어있다 (주 2 : 후버 대통령 : 미국의 31 대 공화당 대통령. 프랭클린 루즈 벨트는 다음 32 대 민주당 대통령이었다. 그는 후버를 비난했다. 대공황에 대처하지 못하는 것, 페이지 1000)은 우리에게 소중한 사실을 알려줍니다.
대통령이되어 최고 비밀에 접근 한 한 남자의 증언이라 믿을 만하다.
루즈 벨트는 극단적 인 인종 차별 주의자였습니다.
그는 노란색이었던 일본인이 미국이 뒤처진 중국 본토로 진출하여 만주국 국가를 세우고 더 나아가 대동 아시아 공영권의 망상적인 생각을 옹호 할 것이라는 생각을 참을 수 없었습니다. 백인이 세운 식민지를 해방시키고 아시아 국가들을 독립시킬 수밖에 없었습니다. 게다가 독일과의 전쟁으로 어려움을 겪은 소련은 일본과의 전쟁에 참가할 것을 강력히 요청했다.
미국 역사가 앨런 암스트롱은 루즈 벨트가 진주만 공격 5 개월 전에 코드 명 JB-355라는 일본에 대한 작전 계획을 승인했다고 지적합니다.
계획은 "미국은 중국에 전투기 350 대와 폭격기 150 대를 제공하고 장개석에게 미국 조종사를 고용하여 중국 본토에서 일본 여러 지역으로 대규모 공습을 시작하도록 강요 할 것입니다.
그러나 비행기가 긴장된 유럽 전선으로 우회되었고 진주만에 대한 일본의 공격이 먼저 왔기 때문에 계획이 지연되었습니다. 후버는 위에서 언급 한 그의 책에서이 작업의 존재를 인정했습니다.
전쟁을 시작하여 "평화의 범죄"를 저지른 진짜 A 급 전범은 루즈 벨트였다.
이 기사는 계속됩니다.

Кроме того, он не потерял гордости и духа японца.

2020年08月31日 14時19分11秒 | 全般

Была бумага, которую я обнаружил сегодня утром, когда что-то искал.
Эта статья и ее автор были для меня совершенно новыми.
Я был рад узнать, что автор был выпускником факультета экономики Токийского университета и активным членом ITOCHU Corporation, в дополнение к превосходному качеству своей статьи.
После того, как я начал работать, я встретил двух своих лучших друзей на всю жизнь.
Оба они были сотрудниками ITOCHU Corporation.
Оба они были чрезвычайно талантливыми бизнесменами, поэтому оба занимали важные должности в компании.
В последние годы название компании появилось в дискуссии вместе с прокитайскими заявлениями Уичиро Нива, что заставило меня почувствовать себя неловко.
Я чувствовал, что сила торговой компании заключается в том, что каждый из ее сотрудников в некотором смысле является менеджером малого бизнеса.
Их способность смотреть на балансы своих клиентов и мгновенно оценивать состояние компании была поразительной.
Он также может проверить каждую деталь крупного предложения на строительство и определить приемлемость цены, что было бы шокировано даже ведущими генеральными подрядчиками Японии.
Я чувствовал, что их сила - это триединство ума, силы и энергии, составляющих силу Японии.
Корпоративное послание ITOCHU Corporation «Один торговец, множество миссий» висит на задней части стадиона Дзингу, домашнего поля Якульта, и я всегда думал, что это совершенно правильно, когда я его видел.
Автор первого абзаца, г-н Такехико Аояги, имеет краткую биографию.
Ранее он был профессором Международного университета Японии.
Он родился в городе Кирю, префектура Гумма, в 1934 году. Он окончил среднюю школу Кирю префектуры Кирю.
Он окончил экономический факультет Токийского университета в 1958 году и присоединился к Itochu Corporation.
Он работал генеральным менеджером отдела пищевых продуктов Сиднейского филиала ITOCHU Corporation, генеральным менеджером отдела сельскохозяйственных продуктов головного офиса ITOCHU Corporation. Как директор ITOCHU Systems Development Corporation.
С 1985 по 1997 год он был президентом и председателем Nippon Telematique, совместного предприятия ITOCHU и NTT.
С 1995 по 2006 год он был заместителем директора и профессором Международного университета Японии GLOBECOM, а с 2006 по 2016 год он был приглашенным профессором в том же университете.
Его области исследований включают экономику, бизнес-администрирование, финансы, информационное общество, право, международную политику и теорию безопасности, а также он самозваный специалист широкого профиля в социальных науках.
Он является автором «Videtex Strategy» (информатика), «Cyber ​​Surveillance Society» (The Telecommunications Advancement Association), «Сверхзащита личной информации разрушает Японию» (Softbank Shinsho), «Исследования конфиденциальности в век информации» (NTT Publishing) , «Рузвельт предал американский народ и втянул Японию в войну» (Heart Publishing), «История Японии, искаженная Америкой для психологического разоружения японцев» (Heart Publishing) и многие другие.
Я наткнулся на статью Аоянаги, получившую награду за выдающиеся достижения в седьмом ежегодном конкурсе APA Group «Правдивый взгляд на современную историю».
Его обязательно прочтут жители Японии и остального мира.
Сегодня, в его вводной главе, я нашел отрывок, который вчера вечером счел действительно неприемлемым, который прекрасно описывает структуру мозга Аримы и других сотрудников NHK, которые контролируют NHK / Watch9.
Прежде всего, позвольте мне представить эту часть.
Само название его статьи описывает структуру мозга Аримы и остальных сотрудников NHK.
Величайший враг Японии - «мазохистский взгляд на историю».
~ Избавьтесь от чар WGIP
Глава 1: Корни мазохистского взгляда на историю
Политика США по «промыванию мозгов»: истоки мазохистского взгляда на историю
После войны Соединенные Штаты внедрили политику контроля над разумом, чтобы «промыть мозги» японцам, заставив их чувствовать себя виноватыми в войне в Большой Восточной Азии.
Цель этой политики заключалась в том, чтобы запечатлеть представление о том, что, поскольку японские милитаристы лгали и обманывали свой народ, чтобы начать агрессивную войну, они подверглись воздушным налетам со стороны союзников и даже сбросили на них атомные бомбы в качестве наказания за свой обман.
Это была пропаганда, что военные трибуналы на Дальнем Востоке были международно законными и морально оправданными.
Таким образом, была создана фикция о том, что японский народ несет серьезную ответственность за свои действия.
Чувство искупления, возникшее из этой беллетристики, стало мазохистским взглядом на историю японцев, которые обладали духом изящного раскаяния.
Он продолжает усиливаться и воспроизводиться по сей день.
Когда японцы извинились, они подумали, что поступают справедливо и что это слишком благородно.
Это даже сопровождалось неким сладким удовольствием и трагическим чувством.

Любой внимательный наблюдатель заметит, что части текста, которые я выделил черным цветом, являются самими структурами мозга Аримы, Окоши и других или даже Эрико Икеды и других.

WGIP включает в себя заслуги Японии
Такая политика «промывания мозгов» получила название «Программа информации о виновности в войне» (WGIP). 1: Японское название WGIP, «War Guilt / Information Project», было переведено автором.
Вина означает «осознавать свою вину.
Причина, по которой Соединенные Штаты так стремились заявить: «Мы не виноваты, виновата Япония», заключается в том, что они, должно быть, чувствовали большую вину за события, которые привели к войне, воздушным налетам и последующие атомные бомбардировки.
Они, должно быть, также очень опасались силы Японии и интенсивности ее сопротивления.
При разработке WGIP Соединенные Штаты собрали статьи по японоведам и поручили нескольким новым ученым начать исследовательский проект, посвященный чувствам и культуре японцев.
Соавторами были Рут Бенедикт, автор книги «Хризантема и меч», Д. К. Холтом, ученый из японского синтоизма, и британский социальный антрополог Джеффри Голер.
Их эссе о Японии были мощными и глубокими сами по себе, но в настоящее время они несколько ошибочны и сложны для понимания в некоторых отношениях.
GHQ широко использовало результаты этих исследований по Японии при разработке WGIP.
WGIP очень умело включила в себя такие достоинства, как законопослушный дух японцев, склонность изящно извиняться, скромное размышление, характер искупления и отношения в обществе (акцент на дружбе и спокойствии).
Он успешно проник в сознательное сознание японцев и превратился в спонтанный мазохистский взгляд на историю.
Однако он полностью устранил традиционные чувства, такие как «месть» и «возрождение семьи», которые могли привести к патриотизму.
Это было сделано для того, чтобы Япония снова не стала сильной державой в мире.
Эта статья продолжается.

* Любой проницательный наблюдатель поймет, что отрывки, которые я выделил в своей статье, являются либо структурой мозга сотрудников NHK, представленных Аримой и его командой, либо тем же содержанием отчетов NHK.

■ Реализация WGIP
WGIP была издана Департаментом гражданской информации и образования штаб-квартиры 6 февраля 1948 г. как «совершенно секретный» приказ Японии.
Хотя японский народ страдал от шока и тягот проигрыша в войне, у него не обязательно было чувство искупления за войну, потому что у него все еще были воспоминания о «дьяволе, США и Великобритании» и «стрельбе и убийствах».
Кроме того, он не потерял гордости и духа японца.
В своей книге «Закрытое языковое пространство» (1989) профессор Дзюн Это из Университета Кейо указал, что цель WGIP заключалась в том, чтобы внедрить вымысел о том, что война в Большой Восточной Азии была агрессивной войной между Японией и союзниками под руководством США. , когда на самом деле это была агрессивная война, порожденная конфликтом между «милитаристами» и «нацией» в Японии.
WGIP пыталась навязать японскому народу картину того, что поражение Японии в войне, массовое убийство мирных граждан путем неизбирательных бомбардировок и даже сброс атомных бомб - все это ответственность японских милитаристов и что США не несет за них ответственности, потому что наказал их.
Однако обстоятельства начала войны были описаны в мемуарах 31-го президента Герберта Гувера (примечание 2: президент Гувер: 31-й президент США-республиканец. Франклин Рузвельт был следующим 32-м президентом от Демократической партии. Он критиковал Гувера за не обращая внимания на Великую депрессию, стр. 1000) сообщает нам ценный факт.
Это весьма убедительно, потому что это свидетельство человека, который даже стал президентом и имел доступ к высшим секретам.
Рузвельт был крайним расистом.
Он не мог вынести мысли о том, что желтые японцы продвинутся в материковый Китай, где США отставали, создадут нацию Маньчжоу-Го и, более того, будут отстаивать бредовую идею Сферы совместного процветания Большой Восточной Азии. который освободит колонии, созданные белой расой, и вынудит азиатские страны стать независимыми. Кроме того, Советский Союз, который был обеспокоен войной с Германией, настоятельно просил их участия в войне против Японии.
Американский историк Алан Армстронг отмечает, что Рузвельт одобрил план операции против Японии под кодовым названием JB-355 за пять месяцев до нападения на Перл-Харбор.
План состоял в том, что «Соединенные Штаты предоставят Китаю 350 истребителей и 150 бомбардировщиков и заставят Чан Кайши нанять американских пилотов для нанесения массированных воздушных налетов из материкового Китая в различные части Японии.
Однако реализация этого плана была отложена, потому что самолеты были переведены на напряженный европейский фронт, а японская атака на Перл-Харбор была первой. Гувер признал существование этой операции в своей книге, упомянутой выше.
Настоящим военным преступником класса А, совершившим «преступление мира», начав войну, был Рузвельт.
Эта статья продолжается.

De plus, il n'avait pas perdu la fierté et l'esprit d'être japonais.

2020年08月31日 14時16分59秒 | 全般

Il y avait un article que j'ai découvert ce matin alors que je cherchais quelque chose.
Cet article et son auteur étaient tout à fait nouveaux pour moi.
J'ai été soulagé d'apprendre que l'auteur était diplômé de la Faculté d'économie de l'Université de Tokyo et membre actif d'ITOCHU Corporation, en plus de l'excellence de son article.
Après mon entrée sur le marché du travail, j'ai rencontré deux de mes meilleurs amis pour la vie.
Ils étaient tous deux des employés d'ITOCHU Corporation.
Ils étaient tous deux des hommes d'affaires extrêmement talentueux, c'est pourquoi ils ont tous deux occupé des postes critiques dans l'entreprise.
Ces dernières années, le nom de l'entreprise est apparu dans le discours aux côtés des déclarations pro-chinoises d'Uichiro Niwa, ce qui m'a mis mal à l'aise.
J'ai senti que la force d'une société commerciale réside dans le fait que chacun de ses employés est, en un sens, le dirigeant d'une petite entreprise.
Leur capacité à regarder les bilans de leurs clients et à saisir instantanément l'état de l'entreprise était stupéfiante.
Il peut également vérifier tous les détails d'un grand devis de construction et déterminer la pertinence du prix, ce que même les principaux entrepreneurs généraux du Japon seraient consternés.
J'ai senti que leur force était la trinité de l'intelligence, de la puissance et de l'énergie qui composaient la force du Japon.
Le message d'entreprise d'ITOCHU Corporation, «Un marchand, une myriade de missions», est suspendu à l'arrière du Jingu Stadium, le terrain de Yakult, et j'ai toujours pensé que c'était exactement ce que je voyais.
L'auteur du paragraphe d'ouverture, M. Takehiko Aoyagi, a une brève biographie.
Il était auparavant professeur à l'Université internationale du Japon.
Il est né dans la ville de Kiryu, préfecture de Gunma, en 1934. Il est diplômé du lycée préfectoral de Kiryu Kiryu.
Il est diplômé de la faculté d'économie de l'Université de Tokyo en 1958 et a rejoint Itochu Corporation.
Il a été directeur général du département des produits alimentaires de la succursale de Sydney d'ITOCHU Corporation, directeur général du département des produits agricoles du siège social d'ITOCHU Corporation. En tant que directeur de ITOCHU Systems Development Corporation.
De 1985 à 1997, il a été président et président de Nippon Telematique, une joint-venture entre ITOCHU et NTT.
De 1995 à 2006, il a été directeur adjoint et professeur à l'Université internationale du Japon GLOBECOM, et de 2006 à 2016, il a été professeur invité dans la même université.
Ses domaines de recherche comprennent l'économie, l'administration des affaires, la finance, la société de l'information, le droit, la politique internationale et la théorie de la sécurité, et il est un généraliste autoproclamé en sciences sociales.
Il est l'auteur de "Videtex Strategy" (Science de l'information), "Cyber ​​Surveillance Society" (The Telecommunications Advancement Association), "Personal Information Overprotection Destroys Japan" (Softbank Shinsho), "Privacy Research in the Information Age" (NTT Publishing) , "Roosevelt a trahi le peuple américain et entraîné le Japon dans la guerre" (Heart Publishing), "L'histoire du Japon tordue par l'Amérique pour désarmer psychologiquement les Japonais" (Heart Publishing), et bien d'autres.
Je suis tombé sur un article d'Aoyanagi qui a remporté un prix d'excellence dans le septième essai du concours annuel «True View of Modern History» du groupe APA.
C'est une lecture incontournable pour le peuple japonais et le reste du monde.
Aujourd'hui, dans son premier chapitre, j'ai trouvé un passage que j'ai trouvé vraiment inacceptable la nuit dernière qui résume parfaitement la structure cérébrale d'Arima et les autres employés de la NHK qui contrôlent NHK / Watch9.
Tout d'abord, permettez-moi de vous présenter la partie.
Le titre de son article lui-même décrit la structure cérébrale d'Arima et du reste du personnel de la NHK.
Le plus grand ennemi du Japon est une «vision masochiste de l'histoire».
~ Échappez au charme du WGIP
Chapitre 1: Enracinement d'une vision masochiste de l'histoire
La politique américaine de lavage de cerveau: l'origine de la vision masochiste de l'histoire
Après la guerre, les États-Unis ont mis en œuvre une politique de contrôle de l'esprit pour amener le peuple japonais à se sentir coupable de la guerre de la Grande Asie de l'Est.
Le but de cette politique était d'imprimer l'idée que parce que les militaristes japonais avaient menti et trompé leur peuple pour déclencher une guerre d'agression, ils avaient été soumis à des raids aériens des Alliés et avaient même largué des bombes atomiques sur eux en guise de punition pour leur tromperie.
C'était la propagande que les tribunaux militaires d'Extrême-Orient étaient internationalement légaux et moralement justifiés.
Ainsi, une fiction a été construite selon laquelle les Japonais étaient gravement responsables de leurs actes.
Le sentiment d'expiation qui a émergé de cette fiction est devenu une vision masochiste de l'histoire chez le peuple japonais, qui possédait un esprit de remords gracieux.
Il a continué à s'amplifier et à se reproduire jusqu'à nos jours.
Lorsque les Japonais se sont excusés, ils ont supposé qu'ils faisaient justice et que c'était trop noble.
C'était même accompagné d'une sorte de plaisir doux ainsi que d'un sentiment tragique.

Tout observateur averti remarquera que les parties du texte que j'ai soulignées en noir sont les structures mêmes du cerveau d'Arima, d'Okoshi et d'autres, ou même d'Eriko Ikeda et d'autres.

Le WGIP intégrant le mérite japonais
Une telle politique de lavage de cerveau a été baptisée Programme d'information sur la culpabilité de guerre (WGIP). 1: Le nom japonais du WGIP, "War Guilt / Information Project", a été traduit par l'auteur.
La culpabilité signifie «être conscient d'être coupable de soi-même.
La raison pour laquelle les États-Unis ont été si désireux de proclamer "Nous ne sommes pas à blâmer, le Japon est à blâmer", c'est qu'ils ont dû ressentir beaucoup de culpabilité à propos des événements qui ont conduit à la guerre, les raids aériens et les bombardements atomiques ultérieurs.
Ils devaient aussi avoir assez peur de la force du Japon et de l'intensité de sa résistance.
Lors de la formulation du WGIP, les États-Unis ont rassemblé des articles d'études japonaises et ont chargé plusieurs nouveaux chercheurs de lancer un projet de recherche sur le sentiment et la culture japonaises.
Les contributeurs étaient Ruth Benedict, auteur de Chrysanthemum and the Sword, D. C. Holtom, un érudit japonais du shintoïsme, et l'anthropologue social britannique Jeffrey Gawler.
Leurs essais sur le Japon étaient puissants et approfondis en eux-mêmes, mais de nos jours, ils sont quelque peu malavisés et difficiles à comprendre à certains égards.
Le GHQ a largement utilisé les résultats de ces études sur le Japon pour formuler le WGIP.
Le WGIP a très intelligemment intégré des mérites tels que l'esprit respectueux des lois du peuple japonais, la tendance à s'excuser gracieusement, une réflexion humble, la nature de l'expiation et les relations communautaires (l'accent sur l'amitié et la tranquillité).
Il a pénétré avec succès l'esprit consciencieux japonais et est apparu comme une vision spontanée et masochiste de l'histoire.
Cependant, il a complètement éliminé les sentiments traditionnels tels que la «vengeance» et la «renaissance de la famille» qui pouvaient conduire au patriotisme.
Cela a été fait pour empêcher l'émergence du Japon en tant que puissance forte dans le monde.
Cet article continue.

* Tout observateur avisé reconnaîtra que les passages sur lesquels j'ai mis l'accent dans mon article sont soit la structure cérébrale du personnel de NHK, représenté par Arima et son équipe, soit le même contenu des rapports de NHK.

■ Mise en œuvre du WGIP
Le WGIP a été publié par le Département de l'Information et de l'Éducation Civile du GQG le 6 février 1948, comme un ordre «top secret» adressé au Japon.
Bien que le peuple japonais ait souffert du choc et des difficultés de perdre la guerre, il n'avait pas nécessairement un sentiment d'expiation pour la guerre parce qu'il avait encore des souvenirs du «diable, des États-Unis et de la Grande-Bretagne» et de «tirer et tuer».
De plus, il n'avait pas perdu la fierté et l'esprit d'être japonais.
Dans son livre, "Closed Language Space" (1989), le professeur Jun Eto, Université de Keio, a souligné que le but du WGIP était d'implanter la fiction selon laquelle la guerre de la Grande Asie de l'Est était une guerre d'agression entre le Japon et les Alliés dirigés par les États-Unis. , alors qu'en fait c'était une guerre d'agression née du conflit entre «militaristes» et «nation» au Japon.
Le WGIP a tenté d'implanter une image dans le peuple japonais que la défaite du Japon dans la guerre, le massacre de non-combattants par des bombardements aveugles, et même le largage des bombes atomiques étaient tous de la responsabilité des militaristes japonais, et que les États-Unis n’était pas responsable d’eux parce qu’il les avait punis.
Cependant, les circonstances du début de la guerre ont été décrites dans les mémoires du 31e président Herbert Hoover (note 2: Président Hoover: le 31e président républicain des États-Unis. Franklin Roosevelt était le 32e président démocrate suivant. Il a critiqué Hoover pour ne pas aborder la Grande Dépression, page 1000) nous révèle un fait précieux.
Il est hautement crédible car c'est le témoignage d'un homme qui est même devenu président et a eu accès aux plus grands secrets.
Roosevelt était un raciste extrême.
Il ne pouvait pas supporter l'idée que les Japonais, qui étaient jaunes, avanceraient vers la Chine continentale, où les États-Unis étaient à la traîne, établiraient la nation mandchoukouo et, en outre, défendraient l'idée délirante de la Sphère de co-prospérité de la Grande Asie de l'Est, ce qui libérerait les colonies que la race blanche avait construites et obligerait les pays asiatiques à devenir indépendants. Par ailleurs, l'Union soviétique, troublée par la guerre avec l'Allemagne, demanda vivement leur participation à la guerre contre le Japon.
L'historien américain Alan Armstrong souligne que Roosevelt avait approuvé un plan d'opération contre le Japon, nommé JB-355, cinq mois avant l'attaque de Pearl Harbor.
Le plan était que «les États-Unis fourniraient à la Chine 350 avions de combat et 150 bombardiers, et forceraient Chiang Kai-shek à embaucher des pilotes américains pour lancer des raids aériens massifs depuis la Chine continentale vers diverses régions du Japon.
Cependant, le plan a été retardé parce que les avions ont été détournés vers le front européen tendu, et l'attaque japonaise sur Pearl Harbor est venue en premier. Hoover a reconnu l'existence de cette opération dans son livre mentionné ci-dessus.
Le vrai criminel de guerre de classe A qui a commis le «crime de paix» en déclenchant la guerre était Roosevelt.
Cet article continue.

Além disso, não havia perdido o orgulho e o espírito de ser japonês.

2020年08月31日 14時14分46秒 | 全般

Descobri um papel esta manhã quando procurava algo.
Este artigo e seu autor eram totalmente novos para mim.
Fiquei aliviado ao saber que o autor era formado pela Faculdade de Economia da Universidade de Tóquio e membro ativo da ITOCHU Corporation, além da excelência de seu artigo.
Depois que entrei no mercado de trabalho, conheci dois dos meus melhores amigos para o resto da vida.
Ambos eram funcionários da ITOCHU Corporation.
Ambos eram empresários extremamente talentosos, por isso ambos ocuparam cargos importantes na empresa.
Nos últimos anos, o nome da empresa apareceu no discurso junto com as declarações pró-China de Uichiro Niwa, o que me deixou desconfortável.
Senti que a força de uma empresa comercial está no fato de que cada um de seus funcionários é, de certa forma, o gerente de uma pequena empresa.
Sua capacidade de olhar para os balanços de seus clientes e instantaneamente compreender a situação da empresa era surpreendente.
Ele também pode verificar todos os detalhes de uma grande cotação de construção e determinar a adequação do preço, algo que até mesmo os principais empreiteiros gerais do Japão ficariam chocados.
Senti que a força deles era a trindade de inteligência, poder e energia que constituía a força do Japão.
A mensagem corporativa da ITOCHU Corporation, "Um comerciante, uma miríade de missões", está pendurada na rede de trás do Estádio de Jingu, o campo de casa de Yakult, e eu sempre achei que estava exatamente certo sempre que a vi.
O autor do parágrafo de abertura, o Sr. Takehiko Aoyagi, tem uma breve biografia.
Ele foi professor da Universidade Internacional do Japão.
Ele nasceu na cidade de Kiryu, província de Gunma, em 1934. Ele se formou na Escola Secundária da Prefeitura de Kiryu.
Ele se formou na Faculdade de Economia da Universidade de Tóquio em 1958 e ingressou na Itochu Corporation.
Ele atuou como Gerente Geral do Departamento de Produtos Alimentares da Filial de Sydney da ITOCHU Corporation, Gerente Geral do Departamento de Produtos Agrícolas do Escritório Central da ITOCHU Corporation. Como Diretor da ITOCHU Systems Development Corporation.
De 1985 a 1997, ele foi presidente e presidente da Nippon Telematique, uma joint venture entre a ITOCHU e a NTT.
De 1995 a 2006, foi vice-diretor e professor da International University of Japan GLOBECOM, e de 2006 a 2016, foi professor visitante da mesma universidade.
Suas áreas de pesquisa incluem economia, administração de empresas, finanças, sociedade da informação, direito, política internacional e teoria da segurança, e ele é um generalista autoproclamado em ciências sociais.
Ele é o autor de "Videtex Strategy" (Information Science), "Cyber ​​Surveillance Society" (The Telecommunications Advancement Association), "Personal Information Overprotection Destroys Japan" (Softbank Shinsho), "Privacy Research in the Information Age" (NTT Publishing) , "Roosevelt traiu o povo americano e arrastou o Japão para a guerra" (Heart Publishing), "A história do Japão distorcida pela América para desarmar psicologicamente os japoneses" (Heart Publishing) e muitos outros.
Me deparei com um artigo de Aoyanagi que ganhou um prêmio de excelência no sétimo ensaio anual do Grupo APA "A Visão Verdadeira da História Moderna".
É uma leitura obrigatória para o povo do Japão e do resto do mundo.
Hoje, em seu capítulo de abertura, encontrei uma passagem que achei realmente inaceitável na noite passada que resume perfeitamente a estrutura cerebral de Arima e os outros funcionários da NHK que controlam a NHK / Watch9.
Em primeiro lugar, deixe-me apresentar a parte.
O próprio título do artigo descreve a estrutura cerebral de Arima e do restante da equipe da NHK.
O maior inimigo do Japão é uma 'visão masoquista da história'.
~ Fuja do feitiço do WGIP
Capítulo 1: Raiz de uma visão masoquista da história
A política de lavagem cerebral dos EUA: a origem da visão masoquista da história
Depois da guerra, os Estados Unidos implementaram uma política de controle mental para fazer uma lavagem cerebral no povo japonês para que se sentisse culpado pela Guerra do Grande Leste Asiático.
O objetivo dessa política era imprimir a noção de que, como os militaristas japoneses mentiram e enganaram seu povo para iniciar uma guerra de agressão, eles foram submetidos a ataques aéreos dos Aliados e até mesmo lançaram bombas atômicas sobre eles como punição por seu engano.
Era a propaganda de que os tribunais militares no Extremo Oriente eram internacionalmente legais e moralmente justificados.
Assim, foi construída uma ficção de que o povo japonês era gravemente responsável por seus atos.
O sentimento de expiação que emergiu dessa ficção tornou-se uma visão masoquista da história entre o povo japonês, que possuía um espírito de gracioso remorso.
Ele continuou a se amplificar e se reproduzir até os dias atuais.
Quando os japoneses se desculparam, presumiram que estavam fazendo justiça e que isso era nobre demais.
Foi até acompanhado por uma espécie de doce prazer e também por uma sensação trágica.

Qualquer observador atento notará que as partes do texto que enfatizei em preto são as próprias estruturas dos cérebros de Arima, Okoshi e outros, ou mesmo Eriko Ikeda e outros.

O WGIP incorporando o mérito japonês
Essa política de lavagem cerebral foi chamada de War Guilt Information Program (WGIP). 1: O nome japonês para WGIP, "War Guilt / Information Project", foi traduzido pelo autor.
Culpa significa "estar ciente de ser culpado de si mesmo.
A razão pela qual os Estados Unidos estão tão ansiosos para proclamar "Não somos culpados, o Japão é o culpado" é que deve ter se sentido muito culpado pelos eventos que levaram à guerra, os ataques aéreos e os bombardeios atômicos subsequentes.
Eles também devem ter temido a força do Japão e a intensidade de sua resistência.
Ao formular o WGIP, os Estados Unidos coletaram artigos de estudos japoneses e contrataram vários novos acadêmicos para lançar um projeto de pesquisa sobre o sentimento e a cultura japoneses.
Os contribuintes foram Ruth Benedict, autora de Chrysanthemum and the Sword, D. C. Holtom, um estudioso do xintoísmo japonês, e o antropólogo social britânico Jeffrey Gawler.
Seus ensaios sobre o Japão foram poderosos e profundos por si só, mas hoje em dia, eles são um tanto equivocados e difíceis de entender em alguns aspectos.
GHQ fez grande uso dos resultados desses estudos do Japão na formulação do WGIP.
O WGIP habilmente incorporou méritos como o espírito obediente à lei do povo japonês, a tendência de se desculpar com elegância, a reflexão humilde, a natureza da expiação e as relações com a comunidade (foco na amizade e tranquilidade).
Ele penetrou com sucesso na mente consciente dos japoneses e emergiu como uma visão espontânea e masoquista da história.
No entanto, eliminou completamente os sentimentos tradicionais, como "vingança" e "renascimento da família", que poderiam levar ao patriotismo.
Isso foi feito para evitar o surgimento do Japão como uma grande potência no mundo novamente.
Este artigo continua.

* Qualquer observador astuto reconhecerá que as passagens que enfatizei em meu artigo são a estrutura cerebral da equipe da NHK, representada por Arima e sua equipe, ou os mesmos conteúdos dos relatórios da NHK.

■ Implementação do WGIP
O WGIP foi emitido pelo Departamento de Informação e Educação Civil do GHQ em 6 de fevereiro de 1948, como uma ordem "ultrassecreta" para o Japão.
Embora os japoneses estivessem sofrendo com o choque e as dificuldades de perder a guerra, eles não tinham necessariamente um senso de expiação pela guerra porque ainda tinham memórias do "diabo, dos EUA e da Grã-Bretanha" e de "tiros e matanças".
Além disso, não havia perdido o orgulho e o espírito de ser japonês.
Em seu livro "Closed Language Space" (1989), o Prof. Jun Eto, da Keio University, apontou que o objetivo do WGIP era implantar a ficção de que a Guerra do Grande Leste Asiático foi uma guerra de agressão entre o Japão e os Aliados liderados pelos EUA , quando na verdade foi uma guerra de agressão nascida do conflito entre "militaristas" e "nação" no Japão.
O WGIP tentou implantar uma imagem no povo japonês de que a derrota do Japão na guerra, a matança em massa de não-combatentes por bombardeios indiscriminados e até mesmo o lançamento de bombas atômicas eram responsabilidade dos militaristas japoneses, e que os EUA não era responsável por eles porque os puniu.
No entanto, as circunstâncias do início da guerra foram descritas nas memórias do 31º presidente Herbert Hoover (nota 2: Presidente Hoover: o 31º presidente republicano dos Estados Unidos. Franklin Roosevelt foi o próximo 32º presidente democrata. Ele criticou Hoover por deixando de abordar a Grande Depressão, página 1000) nos diz um fato precioso.
É altamente credível porque é o testemunho de um homem que até se tornou presidente e teve acesso aos maiores segredos.
Roosevelt era um racista extremo.
Ele não suportava a ideia de que os japoneses, que eram amarelos, avançariam para a China continental, onde os EUA ficaram para trás, estabeleceriam a nação Manchukuo e, além disso, defenderiam a ideia delirante da Esfera de Co-Prosperidade do Grande Leste Asiático, que libertaria as colônias que a raça branca havia construído e forçaria os países asiáticos a se tornarem independentes. Além disso, a União Soviética, atormentada pela guerra com a Alemanha, solicitou veementemente a sua participação na guerra contra o Japão.
O historiador americano Alan Armstrong aponta que Roosevelt aprovou um plano de operação contra o Japão, de codinome JB-355, cinco meses antes do ataque a Pearl Harbor.
O plano era que "os Estados Unidos forneceriam à China 350 aviões de combate e 150 bombardeiros, e forçariam Chiang Kai-shek a contratar pilotos americanos para lançar ataques aéreos massivos da China continental a várias partes do Japão."
No entanto, o plano foi adiado porque os aviões foram desviados para a tensa frente europeia, e o ataque japonês a Pearl Harbor veio primeiro. Hoover reconheceu a existência dessa operação em seu livro mencionado acima.
O verdadeiro criminoso de guerra de Classe A que cometeu o "crime da paz" ao iniciar a guerra foi Roosevelt.
Este artigo continua.

Außerdem hatte es nicht den Stolz und den Geist verloren, Japaner zu sein.

2020年08月31日 14時12分50秒 | 全般

Es gab eine Zeitung, die ich heute Morgen entdeckt habe, als ich nach etwas gesucht habe.
Dieses Papier und sein Autor waren für mich völlig neu.
Ich war erleichtert zu erfahren, dass der Autor ein Absolvent der Wirtschaftsfakultät der Universität Tokio und ein aktives Mitglied der ITOCHU Corporation war, zusätzlich zu der Exzellenz seiner Arbeit.
Nachdem ich in die Belegschaft eingetreten war, traf ich zwei meiner besten Freunde fürs Leben.
Sie waren beide Mitarbeiter der ITOCHU Corporation.
Sie waren beide äußerst talentierte Geschäftsleute, weshalb sie beide kritische Positionen im Unternehmen innehatten.
In den letzten Jahren ist der Name des Unternehmens neben Uichiro Niwas Pro-China-Aussagen im Diskurs aufgetaucht, was mich unwohl gefühlt hat.
Ich hatte das Gefühl, dass die Stärke eines Handelsunternehmens in der Tatsache liegt, dass jeder seiner Mitarbeiter in gewisser Weise ein Manager eines kleinen Unternehmens ist.
Ihre Fähigkeit, die Bilanzen ihrer Kunden einzusehen und den Zustand des Unternehmens sofort zu erfassen, war erstaunlich.
Er kann auch jedes Detail eines großen Bauangebots überprüfen und die Angemessenheit des Preises bestimmen, was selbst Japans führende Generalunternehmer entsetzt wären.
Ich hatte das Gefühl, dass ihre Stärke die Dreifaltigkeit von Intelligenz, Macht und Energie war, die Japans Stärke ausmachte.
Die Unternehmensbotschaft der ITOCHU Corporation "Ein Händler, eine Vielzahl von Missionen" hängt im hinteren Netz des Jingu-Stadions, Yakults Heimatfeld, und ich dachte immer, dass es genau richtig war, wenn ich es sah.
Der Autor des ersten Absatzes, Herr Takehiko Aoyagi, hat eine kurze Biografie.
Zuvor war er Professor an der International University of Japan.
Er wurde 1934 in Kiryu City, Präfektur Gunma, geboren. Er absolvierte die Kiryu Prefectural Kiryu High School.
Er absolvierte 1958 die Fakultät für Wirtschaftswissenschaften der Universität Tokio und trat der Itochu Corporation bei.
Er war General Manager der Abteilung für Lebensmittelprodukte der Niederlassung der ITOCHU Corporation in Sydney und General Manager der Abteilung für landwirtschaftliche Produkte der Zentrale der ITOCHU Corporation. Als Direktor der ITOCHU Systems Development Corporation.
Von 1985 bis 1997 war er Präsident und Vorsitzender von Nippon Telematique, einem Joint Venture zwischen ITOCHU und NTT.
Von 1995 bis 2006 war er stellvertretender Direktor und Professor an der International University of Japan GLOBECOM und von 2006 bis 2016 Gastprofessor an derselben Universität.
Seine Forschungsgebiete umfassen Wirtschaft, Betriebswirtschaft, Finanzen, Informationsgesellschaft, Recht, internationale Politik und Sicherheitstheorie. Er ist selbsternannter Generalist in den Sozialwissenschaften.
Er ist Autor von "Videtex Strategy" (Informationswissenschaft), "Cyber ​​Surveillance Society" (Vereinigung zur Förderung der Telekommunikation), "Schutz vor persönlichen Informationen zerstört Japan" (Softbank Shinsho), "Datenschutzforschung im Informationszeitalter" (NTT Publishing). , "Roosevelt hat das amerikanische Volk verraten und Japan in den Krieg gezogen" (Heart Publishing), "Die Geschichte Japans, die von Amerika verdreht wurde, um die Japaner psychologisch zu entwaffnen" (Heart Publishing) und viele andere.
Ich bin auf ein Papier von Aoyanagi gestoßen, das im siebten jährlichen Aufsatz "True View of Modern History" der APA Group mit einem Award of Excellence ausgezeichnet wurde.
Es ist ein Muss für die Menschen in Japan und den Rest der Welt.
Heute, in seinem Eröffnungskapitel, fand ich eine Passage, die ich letzte Nacht wirklich inakzeptabel fand und die Arimas Gehirnstruktur und die anderen NHK-Mitarbeiter, die NHK / Watch9 kontrollieren, perfekt zusammenfasst.
Lassen Sie mich zunächst den Teil vorstellen.
Der Titel seines Artikels selbst beschreibt die Gehirnstruktur von Arima und dem Rest des NHK-Personals.
Japans größter Feind ist eine "masochistische Sicht der Geschichte".
~ Entkomme dem Zauber der WGIP
Kapitel 1: Wurzel einer masochistischen Sicht der Geschichte
Die US-amerikanische Gehirnwäsche-Politik: Der Ursprung der masochistischen Sicht der Geschichte
Nach dem Krieg führten die Vereinigten Staaten eine Politik der Gedankenkontrolle ein, um das japanische Volk einer Gehirnwäsche zu unterziehen, damit es sich wegen des Krieges in Ostasien schuldig fühlt.
Ziel dieser Politik war es, die Vorstellung zu prägen, dass die japanischen Militaristen, weil sie ihr Volk belogen und getäuscht hatten, um einen Angriffskrieg zu beginnen, von den Alliierten Luftangriffen ausgesetzt worden waren und sogar Atombomben auf sie abgeworfen hatten, um ihre Täuschung zu bestrafen.
Es war die Propaganda, dass die Militärgerichte in Fernost international legal und moralisch gerechtfertigt waren.
So wurde eine Fiktion aufgebaut, dass das japanische Volk ernsthaft für seine Handlungen verantwortlich war.
Das Gefühl der Versöhnung, das aus dieser Fiktion hervorging, wurde zu einer masochistischen Sicht der Geschichte unter den Japanern, die einen Geist anmutiger Reue besaßen.
Es hat sich bis heute weiter verstärkt und reproduziert.
Als sich die Japaner entschuldigten, nahmen sie an, dass sie Gerechtigkeit taten und dass es zu edel war.
Es wurde sogar von einer Art süßem Vergnügen sowie einem tragischen Gefühl begleitet.

Jeder scharfe Beobachter wird bemerken, dass die Teile des Textes, die ich in Schwarz hervorgehoben habe, genau die Strukturen des Gehirns von Arima, Okoshi und anderen oder sogar Eriko Ikeda und anderen sind.

Die WGIP mit dem japanischen Verdienst
Eine solche Politik der Gehirnwäsche wurde als War Guilt Information Program (WGIP) bezeichnet. 1: Der japanische Name für WGIP, "War Guilt / Information Project", wurde vom Autor übersetzt.
Schuld bedeutet "sich seiner selbst schuldig zu sein.
Der Grund, warum die Vereinigten Staaten so eifrig verkündeten, "Wir sind nicht schuld, Japan ist schuld", ist, dass sie sich wegen der Ereignisse, die zum Krieg geführt haben, der Luftangriffe und der USA sehr schuldig gefühlt haben müssen nachfolgende Atombomben.
Sie müssen auch große Angst vor Japans Stärke und der Intensität seines Widerstands gehabt haben.
Bei der Formulierung des WGIP sammelten die Vereinigten Staaten japanische Studienarbeiten und beauftragten mehrere neue Wissenschaftler, ein Forschungsprojekt zur japanischen Stimmung und Kultur zu starten.
Die Mitwirkenden waren Ruth Benedict, Autorin von Chrysanthemum and the Sword, D. C. Holtom, eine japanische Shintoismus-Gelehrte, und der britische Sozialanthropologe Jeffrey Gawler.
Ihre Aufsätze über Japan waren an sich kraftvoll und ausführlich, aber heutzutage sind sie etwas fehlgeleitet und in mancher Hinsicht schwer zu verstehen.
Das GHQ nutzte die Ergebnisse dieser japanischen Studien in großem Umfang, um das WGIP zu formulieren.
Die WGIP hat Verdienste wie den gesetzestreuen Geist des japanischen Volkes, die Tendenz, sich anmutig zu entschuldigen, bescheidene Reflexion, die Art der Versöhnung und die Beziehungen zur Gemeinschaft (Fokus auf Freundschaft und Ruhe) sehr geschickt aufgenommen.
Es ist erfolgreich in den gewissenhaften japanischen Geist eingedrungen und hat sich zu einer spontanen, masochistischen Sicht der Geschichte entwickelt.
Es beseitigte jedoch gründlich traditionelle Gefühle wie "Rache" und "Wiederbelebung der Familie", die zu Patriotismus führen könnten.
Es wurde getan, um zu verhindern, dass Japan wieder zu einer starken Macht in der Welt wird.
Dieser Artikel wird fortgesetzt.

* Jeder scharfsinnige Beobachter wird erkennen, dass die Passagen, die ich in meinem Artikel hervorgehoben habe, entweder die Gehirnstruktur der Mitarbeiter von NHK, vertreten durch Arima und sein Team, oder die gleichen Inhalte der Berichte von NHK sind.

■ Implementierung des WGIP
Die WGIP wurde am 6. Februar 1948 von der Abteilung für zivile Information und Bildung des GHQ als "streng geheimer" Befehl an Japan ausgestellt.
Obwohl das japanische Volk unter dem Schock und der Not litt, den Krieg zu verlieren, hatte es nicht unbedingt ein Gefühl der Versöhnung für den Krieg, weil es immer noch Erinnerungen an "den Teufel, die USA und Großbritannien" und "Schießen und Töten" hatte.
Außerdem hatte es nicht den Stolz und den Geist verloren, Japaner zu sein.
In seinem Buch "Closed Language Space" (1989) wies Prof. Jun Eto von der Keio University darauf hin, dass es das Ziel der WGIP war, die Fiktion zu implantieren, dass der Krieg in Ostasien ein Angriffskrieg zwischen Japan und den von den USA geführten Alliierten sei In der Tat war es ein Angriffskrieg, der aus dem Konflikt zwischen "Militaristen" und "Nation" in Japan hervorgegangen war.
Die WGIP versuchte, dem japanischen Volk ein Bild davon zu vermitteln, dass die Niederlage Japans im Krieg, die Massenmorde an Nichtkombattanten durch wahllose Bombenangriffe und sogar das Abwerfen der Atombomben in der Verantwortung der japanischen Militaristen und der USA lagen war nicht für sie verantwortlich, weil es sie bestraft hatte.
Die Umstände des Kriegsbeginns wurden jedoch in den Memoiren des 31. Präsidenten Herbert Hoover beschrieben (Anmerkung 2: Präsident Hoover: der 31. republikanische Präsident der Vereinigten Staaten. Franklin Roosevelt war der nächste 32. demokratische Präsident. Er kritisierte Hoover dafür Wenn wir die Weltwirtschaftskrise nicht ansprechen, Seite 1000), ist dies eine wertvolle Tatsache.
Es ist sehr glaubwürdig, weil es das Zeugnis eines Mannes ist, der sogar Präsident wurde und Zugang zu den höchsten Geheimnissen hatte.
Roosevelt war ein extremer Rassist.
Er konnte die Idee nicht ertragen, dass die Japaner, die gelb waren, auf das chinesische Festland vordringen würden, wo die USA zurückgeblieben waren, die Mandschukuo-Nation gründen und darüber hinaus die Wahnidee der Co-Prosperity Sphere in Großostasien befürworten würden. Dies würde die Kolonien, die die weiße Rasse aufgebaut hatte, befreien und die asiatischen Länder zur Unabhängigkeit zwingen. Außerdem forderte die vom Krieg mit Deutschland betroffene Sowjetunion nachdrücklich ihre Teilnahme am Krieg gegen Japan.
Der US-Historiker Alan Armstrong weist darauf hin, dass Roosevelt fünf Monate vor dem Angriff auf Pearl Harbor einen Plan für eine Operation gegen Japan mit dem Codenamen JB-355 genehmigt hatte.
Der Plan war, dass "die Vereinigten Staaten China mit 350 Kampfflugzeugen und 150 Bombern versorgen und Chiang Kai-shek zwingen würden, amerikanische Piloten einzustellen, um massive Luftangriffe vom chinesischen Festland in verschiedene Teile Japans zu starten.
Der Plan wurde jedoch verzögert, da die Flugzeuge an die angespannte europäische Front umgeleitet wurden und der japanische Angriff auf Pearl Harbor an erster Stelle stand. Hoover hat die Existenz dieser Operation in seinem oben erwähnten Buch anerkannt.
Der wahre Kriegsverbrecher der Klasse A, der das "Verbrechen des Friedens" begangen hat, indem er den Krieg begonnen hat, war Roosevelt.
Dieser Artikel wird fortgesetzt.

Además, no había perdido el orgullo y el espíritu de ser japonesa.

2020年08月31日 14時10分54秒 | 全般

Había un papel que descubrí esta mañana cuando estaba buscando algo.
Este artículo y su autor eran completamente nuevos para mí.
Me sentí aliviado al saber que el autor era un graduado de la Facultad de Economía de la Universidad de Tokio y un miembro activo de ITOCHU Corporation, además de la excelencia de su artículo.
Después de ingresar a la fuerza laboral, conocí a dos de mis mejores amigos de por vida.
Ambos eran empleados de ITOCHU Corporation.
Ambos eran hombres de negocios extremadamente talentosos, por lo que ambos ocupaban puestos críticos en la empresa.
En los últimos años, el nombre de la empresa ha aparecido en el discurso junto con las declaraciones pro China de Uichiro Niwa, lo que me ha dejado incómodo.
Sentí que la fuerza de una empresa comercial radica en el hecho de que cada uno de sus empleados es, en cierto sentido, un gerente de una pequeña empresa.
Su capacidad para observar los balances de sus clientes y comprender instantáneamente el estado de la empresa fue asombrosa.
También puede verificar cada detalle de una cotización de construcción grande y determinar si el precio es apropiado, algo que incluso los principales contratistas generales de Japón se horrorizarían.
Sentí que su fuerza era la trinidad de inteligencia, poder y energía que constituían la fuerza de Japón.
El mensaje corporativo de ITOCHU Corporation, "Un comerciante, una miríada de misiones", cuelga de la red trasera del Estadio Jingu, el campo de juego de Yakult, y siempre pensé que era exactamente correcto cuando lo veía.
El autor del párrafo inicial, el Sr. Takehiko Aoyagi, tiene una breve biografía.
Anteriormente fue profesor en la Universidad Internacional de Japón.
Nació en la ciudad de Kiryu, prefectura de Gunma, en 1934. Se graduó de la escuela secundaria Kiryu de la prefectura de Kiryu.
Se graduó de la Facultad de Economía de la Universidad de Tokio en 1958 y se unió a Itochu Corporation.
Se desempeñó como Gerente General del Departamento de Productos Alimenticios de la Sucursal de Sydney de ITOCHU Corporation, Gerente General del Departamento de Productos Agrícolas de la Oficina Central de ITOCHU Corporation. Como Director de ITOCHU Systems Development Corporation.
De 1985 a 1997, fue presidente y presidente de Nippon Telematique, una empresa conjunta entre ITOCHU y NTT.
De 1995 a 2006 fue subdirector y profesor de la Universidad Internacional de Japón GLOBECOM, y de 2006 a 2016 fue profesor invitado en la misma universidad.
Sus áreas de investigación incluyen economía, administración de empresas, finanzas, sociedad de la información, derecho, política internacional y teoría de la seguridad, y es un generalista autoproclamado en ciencias sociales.
Es el autor de "Estrategia Videtex" (Ciencia de la información), "Sociedad de vigilancia cibernética" (Asociación para el avance de las telecomunicaciones), "La sobreprotección de la información personal destruye Japón" (Softbank Shinsho), "Investigación de la privacidad en la era de la información" (NTT Publishing) , "Roosevelt traicionó al pueblo estadounidense y arrastró a Japón a la guerra" (Heart Publishing), "La historia de Japón retorcida por Estados Unidos para desarmar psicológicamente a los japoneses" (Heart Publishing), y muchos otros.
Me topé con un artículo de Aoyanagi que ganó un premio a la excelencia en el séptimo ensayo anual del concurso "Visión verdadera de la historia moderna" del Grupo APA.
Es una lectura obligada para la gente de Japón y el resto del mundo.
Hoy, en su capítulo de apertura, encontré un pasaje que encontré realmente inaceptable anoche que resume perfectamente la estructura cerebral de Arima y los otros empleados de NHK que controlan NHK / Watch9.
En primer lugar, permítanme presentarles la parte.
El título de su artículo describe la estructura cerebral de Arima y el resto del personal de NHK.
El mayor enemigo de Japón es una "visión masoquista de la historia".
~ Escapa del hechizo del WGIP
Capítulo 1: Enraizamiento de una visión masoquista de la historia
La política estadounidense de lavado de cerebro: el origen de la visión masoquista de la historia
Después de la guerra, Estados Unidos implementó una política de control mental para lavar el cerebro de los japoneses para que se sintieran culpables por la Guerra del Gran Asia Oriental.
El propósito de esta política era imprimir la noción de que debido a que los militaristas japoneses habían mentido y engañado a su pueblo para iniciar una guerra de agresión, los aliados los habían sometido a ataques aéreos e incluso les habían arrojado bombas atómicas como castigo por su engaño.
Era la propaganda de que los tribunales militares en el Lejano Oriente eran internacionalmente legales y moralmente justificados.
Así, se construyó una ficción de que el pueblo japonés era gravemente responsable de sus acciones.
El sentido de expiación que surgió de esta ficción se convirtió en una visión masoquista de la historia entre el pueblo japonés, que poseía un espíritu de arrepentimiento elegante.
Ha seguido ampliándose y reproduciéndose hasta el día de hoy.
Cuando los japoneses se disculparon, asumieron que estaban haciendo justicia y que era demasiado noble.
Incluso iba acompañado de una especie de dulce placer y de un sentimiento trágico.

Cualquier observador atento notará que las partes del texto que he enfatizado en negro son las estructuras mismas de los cerebros de Arima, Okoshi y otros, o incluso Eriko Ikeda y otros.

El WGIP incorporando el mérito japonés
Esta política de lavado de cerebro se denominó Programa de Información sobre la Culpa de Guerra (WGIP). 1: El nombre japonés de WGIP, "Proyecto de información / culpa de guerra", fue traducido por el autor.
La culpa significa "ser consciente de ser culpable de uno mismo".
La razón por la que Estados Unidos ha estado tan ansioso por proclamar "No tenemos la culpa, Japón tiene la culpa" es que debe haber sentido una gran culpa por los eventos que llevaron a la guerra, los ataques aéreos y el bombardeos atómicos posteriores.
También deben haber tenido bastante miedo de la fuerza de Japón y la intensidad de su resistencia.
Al formular el WGIP, Estados Unidos recopiló artículos de estudios japoneses y encargó a varios nuevos académicos que lanzaran un proyecto de investigación sobre el sentimiento y la cultura japoneses.
Los colaboradores fueron Ruth Benedict, autora de Chrysanthemum and the Sword, D. C. Holtom, un estudioso del sintoísmo japonés y el antropólogo social británico Jeffrey Gawler.
Sus ensayos sobre Japón fueron poderosos y profundos por derecho propio, pero hoy en día, son algo equivocados y difíciles de entender en algunos aspectos.
GHQ hizo un gran uso de los resultados de estos estudios de Japón al formular el WGIP.
El WGIP incorporó de manera muy inteligente méritos tales como el espíritu respetuoso de la ley del pueblo japonés, la tendencia a disculparse con gracia, la reflexión humilde, la naturaleza de la expiación y las relaciones comunitarias (enfoque en la amistad y la tranquilidad).
Ha penetrado con éxito en la mente consciente de los japoneses y ha emergido como una visión espontánea y masoquista de la historia.
Sin embargo, eliminó por completo los sentimientos tradicionales como la "venganza" y el "renacimiento de la familia" que podrían conducir al patriotismo.
Se hizo para evitar que Japón volviera a emerger como una potencia fuerte en el mundo.
Este artículo continúa.

* Cualquier observador astuto reconocerá que los pasajes que he enfatizado en mi artículo son la estructura del cerebro del personal de NHK, representado por Arima y su equipo, o los mismos contenidos de los informes de NHK.

■ Implementación del WGIP
El WGIP fue emitido por el Departamento de Educación e Información Civil del GHQ el 6 de febrero de 1948, como una orden "ultrasecreta" para Japón.
Aunque el pueblo japonés estaba sufriendo la conmoción y las dificultades de perder la guerra, no necesariamente tenían un sentido de expiación por la guerra porque todavía tenían recuerdos del "diablo, los Estados Unidos y Gran Bretaña" y "disparar y matar".
Además, no había perdido el orgullo y el espíritu de ser japonés.
En su libro, "Closed Language Space" (1989), el profesor Jun Eto, de la Universidad de Keio, señaló que el objetivo de WGIP era implantar la ficción de que la Guerra del Gran Este de Asia fue una guerra de agresión entre Japón y los aliados liderados por Estados Unidos. , cuando en realidad era una guerra de agresión nacida del conflicto entre "militaristas" y "nación" en Japón.
El WGIP trató de implantar una imagen en el pueblo japonés de que la derrota de Japón en la guerra, la matanza masiva de no combatientes por bombardeos indiscriminados e incluso el lanzamiento de las bombas atómicas eran responsabilidad de los militaristas japoneses, y que Estados Unidos no era responsable de ellos porque los había castigado.
Sin embargo, las circunstancias del comienzo de la guerra se describieron en las memorias del 31 ° presidente Herbert Hoover (nota 2: Presidente Hoover: 31 ° presidente republicano de los Estados Unidos. Franklin Roosevelt fue el siguiente 32 ° presidente demócrata. Criticó a Hoover por no abordar la Gran Depresión, página 1000) nos dice un hecho precioso.
Es altamente creíble porque es el testimonio de un hombre que incluso llegó a ser presidente y tuvo acceso a los más altos secretos.
Roosevelt fue un racista extremo.
No podía soportar la idea de que los japoneses, que eran amarillos, avanzaran hacia la China continental, donde Estados Unidos se había quedado atrás, establecieran la nación Manchukuo y, además, defendieran la idea delirante de la Esfera de Co-Prosperidad de la Gran Asia Oriental. que liberaría las colonias que la raza blanca había construido y obligaría a los países asiáticos a independizarse. Además, la Unión Soviética, que estaba perturbada por la guerra con Alemania, solicitó enérgicamente su participación en la guerra contra Japón.
El historiador estadounidense Alan Armstrong señala que Roosevelt había aprobado un plan para una operación contra Japón, cuyo nombre en código era JB-355, cinco meses antes del ataque a Pearl Harbor.
El plan era que "Estados Unidos proporcionaría a China 350 aviones de combate y 150 bombarderos, y obligaría a Chiang Kai-shek a contratar pilotos estadounidenses para lanzar ataques aéreos masivos desde China continental a varias partes de Japón.
Sin embargo, el plan se retrasó porque los aviones se desviaron hacia el tenso frente europeo, y el ataque japonés a Pearl Harbor fue lo primero. Hoover reconoció la existencia de esta operación en su libro mencionado anteriormente.
El verdadero criminal de guerra de Clase A que cometió el "crimen de la paz" al comenzar la guerra fue Roosevelt.
Este artículo continúa.

Inoltre, non aveva perso l'orgoglio e lo spirito di essere giapponese.

2020年08月31日 14時06分37秒 | 全般

C'era un giornale che ho scoperto stamattina mentre cercavo qualcosa.
Questo articolo e il suo autore erano assolutamente nuovi per me.
Sono stato sollevato di apprendere che l'autore era un laureato della Facoltà di Economia dell'Università di Tokyo e un membro attivo di ITOCHU Corporation, oltre all'eccellenza del suo articolo.
Dopo essere entrato nel mondo del lavoro, ho incontrato due dei miei migliori amici per la vita.
Erano entrambi dipendenti di ITOCHU Corporation.
Erano entrambi uomini d'affari di grande talento, motivo per cui entrambi hanno ricoperto posizioni critiche nell'azienda.
Negli ultimi anni, il nome dell'azienda è apparso nel discorso accanto alle dichiarazioni pro Cina di Uichiro Niwa, il che mi ha lasciato a disagio.
Ho sentito che la forza di una società commerciale sta nel fatto che ognuno dei suoi dipendenti è, in un certo senso, il manager di una piccola impresa.
La loro capacità di esaminare i bilanci dei propri clienti e di cogliere immediatamente lo stato dell'azienda era sbalorditiva.
Può anche controllare ogni dettaglio di una grande offerta di costruzione e determinare l'adeguatezza del prezzo, cosa che persino i principali appaltatori generali del Giappone sarebbero inorriditi.
Sentivo che la loro forza era la trinità di intelligenza, potere ed energia che costituiva la forza del Giappone.
Il messaggio aziendale di ITOCHU Corporation, "Un mercante, una miriade di missioni", è appeso alla rete posteriore dello stadio di Jingu, il campo di casa di Yakult, e ho sempre pensato che fosse esattamente giusto ogni volta che lo vedevo.
L'autore del paragrafo di apertura, il signor Takehiko Aoyagi, ha una breve biografia.
In precedenza era professore presso l'Università Internazionale del Giappone.
È nato nella città di Kiryu, nella prefettura di Gunma, nel 1934. Si è diplomato alla scuola superiore della prefettura di Kiryu di Kiryu.
Si è laureato alla Facoltà di Economia dell'Università di Tokyo nel 1958 ed è entrato a far parte della Itochu Corporation.
È stato direttore generale del dipartimento prodotti alimentari della filiale di Sydney di ITOCHU Corporation, direttore generale del dipartimento prodotti agricoli della sede centrale di ITOCHU Corporation. In qualità di Direttore di ITOCHU Systems Development Corporation.
Dal 1985 al 1997 è stato Presidente e Presidente di Nippon Telematique, una joint venture tra ITOCHU e NTT.
Dal 1995 al 2006 è stato vicedirettore e professore presso l'Università internazionale del Giappone GLOBECOM e dal 2006 al 2016 è stato professore in visita presso la stessa università.
Le sue aree di ricerca includono economia, amministrazione aziendale, finanza, società dell'informazione, diritto, politica internazionale e teoria della sicurezza, ed è un generalista autoproclamato nelle scienze sociali.
È autore di "Videtex Strategy" (Information Science), "Cyber ​​Surveillance Society" (The Telecommunications Advancement Association), "Personal Information Overprotection Destroys Japan" (Softbank Shinsho), "Privacy Research in the Information Age" (NTT Publishing) , "Roosevelt tradì il popolo americano e trascinò il Giappone in guerra" (Heart Publishing), "La storia del Giappone stravolta dall'America per disarmare psicologicamente i giapponesi" (Heart Publishing) e molti altri.
Mi sono imbattuto in un articolo di Aoyanagi che ha vinto un premio di eccellenza nel settimo saggio annuale del concorso "True View of Modern History" del Gruppo APA.
È una lettura obbligata per il popolo del Giappone e del resto del mondo.
Oggi, nel suo capitolo di apertura, ho trovato un passaggio che ieri sera ho trovato davvero inaccettabile che riassume perfettamente la struttura cerebrale di Arima e gli altri dipendenti NHK che controllano NHK / Watch9.
Prima di tutto, lascia che ti presenti la parte.
Il titolo stesso del suo articolo descrive la struttura cerebrale di Arima e del resto dello staff NHK.
Il più grande nemico del Giappone è una "visione masochista della storia".
~ Fuggi dall'incantesimo del WGIP
Capitolo 1: Radicamento di una visione masochista della storia
La politica statunitense sul lavaggio del cervello: l'origine della visione masochista della storia
Dopo la guerra, gli Stati Uniti hanno implementato una politica di controllo mentale per fare il lavaggio del cervello al popolo giapponese facendogli sentire in colpa per la Grande Guerra dell'Asia Orientale.
Lo scopo di questa politica era quello di imprimere l'idea che, poiché i militaristi giapponesi avevano mentito e ingannato il loro popolo per iniziare una guerra di aggressione, erano stati sottoposti a raid aerei da parte degli Alleati e avevano persino lanciato bombe atomiche su di loro come punizione per il loro inganno.
Era la propaganda che i tribunali militari in Estremo Oriente fossero legali a livello internazionale e moralmente giustificati.
Così, è stata costruita una finzione che il popolo giapponese fosse gravemente responsabile delle loro azioni.
Il senso di espiazione emerso da questa finzione divenne una visione masochista della storia tra il popolo giapponese, che possedeva uno spirito di grazioso rimorso.
Ha continuato ad amplificarsi e riprodursi fino ai giorni nostri.
Quando i giapponesi si sono scusati, hanno pensato di fare giustizia e che fosse troppo nobile.
Era anche accompagnato da una sorta di dolce piacere oltre che da una sensazione tragica.

Qualsiasi osservatore attento noterà che le parti del testo che ho sottolineato in nero sono le strutture stesse del cervello di Arima, Okoshi e altri, o anche di Eriko Ikeda e altri.

Il WGIP che incorpora il merito giapponese
Tale politica di lavaggio del cervello è stata chiamata War Guilt Information Program (WGIP). 1: Il nome giapponese di WGIP, "War Guilt / Information Project", è stato tradotto dall'autore.
Colpa significa "essere consapevoli di essere colpevoli di se stessi.
Il motivo per cui gli Stati Uniti sono stati così ansiosi di proclamare "Non siamo colpevoli, il Giappone è colpevole" è che devono essersi sentiti molto in colpa per gli eventi che hanno portato alla guerra, ai raid aerei e al successivi bombardamenti atomici.
Dovevano anche aver avuto paura della forza del Giappone e dell'intensità della sua resistenza.
Nel formulare il WGIP, gli Stati Uniti hanno raccolto documenti di studi giapponesi e incaricato diversi nuovi studiosi di lanciare un progetto di ricerca sul sentimento e la cultura giapponesi.
I contributori erano Ruth Benedict, autrice di Chrysanthemum and the Sword, D. C. Holtom, uno studioso di shintoismo giapponese e l'antropologo sociale britannico Jeffrey Gawler.
I loro saggi sul Giappone erano di per sé potenti e approfonditi, ma oggigiorno sono in qualche modo fuorvianti e difficili da capire sotto alcuni aspetti.
GHQ ha fatto un grande uso dei risultati di questi studi sul Giappone nella formulazione del WGIP.
Il WGIP ha incorporato in modo molto intelligente meriti come lo spirito rispettoso della legge del popolo giapponese, la tendenza a chiedere scusa con grazia, l'umile riflessione, la natura dell'espiazione e le relazioni comunitarie (attenzione all'amicizia e alla tranquillità).
È penetrato con successo nella mente coscienziosa giapponese ed è emerso come una visione spontanea e masochista della storia.
Tuttavia, ha eliminato completamente i sentimenti tradizionali come "vendetta" e "rinascita della famiglia" che potrebbero portare al patriottismo.
È stato fatto per impedire che il Giappone emergesse di nuovo come una potenza forte nel mondo.
Questo articolo continua.

* Qualsiasi osservatore astuto riconoscerà che i passaggi che ho sottolineato nel mio articolo sono o la struttura cerebrale dello staff di NHK, rappresentata da Arima e il suo team, o gli stessi contenuti dei rapporti di NHK.

■ Attuazione del WGIP
Il WGIP è stato emesso dal Dipartimento per l'informazione e l'istruzione civile del GHQ il 6 febbraio 1948, come ordine "top secret" per il Giappone.
Sebbene i giapponesi soffrissero per lo shock e le difficoltà di perdere la guerra, non avevano necessariamente un senso di espiazione per la guerra perché avevano ancora ricordi del "diavolo, degli Stati Uniti e della Gran Bretagna" e di "sparare e uccidere".
Inoltre, non aveva perso l'orgoglio e lo spirito di essere giapponese.
Nel suo libro "Closed Language Space" (1989), il Prof. Jun Eto, della Keio University, ha sottolineato che l'obiettivo del WGIP era quello di impiantare la finzione che la Grande Guerra dell'Asia Orientale fosse una guerra di aggressione tra il Giappone e gli alleati guidati dagli Stati Uniti. , quando in realtà era una guerra di aggressione nata dal conflitto tra "militaristi" e "nazione" in Giappone.
Il WGIP ha cercato di impiantare nel popolo giapponese un'immagine che la sconfitta del Giappone nella guerra, l'uccisione di massa di non combattenti con bombardamenti indiscriminati e persino il lancio delle bombe atomiche erano tutte responsabilità dei militaristi giapponesi e che gli Stati Uniti non era responsabile per loro perché li aveva puniti.
Tuttavia, le circostanze dell'inizio della guerra furono descritte nelle memorie del trentunesimo presidente Herbert Hoover (nota 2: Presidente Hoover: il trentunesimo presidente repubblicano degli Stati Uniti. Franklin Roosevelt fu il successivo trentaduesimo presidente democratico. Criticò Hoover per mancando di affrontare la Grande Depressione, pagina 1000) ci dice un fatto prezioso.
È altamente credibile perché è la testimonianza di un uomo che è persino diventato presidente e ha avuto accesso ai segreti più alti.
Roosevelt era un razzista estremo.
Non poteva sopportare l'idea che i giapponesi, che erano gialli, sarebbero avanzati nella Cina continentale, dove gli Stati Uniti erano rimasti indietro, avrebbero stabilito la nazione Manchukuo e, inoltre, avrebbero sostenuto l'idea delirante della Grande Sfera di Co-Prosperità dell'Asia Orientale, che avrebbe liberato le colonie che la razza bianca aveva costruito e costretto i paesi asiatici a diventare indipendenti. Inoltre, l'Unione Sovietica, turbata dalla guerra con la Germania, ha chiesto con forza la loro partecipazione alla guerra contro il Giappone.
Lo storico statunitense Alan Armstrong sottolinea che Roosevelt aveva approvato un piano per un'operazione contro il Giappone, nome in codice JB-355, cinque mesi prima dell'attacco a Pearl Harbor.
Il piano era che "gli Stati Uniti avrebbero fornito alla Cina 350 aerei da combattimento e 150 bombardieri, e avrebbero costretto Chiang Kai-shek ad assumere piloti americani per lanciare massicci raid aerei dalla Cina continentale a varie parti del Giappone.
Tuttavia, il piano fu ritardato perché gli aerei furono dirottati sul teso fronte europeo e l'attacco giapponese a Pearl Harbor venne per primo. Hoover ha riconosciuto l'esistenza di questa operazione nel suo libro di cui sopra.
Il vero criminale di guerra di classe A che ha commesso il "crimine di pace" iniziando la guerra è stato Roosevelt.
Questo articolo continua.

Shortly after the peace treaty came into effect, a national movement was calling for

2020年08月31日 10時00分29秒 | 全般

I have never seen NHK's entertaining programs with Ichiro Furutachi on air for a hefty sum of money. Still, I have never seen them and never will, because I was a subscriber to the Asahi Shimbun until August of six years ago, and I continued to watch the TV Asahi news station that he hosted.
I have an abhorrence and regret for that time and anger towards them.
I cannot forgive Furutachi, who represented the Asahi Shimbun, a pseudo-moralist who kept earning more than a billion yen a year and kept on deceiving the viewers.
The NHK, which pays such a man a tremendous amount of money to invite him to the NHK, tells their story, even though they are companions in crime.
This chapter also proves that my anger is justified.
The following is a continuation of the previous chapter.
The Problem of Yasukuni Shrine Visitation
Until Prime Minister Nakasone in 1985, Japanese prime ministers had visited the shrine about 60 times, but China and South Korea had never protested until then.
At present, China says that if the prime minister stops visiting the Yasukuni Shrine, Japan-China relations will be significantly improved, but this is absolutely not true.
It is not valid. The issue of visiting the Yasukuni Shrine is a "spiritual problem" for Japanese people.
If people are intimidated by foreign countries to stop visiting the shrine, there will never be a partisan resistance movement even if Japan is occupied.
Some people, not only Chinese and Korean but even Japanese, have suggested that the prime minister refrains from visiting the shrine or building a separate facility because of the enshrinement of "so-called class war criminals," but this is deplorable.
As a result of the circumstances described below, there are no "so-called class war criminals" in Japan domestically or internationally.
Shortly after the peace treaty came into effect, a national movement was calling for the "rescue, commutation, and repatriation of war criminals" was launched. The signatures of some 40 million people, about half of the Japanese population, were collected.
Regardless of whether they were conservative or reformist, both houses of parliament almost unanimously adopted a resolution to pardon the convicts.
As a result, on August 6, 1953, the Japanese government amended the Law for the Relief of War Injured, Sick, and War Dead Bereaved Families, etc., as of August 6, 1953.
This act canceled the treatment of ABC class war criminals as criminals. It made it possible to pay bereaved family pensions and condolence money to those who had been wounded, sick, or killed in public service during the war as if they had died in public service.
This resolution and the amendment to the Law are contrary to the original purpose of Article 11 of the same peace treaty, which was to prevent the pardon of war criminals.
Nevertheless, the Allied nations approved it equally because they later regretted that such a provision was contrary to international Law.
Thus, from the fall of 1978, the former "so-called class war criminals" were enshrined at Yasukuni Shrine.
The following year, Prime Minister Ohira visited the shrine twice.
The following year, Prime Minister Ohira visited the shrine twice, and when he visited China, he was given a warm welcome.
However, in August 1985, Chihiro Kato, a correspondent of the Asahi Shimbun, began a series of hysterical anti-Japanese articles such as "'Yasukuni' issue, eyes of Asian countries," "Pre-war regression" and "Revival of militarism."
On August 15, an article based on an interview with the Chinese Foreign Ministry titled "China Criticized for Hurting Asians" was published, a definite escalation of the issue.
On August 26 of the same year, a delegation led by Makoto Tanabe, Secretary-General of the Socialist Party of Japan, visited China and said, "Prime Minister Nakasone is in danger of becoming a military power. Are you guys, unconcerned! He incited to do so.
In response, Vice Premier Yao Yilin issued a statement criticizing Nakasone the next day, on the 27th.
It was the first time China had officially criticized the Yasukuni visit.
Prime Minister Nakasone had visited the shrine a total of nine times by April 22, 1985, but he stopped visiting the shrine following this critical statement.
When President Clinton visited Japan in April 1996, he requested to visit the Yasukuni Shrine.
However, the Japanese Foreign Ministry refused his request.
When President Bush visited Japan in February 2002, he also expressed his wish to visit the Yasukuni Shrine with Prime Minister Koizumi in advance.
Prime Minister Koizumi agreed, but the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has once again seized on the idea.
The Foreign Ministry's letting sleeping dogs lie is just appalling.
If both presidents had made their visits to Yasukuni Shrine, there might not have been the relentless protests from China and South Korea that followed.
Requested by the South Korean Ministry of Foreign Affairs: the testimony of Nobuo Ishihara, then Deputy Chief Cabinet Secretary. Sankei Shimbun, January 18, 2014, "One Brush with Many Arguments: 'War Criminals' Problem Settled by Predecessors," by Keiichiro Nakazhizuka, "Amendments to the Law on Relief for Bereaved Families of War Injuries, Illnesses, and War Dead: Law No. 127 of April 30, 2015.
Article 11 of the Peace Treaty: The State of Japan shall accept the judgments of the International Military Tribunal for the Far East and the other Allied war crimes tribunals, domestic and foreign, and shall execute the sentences imposed by these tribunals on Japanese nationals detained in Japan. The power to pardon, commute, and parole such detainees may not be exercised except upon the decision of one or more of the governments imposing the sentence in each case and upon the State of Japan's recommendation. Concerning persons sentenced by the International Military Tribunal for the Far East, this power may not be exercised except based on a decision of a majority of the governments represented at the tribunal and on the recommendation of the State of Japan. (Translation by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. (Translation by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs; however, the term "judges ents" is used for "various judgments").
Chihiro Kato, a reporter for the Asahi Shimbun, is the Chief Editor of the China General Bureau and an editorial board member.
Since 2010 he has been a professor at the Graduate School of Global Studies, Doshisha University.
He is the main culprit in shaming Japan by turning the Yasukuni Shrine issue into an international problem.


it is a popular page

2020年08月31日 09時10分12秒 | 全般




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It is because the states of evil, hear no evil, and speak no evil continue.


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中国が自分達の大過誤に対して世界中から損害賠償請求されないように必死になって嘘のプロパガンダを繰り広げている態様と、 この二人の態様は表裏一体の関係なのである


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those who perform distinguished services do not conspire with others


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Only after reading the book will you know what a data collection is and what a news report is


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「ピースボート」 の実質的主宰者は朝鮮総聯、 船籍は北朝鮮であることを割り出した。


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2020-05-06 19:36:12




2020-05-01 17:27:26

it is a popular page yesterday

2020年08月31日 09時07分13秒 | 全般
























De behandler ikke de lavere klasser som mennesker, så de havde ingen


De behandlar inte de lägre klasserna som människor, så de hade inget
















TBSが反日的報道をする理由を知っていますか? 元TBS社員の独り言 「うちの局がこんなになってしまった経緯をお話しましょう」


Hänellä on oikea silmä yksityiskohtiin.




以下の3名。①読売新聞 越前谷知子、と題して2018-05-30に発信した章が、今、アメーバで公式ハッシュタグランキング:アルゼンチン6位に入っている


To put it bluntly, neither of those things is good in reality.


以下はリアルタイムのベスト10である。2020/8/24, pm 6:00






Hon har rätt öga för detaljer.














「ピースボート」 の実質的主宰者は朝鮮総聯、 船籍は北朝鮮であることを割り出した。








韓国語は福沢諭吉がつくった… 漢字ハングル交じりの近代韓国語の成立に、決定的な役割を果たしたのは福沢諭吉でした。


教育による自虐史観の刷りこみ~亡国の教科書検定制度 …GHQは、「教育の民主化」の名の下に共産主義者や社会主義者を取り込んで教育の左傾化を計った。














Instead of saying something like you're not confident that


who should have been forced to immediately cease publication and compensate for




it is a popular page yesterday on ameba

2020年08月31日 08時59分41秒 | 全般






















以下はgooにおけるリアルタイムのベスト10である。2020/3/23,pm 9:30




























































It is a popular page on goo








激務の安倍首相を尻目に屁理屈・無責任・不誠実を哂す野党議員の実名  旅行で国会欠席




































De behandler ikke de lavere klasser som menneske




147日間も連続して仕事をして体調を崩した安倍首相、 それを好機ととらえた倒閣クーデターに等しい




Another State of Emergency Declaration 




























以下はgooにおけるリアルタイムのベスト10である。pm 8:55

















以下はgooにおけるリアルタイムのベスト10である。pm 10:30












Isn't there an inconvenient truth for China?










no exaggeration to say that it all began with misinformation and fabrication by the Asahi Shimbun

2020年08月31日 07時58分23秒 | 全般

The following is a continuation of the previous chapter.
The Comfort Women Issue
The comfort women issue is complete fiction.
Even in Korean textbooks, there is no mention of it before 1996.
It is no exaggeration to say that it all began with misinformation and fabrication by the Asahi Shimbun.
The Asahi Shimbun finally admitted the error and retracted the article in its August 5, 2014 edition.
The paper also acknowledged that Yoshida Seiji's testimony that he had forced the comfort women to come to Japan, which the Asahi had covered 16 times, was false.
But there was no apology, and it was a bunch of excuses.
It is inexcusable that the Asahi Shimbun has continued to display a masochistic view of history for 35 years without corrections.
Prof. Yoshiaki Yoshimi of Chuo University claimed to have discovered documents that indicated the military's involvement, and the Asahi Shimbun widely reported it as a "major discovery."
In reality, however, the military was involved in fulfilling its social responsibility to (1) protect local women, (2) solve the sexual problems of soldiers, and (3) prevent the spread of STDs.
It is not a document that shows categorically that being moved forcibly.
When the 1993 Kono Statement was released, the investigation did not produce anything to indicate that the military did being moved forcibly.
However, the South Korean Foreign Ministry insisted that since this was a matter of honor for the former comfort women, we would like you to include words suggesting coercion. If you do so, we will not cause any future problems, including compensation. To this end, the Japanese government showed the draft of the statement to the South Korean side in advance and adjusted the text to be read as if the military had forcibly abducted the comfort women.
It intended to take a "gentle, adult approach" and bring a political settlement to the issue in one fell swoop, but it backfired on it completely.
Later in the day, Congressman Mike Honda, who proposed a resolution in the U.S. House of Representatives demanding an apology, was asked on Japanese television about the basis for the forced renditions, and he replied, "There's a comment in the form of the Kono Statement. Why did the Japanese prime minister make a sincere apology? 
If this continues, the Kono Statement will continue to insult Japan forever.
... is being quoted and walked around all by himself.
Kazuo Sone: His three-part memoir on the Nanking Massacre, "Nanking Massacre: A War Story Not Included in Military History" (1984), was published by Sairyusha in 1984, but was a complete creation.
In this memoir, he wrote that he participated in the battle as a commander of an infantry squad, committed and witnessed the massacre himself after the fall of Nanking, and so on.
However, it was revealed that he was actually a first-year artillery soldier. Only a portion of his unit participated in the Nanking entry ceremony, but not even in the castle.
It is Tamaki Matsuoka: Formerly an elementary school teacher in Matsubara, Osaka.
She is the author of numerous books as a researcher on the Nanking Massacre.
Among them is The Battle of Nanking: In Search of Closed Memories, in which she wrote about the numerous atrocities committed by 102 former Japanese soldiers in China.
The Asahi and Mainichi newspapers praised the book and urged the Japanese people to reflect on their actions.
However, Professor Shudo Higashinakano of the University of Asia pointed out that all the soldiers' names were pseudonyms, unverifiable, and full of mistakes.
Yoshimi and Chuo University Professor Yoshimi's discovery of the material: In 1992, Professor Yoshimi made a copy of a document he had read in the library of the National Institute for Defense Studies, the National Defense Agency, and handed it to a reporter from the Asahi Shimbun, commenting that "the military's involvement was apparent and that an apology and compensation should be made.
The Asahi Shimbun reported this as 'a major discovery' and stated in an editorial on the same day that 'Korean women were forcibly taken away in the name of the volunteer corp' and that 'the number is said to be between 80,000 and 200,000.'

There was a paper I discovered the other day when I was searching for something.

2020年08月30日 23時27分17秒 | 全般

There was a paper I discovered the other day when I was searching for something.
This paper and its author were utterly new to me.
I was relieved to learn that the author was a graduate of the University of Tokyo's Faculty of Economics and an active member of ITOCHU Corporation, in addition to the excellence of his paper.
After I entered the workforce, I met two of my best friends for life.
They were both employees of ITOCHU Corporation.
They were both extremely talented businessmen, which is why they both held critical positions in the company.
In recent years, the company's name has appeared in the discourse alongside Uichiro Niwa's pro-China statements, which has left me feeling uncomfortable.
I felt that the strength of a trading company lies in the fact that every one of its employees is, in a sense, a manager of a small business.
Their ability to look at their clients' balance sheets and instantly grasp the company's state was astounding.
He can also check every detail of a large construction quotation and determine the price's appropriateness, something that even Japan's leading general contractors would be appalled.
I felt that their strength was the trinity of intelligence, power, and energy that made up Japan's strength.
The corporate message of ITOCHU Corporation, "One merchant, a myriad of missions," hangs on the back net of the Jingu Stadium, Yakult's home field, and I always thought it was exactly right whenever I saw it.
The author of the opening paragraph, Mr. Takehiko Aoyagi, has a brief biography.
He was formerly a professor at the International University of Japan.
He was born in Kiryu City, Gunma Prefecture, in 1934. He graduated from Kiryu Prefectural Kiryu High School.
He graduated from the University of Tokyo Faculty of Economics in 1958 and joined Itochu Corporation.
He served as the General Manager of the Food Products Department of the Sydney Branch of ITOCHU Corporation, the General Manager of the Agricultural Products Department of the Head Office of ITOCHU Corporation. As a Director of ITOCHU Systems Development Corporation.
From 1985 to 1997, he was President and Chairman of Nippon Telematique, a joint venture between ITOCHU and NTT.
From 1995 to 2006, he was the deputy director and professor at the International University of Japan GLOBECOM, and from 2006 to 2016, he was a visiting professor at the same university.
His research areas include economics, business administration, finance, information society, law, international politics, and security theory, and he is a self-appointed generalist in the social sciences.
He is the author of "Videtex Strategy" (Information Science), "Cyber Surveillance Society" (The Telecommunications Advancement Association), "Personal Information Overprotection Destroys Japan" (Softbank Shinsho), "Privacy Research in the Information Age" (NTT Publishing), "Roosevelt Betrayed the American People and Dragged Japan into War" (Heart Publishing), "The History of Japan Twisted by America to Psychologically Disarm the Japanese" (Heart Publishing), and many others.
I stumbled upon a paper by Aoyanagi that won an award of excellence in the APA Group's seventh annual "True View of Modern History" competition essay.
It is a must-read for the people of Japan and the rest of the world.
Countless passages perfectly describe Arima's brain structure and the NHK employees who control NHK/Watch 9, which I found truly inexcusable the other night.
Why the Japanese have so quickly fallen prey to WGIP
First, because the WGIP was cleverly concealed and executed in secret, the Japanese did not even know the brainwashing program existed.
The U.S. introduced the idea of democracy in a big way, so it took a central place in post-war Japan's ideology and educational philosophy.
Never in their wildest dreams did the Japanese people realize that GHQ, its headquarters, promoted brainwashing by denying "freedom of speech."
Second, much of what GHQ propagated was wartime secrecy, and since all military history was destroyed, the Japanese had no way of verifying the truth.
For this reason, the Japanese people believed without a doubt that the militarists lied and deceived the public.
Third, almost all of the academics the Japanese rely on have uncritically and unreservedly accepted the Tokyo Trials' history and have even published articles and books that actively support this view, adding to the confusion.
In particular, significant historians supported Tokyo Tribunal's view of history and published a series of studies that looked at the entire history of Japan's past in a negative light.
Many of the students taught by these scholars became teachers and taught their children a masochistic view of history.
This view of the history of the Tokyo Trials was inculcated into the younger generation through historical education.
In his book, Nagahara Keiji, Professor Emeritus of Hitotsubashi University, the chairman of the Society for Historical Research, goes so far as to say that "Japanese history was taught to see history correctly by the Tokyo Trials.
The reality is that, with a few exceptions, the historical academy is still firmly rooted in its support of the historical view of the Tokyo Trials.
The only people who argue for a proper understanding of history are scholars who have no connection to the world of history.
Watanabe Shoichi, a critic, and English linguist; Kō Bun'yū, a historian of Western economics; Nishio Kanji, German literature; Hasegawa Michiko, philosopher; Nakamura Akira, English literature; Sakurai Yoshiko, journalist; Ushio Masato, former Air Self-Defense Force officer; Kobori Keiichiro, German and comparative literature; Nakanishi Terumasa, European diplomatic history, and international politics; Fujiwara Masahiko, mathematician, and essayist, and the list goes on and on.
All of them are engaged in a wide range of great intellectual activities that go beyond their titles.
The same is true of the legal academy.
The Tokyo Trials' substance was that they were illegal lynchings by the victorious powers, and even the Allies were unsure of their validity.
However, Professor Kizaburo Yokota, a professor of international law at the Tokyo Imperial University's Faculty of Law and considered to be one of the world's leading authorities on international law, surprisingly argued that the Tokyo Tribunal was legitimate.
He wrote The War Crimes, uncritically accepting the Tokyo Tribunal's historical perspective and stating that "there is no doubt in my mind that there is a strong intention among almost all nations to regard the war of aggression as an international crime."
Many other legal scholars at the time followed suit like an avalanche, making the power of the WGIP tremendous.
To be continued.

He later confessed that a reporter asked him if he had anything interesting to say

2020年08月30日 23時06分36秒 | 全般

The following is a continuation of the previous chapter.
This chapter also reveals why China has kept the story of the Wuhan virus a secret.
NHK and the rest of the Japanese media are refusing to get to the bottom of the matter by being disciplined by China, revealing just how foolish and disgusting it is.  
They are the most stupid and vile people who are not even qualified to discuss the matter's truth.
The Nanking Massacre
A great deal of research has been done on the Nanking Massacre issue, but there is no time to go into all of it here.
However, I want to point out that the Chinese have a mindset of "avoidance" (hiding or avoiding), which has cast a shadow over the Nanking massacre as well.
In China, the face is more important than truth.
Therefore, anything detrimental to the nation and its families must be thoroughly hidden, even if it means bending the facts.
Lying for that purpose is not only an ethically correct act; it is even a duty.
The issue in question is the incident in 1937, during the early years of the Second Sino-Japanese War when the Japanese attacked and occupied the city of Nanking, the Chinese troops took off their uniforms, robbed the civilians of their clothes and became guerrillas, prisoners of war, and massacred civilians in large numbers.
Since Chiang Kai-shek retreated early on December 7, the Chinese army's chain of command had collapsed, and organized surrender seemed impossible.
Many Chinese soldiers left inside and outside of Nanjing City took off their uniforms, robbed the civilians of their clothes, became guerrillas, and tried to escape.
Under international law, such guerrillas did not have the right of engagement as soldiers and were not entitled to the treatment of prisoners of war if they surrendered.
As an example of the fact that both sides cannot exist as mentioned in the "Proof by contradiction" section of the previous area, some examples are shown below, marked with a star.
☆About 150 journalists and camera operators accompanied the Japanese army at the time of the fall of Nanking.
However, none of them witnessed such a massacre.
There are only reports with pictures of Japanese troops distributing food and other items to Nanjing citizens, and the citizens are happy to see it.
Accompanying journalists are: including Japanese journalists, Reuters, AP, and other Western journalists.
There was also a film crew from the U.S. Paramount News that documented Nanking's occupation, and a reporter from the North China Daily News, a British English-language newspaper.
None of them reported on the massacre, however.
Instead, the only thing reported was the sight of Japanese troops distributing food and other supplies to the citizens of Nanking, with pictures of the people of Nanking rejoicing.
Mr. Yoshio Kanazawa, a cameraman of Tokyo Nichi Nichi Shimbun, also testified, 'I have walked around Nanking, and I have never seen a massacre.'
The Asahi Shimbun also carried a photograph of the castle under the title "Nanjing Revives Peace."
☆The regime of President Wang Chao-Ming (王精衛), which was formed two years after the Japanese invasion of Nanjing, has also not mentioned the Nanjing Massacre.
If the massacre had actually taken place, the regime would have made this known to the world, but this was never the case.
☆The report sent by Vice Consul James Espy of the U.S. Consulate in Nanjing at the time to U.S. Ambassador Nelson Johnson made no mention of such a massacre.
Since the U.S. had been anti-Japanese since then, there would not have been any embellishment to cover up the fact.
☆In the "General Overview of International Propaganda Activities of the Central Propaganda Department" (1941) by the Chinese Nationalist Party, there was no mention of civilians' massacre and the massacre of prisoners of war by the Japanese army.
☆In the press conferences held almost daily by the Central Propaganda Department of the Chinese Nationalist Party, the Nanking Massacre was not even mentioned.
☆In hundreds of press conferences held by Chiang Kai-shek with foreign journalists, there was no mention of the Nanking Massacre.
The figure of 300,000 victims was mentioned in the Tokyo Tribunal, but it is an unfounded and exaggerated figure.
Even the "History of the Pacific War," published by GHQ in Japanese newspaper after the war, wrote the figure at 20,000.
300,000 is comparable to the number of deaths from the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
The work of disposing of the bodies and the paperwork alone is not a number that could be handled without being recorded.
*Haruki Murakami wrote that the number was not 300,000, maybe more*.
Numerous books and memoirs filled with a masochistic view of history have been published on this incident from the Japanese side, all of which serve as documents for Japan's Chinese attack.
Professor Tomio Hora of Waseda University provided them, Asahi Shimbun reporter Honda Katsuichi, Professor Ienaga Saburo of Tokyo University of Education, former soldier Tadokoro Kozo, former soldier Sone Hajime and Matsuoka Tamaki.
It is from How Japan Confronts China, by Shoichi Watanabe, WAC, 2013. 
Page 266
Hora Tomio: Professor of Waseda University, invited to China in 1966 and was provided with what he called the Nanking Massacre data. Based on this material, he published a series of books, including The Nanjing Massacre, Second Sino-Japanese Historical Material, and Second Sino-Japanese Material on the Nanking Atrocities Massacre, etc.. He claimed that the Nanking Massacre was a historical fact.
Honda Katsuichi: Asahi Shimbun reporter; traveled around China in 1971 for about 40 days to cover the massacre.
Saburo Ienaga: Professor at Tokyo University of Education. In addition to writing in textbooks as if the Nanking Massacre were a historical fact, he filed a lawsuit claiming that the textbook certification system itself was unconstitutional, which led to the lengthy Ienaga Textbook Trial, which began in 1965.
Kozo Tadokoro: Although he confessed to committing murder and rape himself over a period of about ten days after the fall of Nanking, research by Professor Tadao Takemoto of Tsukuba University and Professor Yasuo Ohara of Kokugakuin University pointed out that this man could not have remained in Nanking for ten days because the unit to which he belonged was transferred from Nanking two days after the fall.
He later confessed that a reporter asked him if he had anything interesting to say, so he just talked about things that never happened.
Incidentally, his words are in The Rape of Nanjing by Iris Chang...


以下はリアルタイムのベスト10である。2020/8/30, pm 5:55

2020年08月30日 17時54分38秒 | 全般


Instead of saying something like you're not confident that


the Japanese government should declare no truth to this claim.
















Why the Japanese have so quickly fallen prey to WGIP